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"WHAT!" I shouted out loud.... Unfortunately I attracted everyone's attention including Ranboo...Okay not a bad idea I guess.

"How are you...err still going? Especially after not being goated with the sause" I changed the topic and earned a few laughs from everyone other than Ranboo who just smilled but did not give in. 

"Aww man come on!" I heard Wilbur whine beside.....Yeah he definitely regretted spoiling his joke to me...Well not my fault, I needed a quick distraction and that was the part he wanted me to say right after he cracked his joke......Well jokes cracked twice gets Ranboo the best soooo lets just go with the flow...

When everyone were completely distracted I pulled Tommy away and confronted him.

"Dude you decided to get the gun here too!" I half laughed while speaking making Tommy not feel like he is getting scolded.

"I swear to god, you might even make a all around the world vlog with that gu- WAIT THAT WAS NOT AN SUGGESTION!! FUCK IT, JUST LET ME GET THE DAMNNED GUN ALREADY" I regretted my sentence halfway through it once I saw a sinister smile form on the little gremlin's face.

I sighed and recollected the location Tommy gave me and started to head upstairs.

If I was being completely honest the vlog gun actually is powerful and will definitely make anyone laugh when Tommy holds it in his socially awkward manner. Not judging his social life but its just is way that makes him unique and funny.

Okay third floor, room with dream sticker......Bruh this child decided to stick a Dream sticker on the door in Dream's house....CrEaTiVe.

I chuckled to myself before continuing to recollect.

On the upper bunk bed, okay....No wonder both the beds are going to be messy. I bet Wilbur is the one sharing a room with him and the duo are just a huge mess all together.

I started to climb up to Tommy's room but halfway through the climb I heard a noise coming from second floor.....Strange I thought eve- Wait George and Dream ohh yeah. That must be George maybe taking his clothes from his shared room....After all he cant wear messy clothes right.

I chuckled to myself and decided to give the brunette some time. I knew that it was George because Dream had clearly mentioned that his room is on the third floor so it all just made sense.

I continued to walk upstairs without making a noise which might startle the brunette taking his essential. (Lmao my brain thinks of Phil in this scene as a old man with a walking stick in his hand climbing up the stairs very slowly with a heavily arched back....IDK WHY XD)

I reached the third floor, finally! I started to look around for the door with a dream sticker on it.....it didn't take long for me to locate it. I turned the door knob and walked it to be surprised....It was not as messy as I thought it would be. Strange, are you sure these two boys have been living here for a few night? Because when they come over at my place even for an hour, it becomes a warzone form the scattered pillows and shit.

(When Dream and George placed them in their beds, they even placed the blankets and the pillows properly)

I climbed up the small ladder and saw multiple things scattered on the bed searching for the vlog gun which I am sure met more than me myself. Well that is obviously not true but all I meant is that the vlog gun has met too many creators for a toy Tommy owns.

I finally found it under the blanket and picked it up.....Ok let me take a quick bathroom break, its been a while since I emptied my bladders.

I walked down the ladder with ease and looked around to instantly spot the bathroom door. As soon as I opened it I was definitely not surprised again.

The place was a mess. Water all over soaking half the washroom indicating past water fight. A unattended shaving razor by the sink. Towels all over the place along with toilet paper......I sighed out loud picking up some of the trash and cleaning shit.

I should have warned everyone about Tommy when it comes to sharing toilets......(respect to my man tommy but I really need his quirky persona here and I do know he is not actually like that but LORE)

After a little cleaning I was somewhat satisfied......I know damn well this was a result of argument between the two and that is the only reason I stick around with them trying to avoid those fights....Yeah they don't call me Dadza for no reason.

I closed the bathroom behind me, exiting the place which was a lot more cleaner than before. I soon exited the room too but as soon as I closed Tommy's door I heard another door open followed by a pained voice.

I slowly turned around to look and was surprised to see a unknown face in extreme pain crouching outside the door......Whelp the first response to this situation a normal human being would have was screaming at the top of my lungs.

George POV

I was sitting by Dream's bed taking in his looks...How can a man look so hot even when unconscious?

I let out a deep sigh and tore my eyes away from his handsome face.

I started pacing around waiting. After an eternity I got a message from Sapnap informing me that everything is going well and they are filming ylyl in the back yard which put me to ease.

I walked here and there trying to find my headphones and laptop dream had earlier got from my bag. God why are those always tangled?

I let out a deep sigh and sat on the floor trying to untangle it which was slowly driving me crazyyyy and the long nails I obtained were not at all helping me....-_-




God I need to get my airpods....
Wait I can just text and ask bad or someone lol.

I picked up my phone and texted Bad who was most likely to pay attention to his phone and guess what? I was absolutely right.

I enquired with him about Phil and he assured me that I can go to my room and back.

I gave patches one last pat and took my phone with me before leaving the room.

I looked left and right before using the stairs just to make sure....trust issues.

When I was sure no one was there, I ran to the second floor as quick as possible straight to our room shutting the door behind me.

Soom I started my airpod hunt, scavenging through each of my bags accidentally dropping stuff from here and there.....whoops ig.

But bad said no one was upstairs and too busy with Ranboo who I knew was a difficult contestant to go against in ylyl. Judging by Tommy's and Wilbur's performances in most of the ylyls Phil would obviously not leave the place and continue supervising the two.

I continued to dig through my stuff untill I finally found the little case I was searching for.

Okay, I can finally go back upstairs again. I smiled to myself, pocketing the air pods.

I slowly closed the door behind me and again took a look down the staircase and started to head upstairs.

When I finally reached my desired floor I was distracted by a few noises....uh oh, did I take that long to find a small device.....

1304 words
Sorry for the last bit, I typed the George pov from my phone right after my cousin left which kinda put me in a quirky mood

And what do you all want to happen once Phill knows?

Love yourself <3

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