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George slept in Dream's hands for the rest of the movie. He was already too scared from the first half of the movie.

As the movie ended everyone shouted out loud about how dumb the characters were.  George was just too tired to notice the sound.

"Bruh. The ghost had let go 3 good chances of killing everyone in the mansion. Seriously I could have done better." Techno yelled.

"But I have to agree the graphics and animation were realistic." Dream replied looking down at George and playing with his hair.

"We noticed" Sapnap and Skeppy said in unison

Everyone looked over too them to see Karl and Bad hugging them to death.

Everyone laughed looking at them while Bad and Karl finally pulled themselves together.

As Karl let go of Sapnap and tried to get up he stumbled and fell on top of Sapnap which made everyone laugh harder.

Karl stood up and hid in the corner trying to hide his blushing face.

For almost the next half an hour they all were goofing aro und in the air conditioned room while George slept peacefully in Dream's arms melting in his touch.

It was almost 11pm when they all decided to go to bed. 

Techno left first followed by tommy who was cursing at Wilbur who was snickering. Tubbo soon left the room followed by a concerned Ranboo.

Skeppy was drooling over Bad's shoulder due to the exhaustion so Bad just said a short good night and left leaving Dream, Karl, Sapnap and George in the room.

"What are you gonna do about him now dude? Gonna carry him to bed?" Sapnap asked dream as a faint smirk grew wide on his face and he looked down at George.

"Ohh shut up" Dream scoffed knowing what Sapnap exactly meant.

"No seriously he looks comfortable in your arms. Why don't you carry him to bed." Karl piped in trying to cover up what Sapnap said just so that he doesn't have to wake George.

Dream shrugged and replied, " I mean he really looks comfortable and I don't want to wake him up. He was really scared during the movie........Ok fine Ill pick him up."

Dream carefully slid his hands under George and picked him up bridal style. As he was standing up George got a bit uncomfortable with the movement and nuzzled deeper into Dream's chest making himself comfortable.

Sapnap quickly took his phone out to record it but Dream gave him a glare to which he just rolled his eyes and took a pic of them while Karl was busy mumbling about how cute they two looked.

As dream Got out of the room carefully trying not to wake up George.

"Just so that you know this photo is going to be my wallpaper until I get another cute picture of you two." Sapnap said dancing in front of Dream to tease him a bit more earning a death glare from him.

Dream just wanted to smack Sapnap's head so bad. He whisper yelled, " Just let me tuck him to bed then your dead Sap."

Sapnap chuckled and replied, " Oh No I am sO sCaReD~~~" mocking him.

"Oh now you really are dead sap" Dream whispered with a angry tone.

"Well not if I use my amazing running abilities and a strong lock to lock myself in my room just before you catch me" Sapnap said grinning.

"Ohh Sapnap we both know who is faster." Dream replied with a faint smirk appearing on his face.

Sapnap gulped and slowly started walking towards the stairs as they got closer to Karl and George's room.

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