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Spectator mode

"YOU WHAT" George roared at the innocent boy who hide behind Techno who seemed to take pity on him and stand for him.

"Calm down George, we did speak about this before boarding any flights right?" He kept his face neutral and his voice monotone like always trying not to give away the fact that he was mentally freaking out at the new type of anger he saw in the brunette he always saw his online family have fun with while he lurked in the streams.

"Bu- Ugh god! When exactly is he coming here?" George spat at the young scared child who hid more and more behind Techno who stood infront of him like he always did in the lmanberg wars before betraying him...well this time he was sure no betrayal will be there.

"George calm the honk down" Karl moved ahead and rubbed George's shoulders as Wilbur, Tubbo and Ranboo comforted Tommy who was at the verge of crying. He always felt proud of saying he is GeorgeNotFound's friend, he still did but was now extremely scared of the friendly personality turning form 'gogy' to 'don't fuck with me', something he saw in dream as an act only in the dream smp lore. He found the cruelty fun only when it was an act to spice things in a fictional storyline. He absolutely did not enjoy experiencing it truly, especially from his Gogs.

"It is not the child's fault. He had clearly stated he wanted to shoot a vlog for his channel and asked everyone for their permission to allow Phil with them for a day before even booking the plane tickets." Wilbur gave Tommy a side hug looking George into the eyes. 

"We all are stressed George and you need to understand everyone before acting harshly." Bad calmly explained which made George feel guilty. He hung his head low giving a small nod understanding his mistake.

"Sorry Tommy...It's just that...." George moved closer to Tommy and took a deep breathe before continuing.

"It's just that I am afraid of...everything. I know Dream is not comfortable with many people knowing HIS secrets which he has to keep till death and I just happened to find it because of my stubborn ass in a...not so good way so I just want to go with things properly, in a way Dream would like things to go. Things are already bad for him and I just don't want to mess things up." George vented and looked up at the blonde teenager who was somewhat satisfied with the disappearance of 'not to fuck with me' and the return of Gogy.

The teen offered a weak smile before wrapping his arms around the shorter adult enclosing the warmth of love together into a hug. Everyone else joined except Techno and Ranboo who seemed hesitant about it but ended up placing a hand just to show that they are not teh hug type of people but still care equally.

This moment made George tear up a little but he wiped his tears away as soon as everyone broke apart.

'Okay, so when is phil coming?" George ask calmly this time making everyone smile.

"In-"Wilbur was about to answer but was cut off by Tommy, " a few hours". Looking at Tommy Wilbur felt proud so he just stood there in silence with his hand covering his mouth whilst he watched the teen confidentially tell the brunette details of Phil's arrival.

"Okay so we have a few hours and in that time we have to clean all the evidences of blood etc and come up with a plan alright?" George asked and everyone nodded their head to answer.

"Good, now first lets clean up!" George looked over to bad who was the best person when it came to assigning everyone tasks properly.

"Alright everyone, follow me ya muffins!!" Bad cheered and made everyone sit down in the living room noting all the tasks that are to be done then assigning them to each of them. In less than an hour everything was done and they had one more hour till phil was there.

"Okay, so we are going to pretend that we were err filming Tommy's vlog...wait no....maybe just pretend you all were having fun whilst me and dream were sick or something because of which we were not here?" George questioned his suggestion. 

"Damn how did Dream easily do it" He placed an hand on his head as everyone started to laugh.

"Well as we all know Dream lied the best so why not go with his lie?" Sapnap suggested which confused everyone. Sapnap just rolled his eyes.

"George has a infection which makes him gru- Oww George got any better idea?" Sapnap rubbed his head where he had just got smacked.

"I think that is the best idea" Karl chimed in making George actually realize that it actually is the best.

"Fine! But what excuse for Dream?" George gave in to the stupid idea and asked about Dream.

"Hmmmm how bout Dream taking care of you?" Bad suggest attracting everyone's eyes towards him.

"Bad, it is the literal opposite right now" Sapnap laughed being followed by others.

"Yeah but that is the only reasonable excuse, I dont think anyone can come up with any other excuse with all this stress in the atmosphere." Bad reasoned making everyone go quiet.

"You are...right but what if Phil wants to speak to him? Cause it will be obvious that he is the only one who is capable of speaking in this condition....so how bout we switch roles? Dream the one with infection and me taking care of him so that if Phil wants to speak, he will know I am the only one who can and I will actually be able to speak!" George suggested trying hard to get rid of the excuse of him being grumpy but now that he thought, the thing he just came up with was more effective.

"Okay lets follow this. This sounds even more sensible" Everyone agreed and went their own ways of pretending of being busy having some fun when only half an hour was left.

Techno went outside to the entrance sharing his live location with phil making sure he in coming the right way whilst other were inside trying to find activities that will occupy them.

Karl started painting his nails on the couch in the living room, Tommy got his filming equipment's out and started to film with Ranboo, Tubbo and Wilbur a Ylyl video.

Skeppy and bad were in the kitchen baking some muffins, even making some mess for which Skeppy got scolded often.

Sapnap munched on some chips as he watched Karl paint his nails professionally.

They all kept on extending their activities as more as possible till the front door opened.


1111 words

funny number

anyways, next upload is not fixed but I got some news

My mom might take my internet access away so I am just saying that Idk if I will be able to continue writing or not. My phone will definitely be taken away but I will try and find a way to log in on laptop and type for yall.


And one more, I will never let this book be incomplete. I will come back and write it as I get time but never discontinue it so updates might take too long.

Love yourself

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