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"You see-" Dream started but stopped trying to figure out how to speak about the incident which haunted him in every single way possible. No no no no.

The recollection of the incident made guilt bubble in his stomach like a boiling acid making his insides burn. A pair of invisible hands wrapped around his shoulder, the touch being awfully familiar even if it had been years since he felt the similar embrace. The soft hands slowly traveling up to his neck keeping the soft grasp the same.

The feeling made Dream sick. He knew he was hallucinating, the memories always did this to him. Reminding him of all the wholesome and precious moments he spent with his sister. Reminding him that it was all of his fault.

A giggle rung through Dream's ears, the giggle of the little girl he grew up with. Dream's eyes wide at the voice, his hallucinations never went that far, they never made him hear anything. He was able to see the concerned brunette in front of him trying to calm him down but his body went numb, being able to feel only the invisible hands his panic attack tricked him into.

Another giggle was heard which sounded sad, slowly fading out being replaced by words.

'You did this Clay'

Stream of hot tears running down Dream's eyes at those words as the non existent grasp around him started to choke him slowly. Another pair wrapped around his head which he recognized as his mother's.

'You are the reason of the downfall'

The words running through his brain like a broken record, blocking every other real things.

The hands wrapped around his head started to slowly burn and squish his skull making Dream scream in pain which scared the living hell out of the poor brunette who was trying to help dream unknown to the fact that Dream cant hear him.

'You are the reason'

'You should have never been here with us'

'You monster'

The words swirling around him trapping him in the hurricane of words he was forever stuck in, everything seemed impossible. 

Dream protectively wrapped his hands around his head and yelled out loud managing to snap out of the hallucination which haunted him for life.

"I CAN'T" Dream yelled pushing his own body away from the brunette like he was infectious.

"I cant" he whispered the same words again letting his tears flow down freely.

"It's okay, you take your time. I wont ask you about it anymore." George slowly approached him trying not to scare him. He also had hard time with panic attacks and knew how to deal with a  person having one. This was a panic attack caused by trauma which and it was best not to speak about the trauma and to distract the person having a attack at that time

He slowly approached Dream and wrapped him in an delicate hug slowly making his grim more firm only after he had a confirmation of Dream being comfortable with his touch.

"I will wait, don't feel pressured into telling me about it. I trust you and know that you wont do anything bad to her......I just remembered that there are people in this house who are currently unconscious, when will they wake up?" George changed the topic.

"erm they will be up in sometime, we should prepare for that quick" Dream broke the hug and wiped his eyes storming out of the basement with George following him behind.

George smiled sadly as he started to follow the blonde out of the basement.

It was afternoon and they all were preparing for when all the people will wake up with all excuses ready.

Dream had carefully wrapped his wounds and put on a hoodie over his sweat shirt to hide it even if it was hot outside.

Keeping all the excuses ready. Dream was planning to try a spell to make them forget the events but he didn't have the trident and brewing the potion would take eternity.

Both of them looked around the house making sure no evidence was left but the house was too big and they had 1 hour so they decided to quickly go through the plan before taking a look.

George will play sick and refuse to meet anyone, Dream will hold them back using some of his yesterday's anger as a excuse telling then that George got an infection from the seaweed in which his leg was which is making him grumpy about people around him so much that he threw a vase at Dream in anger which can excuse dream's few visible bruises which he was not able to hide.

George was a bit annoyed about the reason but he was really not ready to meet anyone with black scales all around his body so he agreed.

They both then left. Dream went to get the lunch he ordered to make it look like he was cooking the whole time whilst George took a quick look around the floor making sure no evidence was left before running to Dreams room and locking the door and texting dream that he checked the floor when only 5 mins were remaining.

Dream smiled as he received the text. He replied with a thumbs up emoji before disposing the containers of their lunch and putting all the food in the containers he had at home.

George locked the door and turned to face Dreams room which was half fixed and not blood soaked. He was grateful to Dream who managed to somehow managed to get a old door which was lying in the basement which was an extra doors his father had bought just incase the first door setting with the buttons were messed.

"I wish I could take a shower." He mumbled to himself looking down at himself.

He was wearing dream's latest merch as it was the smallest thing dream could find. It hung loosely right to his knees and forming sweater paws. Same with sweatpants.

He decided to go in the wrecked bathroom but as he opened the bathroom. He closed the door and walked to the full body mirror Dream had in his room.

He stripped down feeling comfortable as the curtains were closed already and the only source of light was a lamp glow faintly in the corner just enough to light the room.

He stared at himself. Black scales scattered all over his body like a Dalmatian dog. Near his eyes like a large eye shadow with some black fins beside like eyeliner. Dark Black scales around his waist going down like a cow pattern. Faint, noticeable yet faint scales around his torso and arm.

He felt so foreign, so not him. He was aware that this was not his fault and it will all soon go away but the fact that there were still chances of him not being able to get cured overpowering the positive thoughts made him worry.

He sighed deeply and started to pull over his clothes back on, which were not technically his but he was sure that he was not planning to change until he gets better. If he does gets better.

Negative thoughts were swirling in his brain but he had hoped, he had faith in Dream, the very faith Dream was afraid of breaking. 

George trusted Dream.

Dream trusted George.

And that was all they both needed to keep on going.


1202 words

rearrange the number and it will say 2021

Sorry for not updating this book for almost a month but listen, I had lore issues and I found a really great discord server in which I was busy chatting the whole time

Now I have some clue to what I am planning and I am finally gonna use all of the possible  "you can maybe use this for plot" things

This book will get updates dont worry and I know this looks super messy but I am soon gonna edit the whole story and fix it but I am actually a messy person so please dont mind me.



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