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"Guys!! Just Liste-" George was now standing in front of Dream keeping everyone away from him, guarding Dream from the accusations but Dream yelled before he could say anything more.

"OUT!! I SAID OUT!!" Dream yelled in a cold, pained voice, hurting his wounded body even more but he did not care. He wanted everyone out of there. He regretted considering to enlighten the group a little. But using his vocal cords so roughly turned out as a really bad idea...

George stared back at Dream from where he was standing to see him shaking with agony.

"Out....please" Dream whispered as his wounds were on fire again.. He just clutched his torso wishing the pain would just go away, wishing someone would trust him for once. His grasp just made the pain intensify but he didn't care as he felt a little safe, he wanted to hide from the world and that was what he was trying to do now.

"You heard him" George spoke sadly as he ushered everyone out of the room, even the teens who claimed that they did believe dream. George smiled sadly at the teens who were the only ones who looked like they wanted to believe dream whereas all the adults were all narrow minded and not able to think out of the box, their imagination limited by the world. The teens were the only ones who were actually ready to accept that the tales they heard in their childhood might be true. The ones who were actually being logical and connecting the scales and fins on George to what Dream was about to tell them all. Infact they were angry on the adults who were the ones who were not yet ready to listen to dream. The teens continuously protested to go to Dream and listen to the complete story but George knew that Dream now needed some time alone.

Once the whole gang was out George was the only one left. He carefully approached Dream and moved this fingers through the blond's locks in a calming manner as the other showed no signs of letting go of the tight grip he had formed around his own body.

"Is it okay if I stay? or do you want me to go too?" George asked in a soothing voice. After not getting a response for a while he left out a sigh and was about to go but he felt a firm grip around his wrist which said it all.

"stay" he heard the blond's weak voice. He slowly nodded and sat beside Dream slowly rubbing his back with one hand and getting Dream out of his own grasp around himself but moving the hands which were wrapped tightly around dream's torso.

"Shhh it's okay...shhhh" He made calming noise as he slowly helped Dream out of the tight grasp which was surely to snap all the stitches again which would cause the poor boy even more pain as they would have to stitch it all up again for the third time. (idfk how stitches work okay?)

"It's okay" George purred as he slowly rubbed Dream's forehead to calm him down. He wished he could just hug Dream tightly and make him feel safe as that was what Dream was trying to feel a moment before but he knew that it would hurt more.


550 words

Yes I am back, I hope this break helped ppl to mourn and perhaps move on...well not entirely but partly because that was teh reason i was not updating (ignoring my writers block) because i could just not take techno out of the story and it could have hurt some people to read about him after what happened so I decided to stop for a bit

Sorry for short chapter but i was in a hurry to say that I am back

Love yourself <3

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