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Dream expected the first question to be something about their current situation but was caught off guard when he heard the brunette say the following words.

"Do you love me?"

If Dream was a human his heart would have skipped a beat right now with all the tension in the air.

George POV

As soon as those words left my lips a wave of paranoia went down my spine. Idk what was over me but I thought of asking that question before anything else........yeah I am insecure now shut up.

My eyes staring into the blonde's piss yellow analyzing them to find the emotions behind them. I was just super paranoid and wanted assurance.

The taller took a deep breathe and let a soft smile creep on his face just like the emotionless stupid one his character wears but this one, this meant alot. It hinted care, love, passion and alot of affection.

"More than anything in this world. " The words left his mouth while I was busy noting all the emotions in his smile. My grip around his chest tightened for any trace of lies but the heart continued to beat at the same pace.

A huge wave of relief went down my spine, it felt like a huge load was taken from my shoulders on feeling the heart beat at the same pace.

The blonde caressed my cheeks. The action signified that he understood where my question was coming from and respected it. I smiled back at him and leaned into his tough.

His hand remained on my cheek while I prepared to ask him all the questions which would help me fight all my insecurities.

"W-was th-this all...my fault? I-I m-mean I sho-ould ne-ever have d-dis-obeyed  y-you I-I it is my fault, I am so s-tupid and dumb that I let the freaking poison take over my mind and body and now all this happened because of me..I am so stupid. I dont deserve your love!!" I broke down into a burst of tears as I vented to the taller who just let me express it all instead of cutting me off and answering me when my attention was not on his heartbeat as he knew it would make me more paranoid further.

When I was done with expressing all of my insecurities and thoughts he just pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back till I stopped crying. 

In between the hug the blonde pulled my hand with a firm grip around it and placed it on his torso.

"None of this is your fault, infact the outcome would have been worse if you would have not made efforts to stop the poison. You are not stupid or any of the things you called yourself, you are fierce and courageous to be able to fight the poison for this long, the poison can go to any level to manipulate it's victim and I am so proud of you to be able to fight back.... I- I cant believe this is finally happening b-but I love you, I love you so much and I don't want to leave you and I promise I will get you out of all this.....Actually, I am the one who does not deserve you." The blonde spoke making sure the brunette's attention was on his heartbeat.

No change in the heart beats. The beating just continued at the same pace.

Author POV

The brunette was delighted to know that all those words were true. He leaned into the blonde's touch and pressed his ear against the blonde's chest feeling his heart beat slowly and steadily.

The blonde tightened the hug and ran his hands through the brunette's hair.

"I- George, I swear to god, I wanted to end all of this and till I met you, the debt and the guilt of my kingdom stopped me and forced me to keep going but now, now my endless love for you keeps me going." The blonde confessed as a knot formed in his stomach. He was never spoke about how all he did was just because of his debt and guilt but not pure loyalty to his kingdom.

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