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Author POV

"GEORGE!" Dream yelled from the entrance. The shorter brunette looked at him with a 'you have to explain all of this' look.

George's hand was dangerously close to the button so dream sprinted to him and pushed his hands away.



"You were freaking hiding all of this from everyone, from me... specially those scars. What is your problem, why can't you quit being so secretive, I am fed up of your behavior and now you have to explain all this." George yelled.

Dream was taken aback. He had never seen the brunette this mad before. He collapsed on the floor and tears started rolling down his eyes.

George carefully sat down beside him and looked at Dream. He felt bad for yelling and making dream cry but wanted answers.

Dream took a deep breath and started speaking, " I don't like being secretive, I don't want to be secretive...." He broke into a sob. George quickly wrapped him in a hug and started rubbing his hands on the blonde's back.(George in dream's lap hugging him)

"Shhhhh, it's not too late. You can stop-" George spoke but was cut off by dream who broke the hug and spat, "No, you don't understand George. I don't have a choice. I have to keep this all a secret from the world to keep a lot of lives safe." he wiped his tears.

George now felt guilty. He was the one who forced dream.

"It's really hard to keep this all to myself..... I think one person won't hurt." Dream cut off the brunette's thoughts.

"Wai- only if you are comfortable with it." George comforted him trying to make it up to him for his rude behavior. Dream smiled and picked the brunette and placed him on one of the couch present in the room and sat beside him.

"I am until you agree to take care of that." Dream pointed to his leg. George rubbed his neck.

"ok" He mumbled. Dream smiled and took a deep breath. George expect words from Dream's mouth but instead Dream started removing his pant.

George covered his eyes immediately when he realized what dream was doing to which Dream wheezed.

"Georgie this is what I was hiding" Dream spoke in a serious tone but George knew how much of a good actor he was and misunderstood it as one of his flirts .

"DREAM!" George yelled. Dream removed George's hands from his face.

"I am serious this IS what I was hiding." Dream smiled. "Smooth now tell me what you were hiding" George gave an unimpressed look without removing his hands form his eyes.

Dream chuckled, "I am not showing you my d*ck George, open your eyes." Dream stated as he completely slid down his boxers and sweat pants. George kept his eyes closed tightly thinking it's just one of Dream's flirts.

Dream sighed. "George, open your eyes I swear I am dead serious"

George nodded and first hesitated to open his eyes. "George open your eyes" Dream demanded. George gulped and opened his eyes.

He definitely did not expect this. There was Dream sitting on the couch but his lower body was like a fish tail.

George's jaw dropped open as his body froze completely. He had never seen a merman and now he finds out that his best friend is one?!!?

"Yo-you a-are a" George stuttered as Dream pulled his pants back on as he shifted back to his human form.

"A merman, yes" Dream sighed. ....." Do you hate me?" Dream frowned.

George tried to get words out of his mouth but his body had completely frozen due to the shock. He definitely did not hate Dream but he was too shocked to answer, he needed a moment to process all the new information.

"I-I understand if you hate me now, I should have not kept this a secret from you bu-but you have to understand, I had to do it and I -" Dream was cut off by George who hugged him tightly.

(Idk why but I decided to stick my hand in freezing cold water for like 5 mins and now my hand is numb)

Dream was surprised but melted in the brit's touch.

"I don't hate you" George whispered in his ears which got the blond at ease.

"It's just that I am shocked" George broke the hug and stared deep into Dream's ember eyes which were piss colour to his eyes.

Dream wrapped a protective arm around George and hummed in response, " But I still lied to you"

"I-I understand that you did all of this to keep you kind safe I-" He was cut off by a snarl from the taller blonde.

"I wish I could say that" the blonde growled.

"Say what?" I looked at him puzzled.

"We are safe from the human eyes but we still are not safe" this was all the blonde could get out of his mouth. He was struggling to speak.

George was baffled. What was Dream supposed to mean? The blonde's voice had a hint of anger and guilt filled in.

And dream spoke up reading George's thoughts from his perplexed expressions.

"I meant humans are not a threat for us because of my lies and shit but we do have a threat which somehow....poisoned everyone's minds, the creature which bite you-" Dream was cut off by George who yelled out loud, "BITE ME? WHEN THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN?!"

Dream wheezed, "You had passed out by that time so you don't remember it"

George shrugged his shoulders. But then realization hit him like a train.

"Wait how did the threat do it and is the creature which bite me one of the threats?"

Dream went silent and just nodded.

"We are still trying to figure out how they did it cause none of the merfolks were in any physical contact with those creatures and erm ....I think you should consider taking rest seriously cause I really don't know what will happen to that wound, till I find a cure please don't try any stunts around the house." Dream glared at George emphasizing the last sentence.

"Come one curiosity has the best of us" George tried to shrug it off.

He wanted to end the topic. He was clearly able to feel the discomfort radiating off Dream.

He knew this was not all of the truth but decided to not ask the blonde about the other button which he was about to press but decided to ignore it because his mind was incapable of processing anything and decided to first let the current information sink in properly.

This was just a introduction of his best friend's life and god what more is waiting for him.

1145 words

These two people helped me write gogy's shocked expression at the time he found out about Dream's true form. :)

Thx for 2k+ reads and even for this

Thank you all

This is my discord server link-



And here let's make this a trade for a new better chapter for alot of comments :)

I love to read em so please don't forget to comment and I am open for suggestions.

For now byee

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