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Author POV

See now people. I am lazy and I have a exam in a week but I am too bored to study so I am writing the next part. So I am just too bored and lazy to think of an proper nightmare for George. I could have just shown like he was in the horror movie he saw but here's a fact. I am hella scared of horror movies. I once saw Anabelle trailer and till today I have made sure there was no doll anywhere around me while sleeping. The only horror movie I have seen......God why do I have such a bad memory. I dont even remember if I have ever seen a horror movie or not.......


George felt comfortable and safe in Dream's touch. But as Dream tucked him to bed George felt uncomfortable at the loss of the warmth of Dream. He tried to adjust in the bed but was not able to. As time passed by George got more and more uncomfortable.

He was staring at the ceiling. He was exhausted, but still wasn't able to sleep. After an hour or so sleep finally took over George's heavy eyes. George was now in a deep sleep. He was dreaming about something really happy, but suddenly everything went black and the sweet little dream turned to a nightmare.

It was just like the movie they were watching. And now as we discussed don't ask me what the nightmare was and don't worry the nightmare is just for some spice its not for plot.

George was flipping in his bed. This was his worst nightmare ever. He wished someone would just hug him.

'And if you ever need a hug don't forget that I am always here for you'

Those words rung in George's head in heavy rotation.


He needed Dream.

Dream's touch was the most comforting thing for him, he needed Dream so badly.

As he flipped in his bed wishing Dream was there beside him to hug him.

The nightmare was getting worse and worse by every passing second. George was too tired to wake up but too scared to sleep.

As the nightmare was at it's worst George heard someone yell loudly, "Welcome boys and girls"

George bolted up. He was struggling to breathe. He could feel Karl rubbing his back and hugging him trying to calm him down.....He needed Dream to do it, not Karl. Even though it was helping him a bit he needed Dream's warmth. He needed Dream.

He tried to calm himself but it only got worse. His head was dizzy and his vision was turning blurry. He felt lightheaded.

He was about to pass out due to the panic attack but then he felt Karl loosen his grip on George as another pair of arms wrapped around him.

George POV

Dream. He was now whispering sweet things in my ears and rubbing circles on my back trying to calm me down.

I instantly melted in his touch. My breathing slowly became normal and I stopped shaking as I leaned into dream's touch.

For the next 5 mins we stayed like that until Tubbo came in and broke the silence.

"Ranboo? Ohh there you are buddy. Yo- Ohh what happened George?" Tubbo asked.

I broke the hug and wiped my nose. I didn't realise that I was crying.

"Well I think he was having a nightmare and Ranboo shouted Welcome boys and girls while sleeping walking which might have cause George to get a panic attack. Am I right?" Karl said looking over to George who just nodded in response.

"Ohh, sorry about Ranboo. He often sleepwalks. I will make sure to lock the door before sleeping." Tubbo said nudging Ranboo in his side who was now completely awake.

"Yeah sorry" Ranboo mumbled. His face was red.

Dream chuckled and saw that I was still a bit scared of Ranboo.

"George don't worry it was just Ranboo. Your nightmare won't come true I assure you, and you can tell me everything that happened in it when your ready." Dream said in a comforting voice.

I nodded in response. How could someone not fall in love with him. Now I understand. It's not my fault that I fell for Dream. I mean c'mon he is so sweet, kind, caring and not to mention good looking.

Author POV

I am bored so why not a small POV switch. And if any writer is reading this plz tell me if you ever feel like having spectator mode while writing in Author POV. Thank you for your consideration. Quackity vibes. Sorry let's continue.

So George stared at Dream admiring his every feature which only Karl had noticed. Everyone else were now filling Bad in about the events that occurred. He heard the noise but had a tough time getting out of Skeppy's grasp, so he was a little late.

"But I have to admit Skeppy, Wilbur, Tommy and Techno are heavy sleepers. I heard the noise loud and clear from the staircase." Dream said.

At this sentence everyone else in the room laughed except Ranboo. He was now feeling super guilty about his sleepwalking.

For sometime everyone tried to convince Ranboo that it wasn't his fault. Ranboo's mood lightened up when George himself joined the others trying to convince him.

It was about 2:45 am. Everyone decided to get some sleep. Tubbo and Ranboo left first followed by Bad.

George was still hugging Dream and playing with his tshirt.

"Ahem ahem" Karl faked a cough to get their attention.

"Ohh sorry, I should get going" Dream said breaking the hug and awkwardly standing near the door rubbing his neck.

The disappointment on George's face was visible as he broke the hug.

Karl sighed, " I just wanted you two lovebirds to shift a bit. You two were taking almost the whole bed. And I don't mind you here. Just don't make out with each other too loudly" Karl ended with a smirk and slid in his side oh the bed and turned away.

George could feel his cheeks heat up. He said, " Umm I think I need a walk." acting like he didn't heard the last part. He got up and walked up to the door.

Dream piped in, " Ohh then I'll join you. I was anyways gonna go to take a walk, I was not able to sleep." He said following George as he closed the door behind him. George simply nodded and waited for Dream to lead the way.

Dream held George's hand and dragged him towards the staircase. "Lets go to the terrace garden, I have planted a lot of flowers there. I believe you will like them." George nodded as he quietly followed him.


I hope you all enjoyed

The next chapter might be published today itself but I even have a YouTube channel which is getting completely ignored. I have to focus on both.

Anyways don't forget to vote and comment your opinion.

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