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Dream POV

Everyone left at sharp 11am. I lied on the swing with George on top of me. He was blushing in his sleep.

God he looks so adorable. Sometimes I look at him and wonder what he's dreaming of when he sleeps and smiles so comfortable.....I wished I could give him that smile and the look that's perfectly un-sad......

I sighed. I didn't realize that George was awake

(I just wrote like 65 words and am like f*ck it I am reading something I will write this later and I even have to study later)



"Good morning sleeping beauty" I greeted him brushing my hands through his soft brown hair. He groaned in response. I couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction.

"What time is it?" He mumbled not bothering to move from the position. He was still sleepy.

"12pm" I said loudly.

"Mmmmm wait what" He flinched and stood up immediately.

God he looks so cute. His messy brown hair all messed up. His eyes shining in the sunlight. His adorable little red embarrassed face. His beautiful lips. I stared at his lips. I wanted to kiss them so badly. It was getting harder and harder to resist the urge of just kissing the shorter brunette.

"Everyone must be waiting for us, I must have blocked you from moving I am so sorry. I am so stu-" George started blabbing but I just shushed him with my finger pressed against his lips being able to feel his hot breath on my skin. GOD HE IS SO HOT.

I snapped out of my thoughts and decided to talk to George first.

"Everyone else went outside to explore the city." I simply replied .

"I am so sorry, you were not able to join them because of me." He muttered. His face was getting redder with every passing second.

"No it's alright, I was gonna stay here anyways. Tommy doesn't has tape on today so I am glad you blocked me." I chuckled.

The last line made George giggle.

"Ok now seriously I am actually sorry for falling asleep on you." He said acting embarrassed. DUDE COME ON, I AM HERE THANKING YOU MENTALLY.

"And I am saying seriously that it kinda saved me from Tommy's sh*t that he would do today. And to be fair you actually slept on my shoulder. I don't really know how we ended up in the position." I ended my sentence rubbing the back of my neck.

"And besides I promised you that if you ever need someone to hug or to speak to I am always there for you." I smiled at him.

He hugged me tightly muttering a small thanks. I smiled and hugged back.

"So Georgie what should we do today?" I asked breaking the hug.

He blushed at the nickname. 

"Ummm I think shower?" He answered shyly.

"Hmmm together?" I teased. Of course he thought it was my internet personality taking over me as we flirted all the time with each other.

He started blushing so mush that his pale skin turned into a dark shade of red.

"Dream!!" He scolded me, pushing me lightly.

"Aww bummer" I pouted. He still thought I was joking, that thought made me sigh. My every single comments were making his face turn into a dark shade of red but he thought I was joking which made me upset...when will he know about my feelings for him?

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