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Dream POV

I woke up all dizzy, stinging pain running through my body like lightening, especially my torso which I was trying to reach but I was not able to feel my hands.

Everything was confusing, how did I end up on top of a bed? Wasn't I downstairs? Weren't everyone surrounding m-


I didnt care how much pain I was putting my poor body which already had too much through but I had to do it. I used all my strength to open my eyes and sit up a little which was stinging badly in my torso around my wound which felt a little bit more bigger than last time.

Sitting up was the worst idea ever, the wound was getting rubbed against itself which was causing it to burn and sting even more than before with the stitches threatening to snap at any more sudden movement. Before I even knew it I found myself gasping for more air and started sweating excessively drenching the sheets below which I barely had any strength left to look at.

I let my body fall back again softly and managed to get my hand to my head to brush it through my own locks to calm myself. I was severely overworking my body and the fresh injury along with my brain by stressing too much.

My mind racing to different outcomes of what could have happened after he fainted because of over heating and the snapping of stitches.. What if they ran away thinking this place is haunted? What if they locked me in here being afraid? What if they go to George for answers? What if they hate George because of it? Oh no no no no......

I tried to breathe, tried so hard to get as much air as possible in my system. The thought of George's friends hating him for life, the thing George was afraid of happened made me slip into a panic attack, numbing my limbs and arms allowing me no escape from the hyperventilation which was making me choke. 

With tears prickling down my cheek, I tried to gain control over myself. I tried hard to just control my breathing but nothing worked. My vision starting to blur slowly like the whole world was fading. My mind fogged by the urgency to get control over my breathing trying to put me back to sleep to let my body get some rest to fix things in me but I didn't care how much the pain intensified more and more in my torso with each and every single of my struggles, I still tried.

 I finally relaxed for a bit thinking of something that I knew would result being extremely cruel to my body but I had no option, I wanted to make sure George was alright. I relaxed for a bit and let my mind take control over my breathing, allowing it to relax my breathing and pain a little but as soon as I gained complete control over my body I jolted up probably snapping two stitches in the process.


Ouch ouch never doing that again, ow ow ow.

I forced my already tired and injured body out of the bed and tried to stand but stumbled down. Thanks to my amazing reflexes which managed to grab something nearby saving me from falling which was surely to snap more stitches which I don't really remember who stitched in.

I held my bare torso and looked down knowing I had enough energy to not faint as I was positive I wont over heat again due to the intense sweating  and my bare torso.

The wound looked way more worse than it was already before....No time to think over it. I got a person to look after.

I waddled and stumbled my way to the door letting multiple sounds out of my mouth slip out to express my pain which felt like getting lava over your torso. It was burning to bad because of the rubbing. 

God it felt like I walked through the whole Sahara desert with a knife stabbed into my torso but when I looked ahead I realized that it was just a small walk to the door of my room...

I was overworking my body extremely and was suffering because of it. I first didn't let my body take a moment to get used to the pain when I got hurt first, after that I picked up 8 people, with George's help but I did do some heavy lifting, then cleaned the mess in my room ignoring the pain and the pleads coming from my body to take some rest for a bit and not to mention the time when I let my body overheat and still force it to stand with ripped off stitches.

I was snapped back to reality when I noticed my visions slowly blacking out in between like a broken like switch. Oh no no no, I need to get to George.

I fidgeted with the door knob multiple times but my foggy vision was overwhelming me and making me extremely anxious which caused me to fidget with it more and more in frustration, trying to open it as soon as possible.

'UGH COME ON' I yelled mentally breaking the door with all the energy I had left in me snapping a couple more stitches and allowing the blood flow out of my wound yet again.

This time the pain was unbearable, especially because of the blood which made it even more worse by soaking the wound allowing it to get in work to put me in distress like it did when it was fresh but this time it was worse.

I crouched down slowly holding onto my life, one hand on the door knob and the other clutching my wound which was tearing me apart from the inside. Making the very feeling I felt mentally every fucking single day. Feeling it physically was the last thing I ever wanted. Being tore apart from my family and kingdom was enough for me already.

All my thoughts on how to handle the situation were cut off by a loud ear piercing screech which was 100% human and terrified.

With a foggy vision and mind I looked up, still clutching my injured torso trying to identify the voice and find the face.


1064 words

Okay so many people dont follow me and hence miss the announcements so listen here

My. Fucking. Phone. Got. Robbed.

And my school started sooo I dont have much reasons to log in to my laptop so updates will be irregular so please bare with it.

I repeat, I will not discontinue this story and will somehow manage to find ways to continue so please dont remove it from your library or else u wont get any updates

SHOUT OUT TO i_itsn0tfeary_f Who is the reason I am still keeping this story up and continuing it

It might be messy but sorry I cant do anything


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