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George POV

(I seriously need someone's help to write proper description of things....if anyone interested in helping me plz dm me or comment here, my discord is given in my profile description)

I woke up with throbbing pain in my leg. I opened his eyes to see Dream sitting near my leg petting patches who was sleeping on his lap. All the memories of the incident flushed back into my mind.

What was the thing that was pulling me down? Why did Dream have a scar on his body? Why were there scales around the scar? How was he breathing underwater?

I looked around......I was not in my room, and assuming all the yellow stuff in the room which I think are green it must be Dream's room. 

"Ohh you are awake" Dream muttered looking at me. I just tried to sit up in response but failed as Dream stopped me and laid me down again.

"No no you should sleep, you need to rest for that wound to heal" He said adjusting my blanket.

I nodded. There was a awkward silence between us and I decided to finally break it, "Dream?"

He hummed in response. "What was the thing that was dragging me?" I asked maintaining a eyes contact.

He jumped at the question and stuttered for a min, then he took a deep breath and answered, "It was some weird sea creature." He answered.......now either he is a very skilled lier or he is just speaking the truth.

"I think we will be safe if we don't go in again." He grabbed my hand rubbed the back of it. Me? There? After what happened? No chance........is it why Dream is afraid of water?


the scar.

Dream was sitting beside me and was about to get up but I stopped him.

"C'mere" I shifted beside and pulled him beside me again. He smiled. I sat up and before dream could say anything I tried pulling his shirt.

"George! Are you so desperate to see me shirtless?" He teased but I was able to sense the panic in his tone. I slightly blushed but still tried to tug the shirt off and keep the taller blonde in the same position who was trying to get up.

"George! What are you trying to do?" He said holding both of my hands not allowing me to move them.

"I saw it Dream, I saw the scar" I spat on his face, I was frustrated with his secretive behavior. (He did not literally spat on his face dw) What is he hiding?

Dream was now stuttering trying to shrug it off by saying, 'idk what you're talking about' etc. But I took the chance and pulled his shirt off.

There was a visible huge mark on his body and many more smaller marks which were fading. 

"George!" He shouted and pulled his shirt back on.

"WHAT? I am just asking you to be honest to me, to your best friend!" I yelled flinching at the last two words but managed to make it unnoticeable and focused on the blond in front of me who looked hurt by my sentence.....

Dream just muttered a sorry, opened a drawer and fished a key out and slammed the door close.

As soon as the door was shut tears ran down my cheeks. I messed up. Sapnap had told me he had some past trauma of water maybe the scar was a part of it.......I should have not asked him the question but I just knew he would never answer me and I was scared. The scar was pretty huge for me to not be scared and concerned.

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