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Sorry for no updates for a verrrrrryyyy long time

I just detached from this fandom but I think I'll complete the fanfic cuz well someone wants me to that's why

I suddenly one night thought of a theory to continue with for this story

So i think this story will not be endless and will have an end but I'll need to read this book myself again to make sure my theory does not conflict with any part

And what end would you like?
(These are just possibilities but your vote will influence the ending)

Not many PPL will pay attention but I'll make sure to catch us all up with this book with a small recap for us all

End options-

Dream leaves human world realising that his kind will be completely unstable if they have no one to lead (in this type ending there will be more two types, one where dreams periodically goes to the surface to meet his lover George or the other ending where both of their feelings and hidden and they both silently suffer)

the entire mer empire is freed from the 'poison' but everything shambles and there is no place for the Mers to live so dream finds a way for them to become half mer like him and takes them all in human world and pretends to live together like a a big long lost joint family.

Dream looses...he wins the battle against the spreading 'poison' but he just ends up obliterating every one of his kind while doing so and lives with the burden for his life and his history becomes turns into the story of Atlantis.

dream wins and is about to celebrate with his sister who finally was back to her old self but he does not realise that he had led all of them if of the little shore where none investigated the waters during the fight and one of the fisherman catches drista who later on becomes a government project which infuriates dream who was not able to save her at that time due to his fight injuries. Dreams detaches himself from social media and human world after that incident and ghosts all of his friends who were trying to contact him and help him and makes his mission to save drista and when he somehow after a lot of trying sneaks into the government facility he sees George there as a newly appointed employee.

So vote what ending you all would like.....i will try to do it but no guarantee cuz....I am moody

But I just wanna see what you all prefer

And I don't have time nowadays so i seriously can't promise y'all when the next update is but I'll try to make it soon

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