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Author POV

Everyone were goofing around. Dream was giggling at them. George even tried to force him in several times but failed. They started making sexual jokes for the vlog.

"AYYE BIG D!?" Tommy yelled.

"Yes?" Dream shouted back annoyed at the name....it sounded like 'big dic-' Nvm, I wont complete the sentence.

" We are having a swimming competition, come join us. We want to see who is the fastest." Tommy yelled trying to lurk him in knowing how much he loved challenges.

"Tommy I already told you I don't want to get wet." Dream grunted.

"OHH STOP BEING SUCH A P*SSY AND JUMP IN B*TCH" Tommy shouted now getting annoyed that every single of their tactics to get Dream in water were failing. (IDK WHY I AM SENSORING THE CURSE WORDS)

"Tommy if I jump in then you all will loose" Dream smirked. "Ohh I highly doubt it cause you are showing no signs of coming close to the water." George nagged. Everyone who wanted to prank Dream were getting annoyed. It's just water.

"Yeah George cause it's good to let the children win." Dream chuckled directing the word 'children' to Tommy.

"SUCK MY D*CK DREAM" Tommy roared. 

Dream just wheezed. "I am not gonna go in the water." He said to the camera, but everyone heard it.

"Wait when is the last time you had a shower?" George asked remembering that he didn't shower the other day. Dream jumped which answered their question.

"Cut this out." Dream yelled. Tommy, Wilbur, Tubbo, Ranboo, Sapnap, George were dying with laughter.

After some more time they all finally gave up and started enjoying their own time.

Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and Wilbur were continuing to shoot the vlog cracking sexual jokes, racing etc. Skeppy, Bad, Karl and Sapnap were having a chicken fight. George couldn't join in because he had no one to pick him up. Techno was meditating.

"Aand Yassssss!" Sapnap and Karl yelled in unison as they both won yet another chicken fight.

"Well now the scores are 8/3 Team honk leading with 5 wins" George cheered. He also wanted to participate. He pouted. He swam over to dream trying to convince him one last time.

Worth a shot he mumbled.

"Dream!?" He called out. Dream immediately sat up from his sleeping position and hummed in response.

"Can you please join us?" George pouted, "For the adorable kitten?" He begged making baby doll eyes. 

Dream chuckled. "Sorry George I just dont want to." He shrugged looking around avoiding George's face.

George pleaded more but Dream denied. Eventually he gave up and swam to the gang again.

"He is not gonna come in the water George." Sapnap comforted him. "He has some phobia I guess. He avoids water at all cost. Well we are lucky enough that he at least showers once a week......Now you missed us taking the winning spot, we got 5 more wins." Sapnap cheered.

George smiled. He continued watching Team honk steal wins from Team muffins. 

He eventually got bored. He decided to swim around but the water was too shallow. He swam towards the deeper part of the lake.

"Finally some peace." He smiled as he floated in the cold water. The scenery was breathtaking and more clear from the angle. He continued to float for some more time getting lost in his own thoughts but then he heard someone yelling his name.

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