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Author POV

"For George" He mumbled and suddenly he felt a tingle in his hands

He whispered a small cheer.

In his hands laid a beautiful trident. It did had a few seaweeds and moss attached to it but who said that they don't make things beautiful? It was white and purple just like the ones in Minecraft.

Using the trident Dream managed to emit a soothing scent from it made everyone outside the door slip into unconsciousness as it only worked for humans. Now the only people who were still conscious were patches, dream and George.

George managed to rip off the door with his claws and he got on all fours as he approached Dream in a wild manner which scared the shit out of the blonde as he never thought of the brunette British this serious and dangerous. He always looked at him as a cute, short boy with pretty privileges.

"Ok George, I know that you are still in there... plz try and fight it...." Dream pleaded as he limped backward trying to get out of the brunette's target. His wounds were still paining from the rushed act to get everything in control.

The blonde panicked as he felt the cold concrete wall touch his back. There was now nowhere to go. If he wanted to try any stunts to get out of there without hurting the brunette he didn't have enough strength to do so, his wounds were now paining like crazy.

"G-George " He stuttered as he waved his hands in front of the wild brunette who was ready to attack him in a calming manner.

The brunette just growled back in response and started taking steady steps towards the blonde.

Now the brunette was on top on the blonde and was digging his claws into the blonde's chest. Dream was trying so hard to keep himself from screaming, he knew his scream would make the brunette go wild and do something worse.

"F-for me" Was all the blonde said before closing his eyes expecting the brunette to tear his chest apart.

'Sorry George, I tried my best to save you and I will never be able to forgive myself for leaving you in this state' Dream said to himself as he felt something in his chest.

He expected to feel numb and fall into a deep slumber of death to wake up to a black hooded figure with a scythe waiting to take his soul but instead he felt the claws in his chest draw back and the pain in his body intensified as the claws were drawn back hastily.

He expected George, I mean the poisoned George to slice him but instead he felt a body nuzzle deep into his chest.

It worked. George was back to his real self. Atleast for some time but he can finally give George the 'cure' he had spent his lifetime to find.

Dream let out a shaky breath as he hugged back. It was paining like crazy but he didn't care. He was alive and happy to know that he could now save George from his current state.

The brunette was crying into the blonde's arm for another few mins.

"Sorry" The brunette mumbled in english breaking the hug. Dream had never been so relieved to hear human language even though the voice was terrified and guilty.

Dream just grabbed George into another protective hug. Tears rolling down his face.

"I am so glad that you are back" Dream planted a kiss on his forehead. At the kiss George calmed down a bit and relaxed in the blonde's touch.

The hands of the clock moved forward rapidly but the duo showed no sign of breaking apart from each other.

When the hands landed on 7 they finally broke apart wiping their tears.

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