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Dream moved his hand to his wounds but immediately regretted it as soon as a flashback started.

He was forcefully detached from his sweet reality which felt more like an impossible dream and felt like was being sucked into darkness but instead of being sucked downwards he was being sucked sidewards and his arms were floating around as if he was in water but as he watched around but he was a normal human without any scales or gills....

Flashbacks are replays of a certain moment in your life you have already experienced but this was definitely nothing I had experienced.

'What was happening? Was this a vision warning me of something coming in the future? Some kind of a Clairvoyance experience of someone in danger? Some ghosts memory? WHAT IS IT? ' Thoughts went one and one about what was happening in dreams mind but the mysterious force which felt so real but fake at the same time did not stop pulling dream into the darkness.

Dream panicked and started pinching the shit out of himself knowing this is not real and not happening but it occurred to him that he was not meant to go back to reality before he was sucked in when he was barely a few meters away from the darkness.

After a few more attempts to get back to reality he gave up and let himself be eaten up by the darkness and decided to work this situation out calmly without panicking and thinking logically.

That was when He actually looked around noticing weapons scattered around the sand.....

Not just any weapons....Siren weapons. Sufficient amount to confirm what this darkness was.....

He was being sucked into a siren's lair....

This was when his brain switched up his panic mode on to extreme but it was too late and he was surrounded by darkness..

When everything around him went black he tried to accept and comprehend the fact that he was sucked in a siren's lair once he realised that this was not real and just a dream or something similar and then had a flashback to his childhood when his mother taught him about siren's.

"Clay my boy come here dear" She said with her arms wide open for Dream who swam right into her and landed right in his mother's hands who spun him around and rested on a shell which dream in her lap.

"What you will learn Today is very important and you have to remember it okay?" She spoke softly as she played with his hands. He giggled a little and nodded.

" Okay soo... You know how we stay away from bad corals? You know that ones which can kill you? " She asked waiting for him to respond.

"Yessssssss bad corals , I stay away" He giggled again as he shoke his head from side to side making his mother laugh little and continue when dream stopped shaking his head.

"There are bad merman like that and they will hurt you if you go near them okay? They look like us but they are dirtier and more dangerous with really sharp claws" She clawed her own nicely trimmed nails scaring dream a little at the siren's impression.

"The- they hurt mummy?" He asked her in a cracked voice hugging his mother even more.

She gently caressed hum continuing,"Yess that is why I want you to stay away from them. They live in a big big big dark cave and I want you to stay away from any dark cave you see okay?" She tapped Dream's nose but dream was really scared of the siren by his mother's impression.

"Mummy..I would never go in any dark cave but.......what if one got me?" He asked innocently getting a sigh from his mother.

"Honey if one got you always remember that you are a merman. A merman is smart , smarter than a Siren who think of only one thing that is violence er- hurting . Siren's are really strong and can kill you but we have the better brains and you my little pearl are a half human and half a mermaid which means you are the smartest!! I am sure my little smartie pearl will wiggle out of the siren's........grasp.." She ended the topic there with some hesitation at the end as if she saw a ghost.

A light blue coloured light fell off of Dream's mom's eyes as if it was a tear.
Smiling the woman wiped off the light like a tear and wiped it on Dream's forehead making dream giggle again.

"Mummy you never told me why you do this" he jumped on her lap making her laugh.

"It's just a tear dear. Mermaid tears are light of positivity what we call It Zhiyu" She smiled.

"Do siren's also have it?" Dream let his curiosity wander which slightly hurt his mother about this topic being brought up again but she politely answered.

"No honey siren's indicate despair so they have 'du' which makes you sad and now before you ask me anything else we have to get you to bed" She laughed it out.

"Noooooooooo" Dream yelled as he tried to wiggle out of his mother's grasp which was pulling him towards his room.

When Dream was back to his 'dream' 's reality he noticed a faint light far away.

894 words

So sorry for the long break but my laptop broke down and I have nothing to type on and I forgot what the hell was going on in my own book...and I was busy irl

And it's new year guys so best of luck for 2023, don't forget that you are loved ❤️

And yeah I'll catch up soon on my own book but i can not update much till my laptop is back because it is really annoying to write ok my mobile where the autocorrect changes correct words to some gibberish.

Sorry for the long waits again but Holy Fucking Shit

We are so close to 20k like wtf?
How i was so inactive but still so many people read so much

And sorry to some people who commented and never got and reply. I read all the comments but opening each one and replying was impossible for me on mobile

Again thank you

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