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Author POV

He just wanted his revenge on those creatures for making his life a living hell.

But for now he had other things to sort out. He thought as he looked at the brunette helping him sit on the blood covered bed and then to the door where his friend's unconscious bodies laid on the floor

This was gonna be tough.

He took a moment to take a deep breathe and glanced at the clock. 8 am(I lost track of time and most of the chapters happened in their mind)

Well he had a few more hours left until everyone else gained consciousness. He sighed and closed his eyes and focused on letting his body get used to the pain and uttered a apology to his body as he got up and walked to the door.

George was staring at the bloody bedsheet going through another guilt trip so he did not notice Dream walking away.

Dream quietly squatted down and grabbed tommy's leg and started to drag him to his and Wilbur's room as it was the closest to his room and he was the one who weighed the lightest among the 2.

Surprisingly Sapnap was not around dream's room's door. When Dream had successfully dragged tommy to his room he saw Sapnap unconscious on the ground by the door. So before turning to his room to drag Wilbur he decided to place Sapnap on his bed first. It of course took alot of time with all the pain but he managed to do it.

He quietly continued it without letting George notice it who looked too lost in his guilt trip. Dream wanted to comfort George too but he knew his priorities.

After an hour George finally snapped out of the guilt trip and noticed dream. He immediately joined him but Dream tried to refuse the brunette's help but he knew that he needed someone to help him drag everyone else downstairs.

During the whole dragging process Dream was continuously assuring George that it was not his fault and that he was feeling completely fine......a few lies don't hurt do they?

After another 4 hr they had finally finished. Come one now, a traumatized British and a wounded merman. 4 hours is good.

Dream collapsed in his bed as soon as they returned. He did not care even if his bed was covered with blood. George sat gently beside him. He was somewhat convinced about the whole situation not being his fault but now he started to doubt it by looking at the blonde's expressions.

"I thought u were saying the truth." He mumbled.

Dream moved his hands from his forehead and turned his gaze towards the brunette and answered, "I was and still am."

"No, you lied about you being perfectly fine.....what if you lied about the-" The brunette was cut short by the blonde getting up and sitting straight.

Dream shushed him and pulled him hand and placed it on his heart. The brunette felt bad as he felt the gauze wrapped around the torso of the blonde. (I totally forgot that dream is shirtless)

"I think u need to wear a shirt......this is painful to see" the brunette mumbled. Dream noticed it and nodded.

"First listen to me" He replaced the brunette's hand on his torso near his heart. The brunette was able to feel his heart beat.

It felt so calming. The heart beat which was now George's only hope to live for. The one which had faith in him. He was now afraid of what everyone else would think of him. 

Now before the track of the brunette's thoughts could take him somewhere else Dream cut them off and started speaking in a soothing voice that sent calming and protective vibes.

"My heart always skips a beat whenever I lie...go ahead and ask me anything and I'll answer it truthfully. If I lie, my heart will skip a beat and you will know" He finished with a soft smile.

George trusted Dream but he needed proof to calm the voices in his head. He took a deep breathe and asked.

Dream expected the first question to be something about their current situation but was caught off guard when he heard the brunette say the following words. 

"Do you love me?"


704 words

Sorry for the short chapter but i was stuck in school work and family vacation

now i am back and am working on 2 books

one will be uploaded when i complete it cause now in between i was forcing myself to focus on only this book so i kinda got brainwashed bout the other book's plot but thank god i had made a few notes in the draft chapters

I really need to study the mafia for the next book


now you can follow me if you want to read the book cause it depends on my mood

if i feel like uploading one chap when it is too long since i have uploaded a chap then i will and i think following me would work perfectly as i wont make another chap just to announce that a new book is out and i am super unpredictable

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