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I dropped off Kristen to her parent's house and was on my hour long trip to Florida where the little shits were waiting for me to film Tommy's Florida vlog.

Techno was sharing his live location helping me navigate through the unknown gun loving country.

After alot of confusion and commotion with Techno who was on a call with me the whole time I finally was able to see the 6 foot three man stand at the side of the road. I drove next to him and opened a door for him urging him to get in.

He climbed in and greeted me before going back to giving me instructions. When we reached I was astounded to see the mansion trying to remember the details Dream told them all about his house which never included the size being so big. I parked my car where techno instructed me to do so we walked to the front door chatting a little. Techno just rambling about Tommy's misbehavior in the trip which I knew was obviously going to be the first conversation I have with him and wilbur other than the location guide.

We entered in through the front door and everyone looked at me like they were expecting me. I honestly just expected Tommy and wilbur to notice me first before I make any noise to gather other's attention but I was wrong I think.

Everyone dropped their current activities and hurried to me to greet me.

"PHILLLL TELL ME UK IS WAY BETTER" Tommy hugged me tightly which made me choke slightly but I allowed him to do so because if I was being honest I missed the little gremlin.

"PHILLL MY DEAR OLD MAN THANK GOD YOU FINALLY ARRIVED, NOW I CAN REST IN PEACE WHILE U BABYSIT TOMMY" Wilbur whined as he held out a duct tape to me and I realized that it was used....I still remembered the face time call we both had where he showed off his brand new duct tape bragging about his plan in Florida and I definitely remember stopping him....ok fine I was snickering with him more than stopping him.

Soon unexpectedly everyone started telling me about the activities they were doing earlier all together making me unable to understand anyone.

Skeppy was showing me his flour covered self whilst Bad shoved some muffins in my hand rambling about how they are good and homemade right out of the oven. Karl was showing me his nails and Sapnap was offering some chips from his half empty bag.

God these people should know how to talk one by one.

"Okay, Phil has plenty of time with us so how about we take things nice and slowly instead of rushing?" Techno spoke after clearing his throat to gather everyone's attention. Not gonna lie but the way he emphasized the word plenty while speaking was suspicious but I decided to shrug it off and looked at everyone....Strange, the house owner himself was absent along with George.

"Where is Dream and George?" I excused myself from their rambles and asked politely.

Everyone stuttered when I asked the question looking at each other trying to hide the panic which I was easily able to see through......They don't call me 'old' and 'dadza' for no reason.

I raised my eyebrow slightly looking at Techno who was glaring at everyone as if asking them to act properly just like a mom does to her child....strange.

"I- Err We went to swim in the ocean a few days ago and err Dream got a really bad infection on his leg because of a...seaweed, yeah seaweed and George is taking care of him." Bad answered which sounded more like a question to others around him. Ok what the fuck is happening

"Errr are you sure?" I asked growing more and more suspicious by every passing second. Everyone intensely nodded......Ok I am going to keep an eye for whatever they are trying to hide.....wait did dream and George bang or something? Well that can be one reason why they could act so weird. George was always uncomfortable with many people knowing about his love life so he might have asked em to stay low.... 

I silently laughed to myself getting to the conclusion that George and dream just made a move or something...They were meant to be.

"Ok I understand why you all are acting so weird for...Honestly it was meant to happen, both of them were so close to each other, I am happy for them but if they don't want me knowing then I will just play along with you all." I chuckled as I looked at everyone who had extremely realistic confused faces....Damn dsmp roleplay really gave them great acting skills.

"Errr Muffin?" Bad nervously giggled as he offered me a fresh out of the oven muffin trying to change subject. I laughed out loud and accepted it and complimented it following the plan to change the topic.

"So lets film the vlog first?" I asked after my compliments ended for the muffin which was extremely chocolaty and godly for my taste buds which reminded me of Kristen.

Those few words were enough for the obnoxious little gremlin child to drag me somewhere with his filming equipment set up.

"Calm down Tommy, he has enough time to film your vlog." Wilbur scolded him smacking the back of his head lightly....Strange why were everyone constantly mentioning how long I will be here often?

I decided to shrug it off and looked at my watch, deciding to leave instantly after the vlog was done not wanting to be a burden.....Well yeah that made me a little uncomfortable and made it feel like they were not ready to host me as a guest.

An hour passed by and the awkward tension in the air had dissolved into pure fun. Everyone were now part of the ylyl and taking turns, I guess all that was needed to get comfort in the environment was just some time.....

Everyone were actually extremely comfortable now and Wilbur was approaching me after being unable to make Ranboo our dark humor king laugh. When my tall mate was standing next to me, that was when I realized Tommy was right on his tail.

"Dont worry mate, you will get him next time" I comforted the two placing a hand on each of their shoulders but Tommy shook my hand off and leaned ahead to whisper something in my ear.

"Third floor, room with a dream sticker on the door. I have kept my vlog gun on the upper bunk bed, Can you get it for me?" My mate whispered in my ear making me choke on air.

"WHAT!" I shouted out loud.... Unfortunately I attracted everyone's attention including Ranboo...Okay not a bad idea I guess.


1110 words

You all were going to get some more words but the number made me stop

anyways yes the legendary vlog gun is here

andddddd nothing bruhh

anyways enjoy your day/night or whatever


love yourself <3

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