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Spectator mode

After a lot of efforts Dream was placed on his own bed in his rightful room. All the boys who carried him up 2 floors were panting.

After they all caught their breathes they walked back downstairs to see everyone else in a group side hug.

"Hey! we did so much work. We also deserve one" Sapnap whined opening his hands at the boys who giggled and ran to the 4 counting them in the hug. Techno was hesitant but he didn't say anything as the people beside him were Wilbur and Tommy, the only two people he was okay with maintaining physical contact with him. Phil was also one of them but currently in the trip Wilbur and Tommy were the only family figures. He smiled and melted into the touch.

After the hug was broken everyone were in a awkward silence.

"Soooooo, when will you tell us about your new......makeover?" Wilbur and Techno asked in unison.

"Erm- maybe when Dream wakes up? This will be weird for me alone to explain and I don't really know how much of the secret Dream will be okay with you all knowing as it is not really my secret.....I-I will try to answer the questions you have because it feels unfair to put you all through that" George nervously told them all trying to make it up so that none will be mad at him or Dream later for lying.

"Are you sure?" Bad asked who knew George was truly not ready to answer any questions but was surprised when the brunette in front of him nodded. He knew George was going to regret it as he saw everyone take a deep breathe ready to throw a wave of questions pilled up in their mind at the brunette.

"But does that means the 'dream' we had actually happened irl?" Techno did air quotes at the word Dream questioning the brunette.

"How long have you and Dream been keeping this secret? Did you two really think I was not capable enough to be your bestfriend and keep it?" Sapnap frowned

"How did you get these" Tommy asked fiddling with George's fins which was bugging the brunette.

"Are those permanent?" Ranboo asked pointing to the scales.

"How did Dream get that wound?" Wilbur asked crossing his arms protectively.

And more just kept on coming like a tsunami overwhelming George. Bad had predicted it all in his mind and decided to help out the poor brunette by silencing everyone.

"If you all want to ask questions one by one. Honestly I think we should give him some time." Bad announced in the room making everyone nod to signify that they understood.

Bad smiled at George and moved a little allowing George to be in the spotlight again.

"O-okay. So...erm I will answer as many questions I can remember and am comfortable with answering and please don't worry about anything illegal. Nothing from Dream's secret is illegal." George assured them all answering the most frequent question.

"Erm, I found out about this secret right after I got my leg injure-" George was about to complete the answer but was cut off by Sapnap.

"Ohh yeah what happened about it? You are able to walk perfectly and I still remember seeing dream take you back here bridal style with an injured leg." Sapnap smirked at the word bridal style looking into George's eyes watching them narrow as a blush spread on the brunette's face.

When the brunette realized he was blushing he quickly shook his head and snapped out of his thoughts and lightly pulled up his pant to let everyone see his leg as an answer. Hearing a couple of them gasp George quickly pulled his pant down and looked up.

"Yeah, it actually got....infected and the type of infection is something only Dream can tell you all about." George muttered still feeling uncomfortable getting interviewed by his friends.

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