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Spectator mode

"DREAM!" Everyone yelled in unison as they saw the dirty blonde hold his head and try to stand steadily but failing to do so and collapsing instead.

Sapnap, the closest to the blonde held him up and pulled him onto his lap, not being able to feel the gaze due to the thick pants he was wearing. Everyone else sitting on the ground around Dream except the minors who were too shocked in their places to even move.

Sapnap was constantly slapping Dreams cheeks lightly trying to make him regain consciousness whilst others rubbed his feet and palm.

Techno instead of doing the same stood up and comforted the minors assuring them that everything is okay and getting them to sit in the couch comforting their worries for the unconscious blonde till others dragged Dream away form the living room, from where the minors couldn't see him. They dragged the blond to the bean bag area and were looking over to Bad for next instructions.

"Remove his hoodie Sapnap, he is overheating" Bad instructed as he pressed the back of his hand on the unconscious one's forehead, immediately flinching at the burning sensation. At that interaction Sapnap nodded and held Dream's torso above allowing Karl, who was sitting beside him remove the hoodie. Everyone were shocked when they saw what was below the hoodie.

There laid the unconscious body of Dream in a sweatshirt which had blood spots all over it.

Karl gripped the hoodie in his hand tightly pressing it over his mouth to contain his gasp. Bad had dug his face in Skeppy's neck letting the ravenette's shirt take in his muffled sob. Skeppy's eyes were wide open threatening to drop out of his socket. Wilbur sitting there expressionless thankful that they moved the blonde out of the minor's view. He didn't know how they would react if they saw their 'Big D' in a bloody sweatshirt.

"Dream" Sapnap whispered in a broken voice as he proceeded to rip off the sweatshirt being greeted by the gauze wrapped around the blonde's complete torso.

"Wha-" Karl sobbed, not prepared for the rest so he decided to dig his head into Sapnap's neck just like Bad. Sapnap just rubbed his back once before taking a deep breath and embracing himself for the worst he could see under the gauze. He took a moment and looked into everyone else who were still looking at the unconscious one in the eye.

Skeppy had an scared look, Wilbur and Techno had an apologetic look. Techno sighed before sitting down next to Skeppy and signaling him to get bad and Karl to the couch next to the kids. Skeppy nodded and picked up bad to the couch but it didn't need any hard work for Karl who just ran to bad and hugged him.

"O-okay r-r-ready?" Sapnap stuttered looking at the others who gave a group nod and helped him unwrap the gauze.

As the the blonde's body got u wrapped the more anxiety bubbled in the rest's stomach as it started to reveal the huge wound spreading across the torso.

Once the complete gauze was unwrapped, the ugly wound stared at the shocked faces of the rest. The broken stitches making it heavily bleed, making everyone's hand bloody.

By the look of it Techno guessed the broken stitches and looked around.

"Anyone knows how to stitch in wounds?" He looked at everyone's face which was turned in his direction finally getting a sneak peek at the scene.

Bad was the only one who they knew had medical experience but everyone knew that the boy didn't have enough courage to get another glance at the blonde. He was sobbing uncontrollably into Karl's chest making the minors get more and more scared.

Wilbur sighed and assured them that Dream will be alright, he was not able to go there and hug them because of his bloody hands which would freak out everyone even more.

Sapnap pressed a hand against the wound and let his mind think about something.

"G-george knows, he-he was taught in collage." He chocked on his sob as he spoke. 

And as if on cue Tommy's head perked up. He heard a notification noise, Dream's phone's notification noise. 

He looks at the pop up and was shocked.

"WILBUR!!LOOK WHAT I FOUND" He shouted out loud taking the phone in his hand. As soon as the oldest brunette hear the voice he rushes to the kitchen, washes his hands and hurries to Tommy.

"Wh-..........." Wilbur stares blankly at the notification. He didn't know how to react. His silence attracting everyone else's attention. Bad stopped sobbing and broke the hug looking at Wilbur, along with everyone else except Sapnap who was still in the beanbag area holding Dream close.

"W-what is it?" Bad sniffled hoping for a good news.

"Feel lonely without you, message from George." Wilbur simply answered as everyone's face dropped.

"GEORGE?" Sapnap's roar was audible. He was about to ditch Dream's unconscious body and come to proof read the message for his brain to comprehend but was held back by Skeppy who tried to explain him about how Dream's blood all over them would scare the living shit out of the kids.

Sapnap tried to fight back for a while but gave up once he actually understood why Skeppy stopped him. He ran to the kitchen, washed his hands and fished his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number putting it on speaker.

"Who do you think you are calling?" Techno crossed his hands and asked. Sapnap didn't even bother to look up from the phone which continued ringing.

"I dont think calling George is a good id-" Techno was about to snatch the phone out of Sapnap's hand but was cut off midsentence.

"We need answers right now, why Dream is wounded? is George really sick? Can you answer these question?" Sapnap growled staring into Techno's soul watching the others eyes narrow in defeat.

"No, right? The only person we can go to right now is George. If he really is sick and grumpy with human contact then why would he text Dream a message about him feeling lonely? I think we should ask him directly." He stomped his foot making Techno sigh and let him continue.

The phone kept on ringing and ringing but George did not pick up. Sapnap was growing more and more impatient by every passing ring. When the call was sent to a voicemail he clenched his fist and took a deep breathe.

He was planning to let all of his emotions out in this one voicemail.

Techno already outside suggesting everyone to close their ears as a shield against the fierce voice which was about to ring through the house in a few moments.


1102 words

This chapter was a mess as I went ahead but I really wanted to do the message thing hehe

But I needed George to stitch the stiches because I don't know anyone who can do stitches.

This was a huge mess sorry

What do you want ahead? in general after the reveal.

Love you all

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