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Author POV

Everyone woke up at 9 am and we're at the dining table eating breakfast.

Karl was playing Pokemon go.

"What the honk there is a rare Pokemon don't move!" He yelled.

Sapnap was munching his waffle. He wasn't speaking much because he didn't wanted anyone to remember his dare he received yesterday.

Karl sneaks to Sapnap. He jumps on him and tackles him into a bear hug.

"What are you doing?" Sapnap asked laughing.

"I caught it yasss, I caught the cutest Pokemon!!" Karl smiled. Sapnap felt butterflies in his stomach as he hugged back.

"If I am the cutest Pokemon then who are you?" He asked.

"Hmmm wait no you are the second cutest Pokemon, I am THE cutest Pokemon." Karl giggled.

"Yes indeed" Sapnap said planting a small kiss on Karl's cheek.

Everyone laughed and continued with their breakfasts as they all knew that the two oblivious beans will never accept their love for each other in front of everyone.

After sometime Bad announced, " Ok so everyone go and bring your swimsuits and whatever you will need. We will be leaving in half an hour."

Everyone nodded and left. Dream heard it but acted like he didn't and headed upstairs to feed patches.

After exactly half an hour he came back to see everyone ready with beach stuff.

"So we are going to the beach?" Dream asked Bad.

"Nope we are going down the lake. We saw a path leading to the lake yesterday." Bad answered to which dream jumped a bit.

" Umm I-I" Dream stuttered unable to answer.

"Ohh everyone is so happy to spend sometime there. The beach would be crowded and we might get flooded with alot of fans so the lake is the best option." Bad stated.

"Well then ok" Dream said weekly accepting.

"Where is your swimsuit?" Bad asked.

"Ohh umm I don't feel like swimming so I didn't get it." He lied.

" Ohh but why?" Bad kept on asking with innocent intentions.

"Umm Idk I just don't want to." Dream shrugged making Bad frown.

"No no no I will be there I just won't come with y'all in the water." Dream comforted bad.

Bad smiled in response. "Yay, now have you seen Skeppy?" He asked. "Skeppy ohh I think he is in the backyard." Dream answered gesturing bad towards the backyard.

"Ohh thanks, I'll get him." Bad smiled and started walking towards the backyard.

"Skeppy! Skeppy! Where are you?" Bad shouted. He heard a growl from a nearby tree. He quickly recognized the voice and moved towards the tree to find Skeppy hanging upside down on one on the branch of the tree.

"Skeppy?" Bad asked in a parental tone. "Bad?" Skeppy mocked bad.

"What are you doing?" Bad asked in the same tone. "Trying to kiss you." Skeppy pouted as he tried to reach Bad's face and maintain balance at the same time.

"You are going to fall Skeppy." Bad crossed his arms. There was silence between the both of them. Bad was trying not to laugh at Skeppy's efforts to stay balanced.

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