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'water' The voice in his head spoke as the pain in his body started multiplying again. The pain took over George as he was again in control of the poison.

'yes' He whispered soft enough for Dream to not hear it.

The hugs lasted for another min with only the adult's heavy breathing being heard.

George was waiting for the tear in his eye to form and drop on his legs. Well George's poisoned mind to be exact.

Dream was about to break the hug to treat George's wounds but George tightened his grip around him an started to shake violently.

"I am here with you George, you need to let me go if you want the pain to go away." Dream kissed the shaking brunette's forehead.

The kiss. It got George back to his senses again and he started to sobbing loudly. This time tears were forming in his eyes and were getting soaked by Dream's shirt in which he had burried his face.

"It's alright" Dream shushed the brunette as he rubbed circles on his back.

"I am sorry but we need to treat your wounds so that it stops paining george, you have to let go off me for a few mins and then you can hug me ok?" Dream whispered in George's ears.

George was now afraid of letting go of Dream's comforting touch but knew if he wanted the pain to go away he had to. But the loving and protective touch made it harder for the poison to take over him. He hated the feeling of being controlled. It hurts.

George was now tangled in his own web of fears and thoughts. He did not realize that the web was weaved by the poison waiting for the perfect opportunity to take over him. He was like a beautiful butterfly trapped in a tarantula's web. The poison approaching him slowly to eat him while watching him struggle to get out of the webs.

He hated it. He just wanted to have a fun vacation with his friends and crush.

George just wished that this was just a nightmare and he would wake up in his apartment with the sunlight shining through his window to wake him up. He wished that the only pain he felt was the pain in his back that he gets from sleeping in his uncomfortable gaming chair while he is on a call with Dream.

Dream. This was all he wished was real. The happy moments he spent with dream in person. The affectionate touch he was providing me with now.

A small tear formed in his eyes at the recollection of the memories but was soaked by dream's shirt.

The poison in his mind had a perfect plan.

George had finally convinced himself  to let go off Dream but then the poison in his mind created another web of thoughts around him.

'What if dream was a dream and never existed? What if you never had any friends? No YouTube channel? What if the whole thing was just a huge dream?'

George's eyes dilated. No no no. This is not a dream. 

'but what if everything was just a dream and you wake up in a pile of sweat and realize that this was all a part of your imagination? What if there were no friends?'

No this simply can't happen. All the sweat memories. Those can't be a figment of my imagination. Sapnap, Bad, Tommy, Dream everyone. It can't be just a dream. 

'But it is just a dream George. Accept me George, I'll show you the real world.' The voices spoke in a malicious tone.

No. All those wholesome moments were fake?

The late night calls with dream, all the videos recorded together, the manhunts, the jackbox streams, gartic phone streams, tommy's vlogs, lovejoy's song taunt, the twerking tiktok recorded to leak dream's song, the arguments with Sapnap and Dream, the colourblind jokes, all the fun we had recording those things just to find out that everything was just a dream?

NO no. This is the poison talking. George don't loose yourself to the voices, this all was real......

'Oh come one George, even you know that al of this is just too sweet to be real' The voice taunted him.

Yes it was too sweet to be real bit that didn't mean it was fake.......or was it?

'Did you really think that people like you? Remember real world? Where you had no friends in school and was picked on and was called a nerd?' The voice made a try to manipulate George into giving up by using real reference.

George actually did not have a single friend in school and was always picked on for looking pretty and acting like a nerd. His life was a living hell before youtube.

(I respect George's life but I need drama in this story)

His father was left alone with him and his sister when his mother died. It was hard for all of them to live life without their mom. His father got fired from 3 different jobs but still managed to keep a smile and handle the house just like their mom. His eyes hurt to look at his father hide so many problems behind that smile which kept everyone else in the house going.

His father struggled to get George in a good school to get give him the education he deserved but sadly died in the effort. That left all the effort to his sister. She worked hard and sacrificed her own education and dreams to fulfil her brother's.

George was still grateful to all of them.

'Yesss all of them are alive in the real world. You just need to accept my power to meet them George.' the voice piped in.

George's eyes shot wide open as he thought about it for a moment.

Was it worth to leave this dream for the real world? Was it worth to leave dream for my parents who have done lot more for me than Dream?

'You don't have all day George' The voice barked.

George was gonna definitely regret his decision. He hugged Dream tighter and played the flashbacks of all the good memories he had with Dream which created tears in his eyes.

'I'll take that as an yes' the voice spoke. Even though the voice had no face or a body George was able to sense a smirk in the voice.

George knew deep down inside that he doesn't wants to leave this 'fake world' but the poison was overpowering over him. He hated the feeling of being controlled but he knew that he had no choice this time.

A tear formed in his eyes. He just wanted Dream's shirt to soak it but the poison in his body sent a sharp pain through his mind which made him flinch and the tear dropped on his leg.

No no no no no no no.

George regretted everything. But it was too late. He felt the pain rise up from his legs to his head and his eyes blacked out as he lost control of himself.


1230 words

I like the number

anhyways hope yall enjoyed and again this was written during school with a song on heavy rotation in the bg so don't judge me

open for suggestions

plz comment

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