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Spectator mode

Dream had done everything, the act was ready. George was situated in his room with new door locked, he was glad that it matched to the door there was before.

He was not chatting with George making it look like he was scrolling through twitter to not look suspicious in front of the group.

'I hear someone speaking outside, I think they are up'

He read. He prepared himself as he casually stood up making his way upstairs, head burried in his phone in which he was scrolling through twitter to make it look less suspicious.


The message notification popped up in his phone. Dream just laughed and sent a reply.

'I am coming to take control don't worry'


Dream giggled at that.

'Real, just throw something at the door and shout at them to go away which might help to prove that you are grumpy with human contact because of this "infection" you have'

'Out of all things u had to make me look grumpy to avoid question'

'I hate you dream, lots of hate- George <3'

The male wheezed at the response. He looked up to see that he was nearly there. 

As he reached he was greeted by confused faces looking at him and the bruises visible on his body.

"DREAM YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED" Everyone rushed to him except techno who stood in the corner looking unimpressed.

Dream and techno had a awkward eye contact as all the others were rambling about the events.

"Guys, he is not a super human now is he? So can we do it one by one?" Techno got their attention and helped dream who was getting overwhelmed by the amount of people around him, fearing someone would touch his deepest wound which was still not properly treated due to lack of time.

"Yeah right, let me explain-" Bad started but was interrupted by Tommy's shouts who protested to explain everything causing another argument with the whole group on who will speak about the events. Getting too close to dream making his wounds sting like crazy but Dream managed to keep his face straight not letting emotions of pain slip through.

Techno and Dream face palmed at their behavior. Eventually Techno pulled out his phone and typed started typing. Dream heard his phone ding and understood that Techno was texting him. He moved away a bit and opened the message.

'Hey, all of them are busy arguing so I will tell u all of it through texts.'

'Thanks dude, I don't think they will agree to speak calmly'

'What happened anyways?'

Dream typed showing fake curiosity, he knew exactly what happened but he had to act neutral to make it look like just a huge co incidence.

'We all had the same dream in which we were woken up with some screams and to investigate we were banging on ur door but all we heard was some weird screams and nothing more, after that the dream ended and we were all in our beds again....but it all felt too real so we decided to investigate and now George wont open the door making everyone panic.'

Techno looked at Dream for an response. Dream just typed back.

'Damn that is a wild dream'

Techno raised an eyebrow before replying.

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