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The call was forwarded to a voicemail.

Sapnap inhaled all he could forgetting about George's automated message. He prepared to scream into the phone loud enough to rip George's ear apart but then the message came up.

"Hey, it's me your Gogy. *the water droplet sound he makes* "

"Hey! That is George! Can you believe it, he can make that sound." Dream's joyful audio piped in followed by Sapnap's and George's laughter along with his tea kettle.

"Sorry I was n-" George's voice which was trying to record his message in peace was cut off by his two bestfriends whom he had invited to make it more interesting and he knew he was gonna regret it.

"Georgiee~~" Dream spoke in a seductive psychopathic voice he used in manhunts making George drop the glass he was holding.

"DREAM! " George's scolding was heard as the mike they all recorded the message with started to pick up more laughter from the americans.

"Awwww George what happened?" Sapnap's own teasing was audible making the tea kettle in the call wheeze harder.

"YOU- UGH, I WILL GET BACK TO YOU LATER SIR/MADAM WHO CALLED WHEN I AM FREE. BYEE" And this was cut off by a angry click and intensified laughter.

Sapnap still remembered how he and dream blackmailed him and somehow got him to put it as his automated message. A tear rolling down his eye as he rushed into the backyard leaving Skeppy clueless in the bean bag area, taking care of the unconscious one's body by softly pressing a cloth over the wound to soak up the blood and stop it from flowing. (LMAO MY MOM WOULD HAVE PULLED OUT TURMERIC FORM HER KITCHEN AND APPLIED IT ON MY WOUNDS BY NOW[It is medical and kinda helps to stop the blood flow but I don't think so most non Indian people know it])

He took a calming deep breath and held the phone to his mouth and started speaking softly, doing the opposite of what he had planned.

"George.......Listen I don't know why Dream lied about you and why you wont pick up our call and send Dream a message about missing him but....We need you right now, Dream needs you right now. He is unconscious in the beanbag are on the ground floor and is bleeding heavily. We don't know how long he can last or even last at all...He has a huge wound on his chest and we need someone to stitch it. I hope you listen to this voicemail in time and open your door. I will be waiting outside it.....I love you George no matter what and I assure you that whatever you both were hiding from us will be safe with us. Sapnap" He hung up with that with another tear rolling down his cheek which he wiped away and ran into the living room.

Techno looked surprised at watching him walk out without screaming anything at the top of his lungs. He removed his hands from Tommy's ears and rushed to Skeppy to help him after giving receiving and giving Sap a nod.

"Where are you going?" Tommy asked looking towards Sao who was standing by the staircase.

"To get gogy" Sapnap answered firmly placing a hand on the railing of the staircase.

"Can we come too?....we wanna see him too" Tubbo shyly spoke using Ranboo as a shield to hide his face. Sapnap scoffed at their innocence and nodded. The minors cheered silently and rushed up the stairs.

"Slow down Tommy or you might trip" Sapnap yelled from down as he saw Tommy run up carelessly almost bumping into the wall. The teen acted like he heard nothing and rushed above. The oldest brunette shook his head with a chuckle escaping his lips.

He looked over to Karl and Bad who were on the couch looking at him the whole time.

"Will he be alright?" Bad asked in a broken voice whilst Karl stared deep into his eyes which mesmerized the ravenette (Lmao I forgot what I was going with, irl sapnap or character sapnap)

Sapnap forced is eyes away from Karl's eyes and looked into Bad's instead to distract himeself from Karl at the same time focus on Bad's question.

"Once we get George, it will all be alright." Sapnap assured patting Bad's back before turning his back to them.

"But will George come?" Karl read Bad's mind and asked. Sapnap would be melted by that honey sweet voice but the words spoken were serious which made him answer without drooling.

"Yes, I know he will be here... I trust him." Sapnap spoke before heading off upstairs without taking another glance at the ground floor.

While he climbed the flight of stairs to reach the desired floor Karl was there sitting letting his brain process things. 'The talk was so heroic. Especially when Sapnap answered with his back turned to them.' He was not capable to take in. He just sat there blankly while Bad snapped his finger in front of the brunette snapping him out of the trance.

Once Sapnap reached the top floor he saw the teenagers in the corner of the corridor looking at Dream's room's door whispering things to eachother.

"What are you all doing?" Sapnap whispered to the teens who jumped at the sudden noise and turned to face him.

"We heard something smash" Ranboo and Tubbo replied in the same tone. Sapnap expected Tommy to break the silence but he was surprised when he maintained the tone and whispered back.

"We heard him crying" Tommy told him. He raised his eyebrow slightly as he look to the door. He signaled the minors to stay where they were and moved ahead. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and moved to the door lightly knocking on it.

"George........don't cry, we can save him, you can save him. Just come out" Sapnap spoke in a soft tone which he rarely used. He was used to his feral character he roleplayed online. It was a sudden change but he was glad about it.

"It was my fault Sapnap, IT was all my fault!" George shouted before banging the door from inside still not opening it.

"George, listen. I don't know what fucking happened or who's fault it actually was but I know that you all lied to hide something from us but Dream is bleeding heavily. We need you George, it is not too late to save Dream." Sapnap explained calmly waiting for the door knob to make a sound and turn any second but it remained the same.

"It is all my fault" George's voice was heard again.

"He was hurt BECAUSE of me, he later trusted me again and let me do his stitches. I should have done them properly, nothing from this would have happened if I just did things properly." George vented while the younger outside his door just listened.

"George, it is not your fault... I was the one who unknow of his wound tackled him playfully after loosing a arm wrestle to techno. I don't know how he got that wound and you both are going to tell us all that afterwards but first please step out....... We don't know how much time he has left. Help him George." Sapnap pleaded in a desperate voice.

"Gogy please come out, we all are scared" Tommy piped in stepping closer. Even if he called all of his friends names and insulted them online as a joke he hated to see them struggling or even crying. 

"George? Please?" Ranboo and Tubbo spoke in unison stepping beside Tommy.

Sapnap smiled at the teenagers and looked at the door.

"Dream needs you George" Sapnap spoke and it didn't take long for the door knob to make a clicking noise and turn.

Everyone's face lighted up and eyes got fixed on the door which was being opened slowly.


1283 words

What will the reaction be? 

pls tell me what you all want to happen after reveal


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