Treasury and an Invitation

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Being able to fly makes things so much, that I hate I'm only now getting it. Me and Tuk flew right over the trees and I had thought about flying up to Xyrus, but I figured that might be weird if I didn't come back through the gate.

Landing softly back on to the grass I take quick steps to the gate, and walk through. On the other side the calming quiet of the Beast Glades is replaced with the bustling city of Xyrus. The gate guard slightly tips his helmet towards me and I give a small nod in return.

To inform the king I'm ready for my trip to the treasury I first have to get Kaspian to send out a letter for me and then in a week I should be able to go. However I might as well sell the beast cores of the various mana beasts I defeated while in the Glades. Selling beast cores is what showed what made adventuring such a lucrative profession. Even just a B rank core of the right beast could be sold to the guild for a hundred gold.

Now you have me coming in with A rank and AA rank cores, beasts of various rarities, it now starts to enter the thousands of gold range. Which means after 7 months of journeying in the deepest reaches of the beast glades I had hundreds of cores of those higher ranks. Though I don't sell them all to the adventurers guild, 1 because they would never be able to afford them all and 2 I can make even more money from them by selling them at my dad's auction house as Rez.

Greedy nobles will triple or sometimes even quadruple the price of certain cores just to give their children a leg up in the competition. Either way after selling a few beast cores I make my way to Kaspian's office. Another perk of being S rank is that I could pretty much go to straight to his office without needing the receptionist to guide me or check with Kaspian. I did try to not abuse my perk though, as I can imagine how annoying someone barging in unannounced would be.

My soft knock is followed by.

"Come in." So step through the door and see Kaspian sitting behind his desk like normal with lots of papers scattered on his desk. I walk to the empty chair and take my seat as he just keeps staring at me, waiting to see what I want.

"I'm ready to go to the treasury." His eyes widened briefly before he nodded and pulled a rolled up paper from a drawer. He called for a receptionist who quickly entered, took the letter and left just as quickly.

"We should get a response in a couple days with a date. Now why did you come back so soon? You still had around 5 months, it's only October." Kaspian questioned as he leaned back in his chair.

"I finished the training I set out to do, and decided to cash in on my trip to the treasury. This way I can relax the next few months before mother forces me to attend Xyrus." He just nods with a sigh and leans back forward to his papers.

"Is that all then?" He asks as he begins scribbling.

"Actually no, speaking of Xyrus in fact. What about if I funded a small school for children that also had adventurer classes. It would be free to enter and the lessons in actual schooling would just be the basics, but the adventuring party would surely help a lot of new adventurers." Kaspian stops writing and looks back to me before massaging his temples.

"It wouldn't hurt that's for sure, but you do realize the all the stuff you would have to do to run it right." I just wave my hand at that.

"I can get other people to run it, besides I could hire retired adventurers or even current adventurers to do one class a week or something. It will be for kid between 5-10 and the top scorers will get a recommendation from Rez to attend the Xyrus academy. Obviously they have to have formed their mana core, but you get the idea." Kaspian nods while continuing to think on the idea.

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