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Author POV

Dream dragged George to the terrace. George quietly followed him.

As they reached the terrace Dream opened the door and gestured George to enter first like a gentleman.

George entered he was amazed at his view. There were various types of flowers planted all around the swings and the pond. Many water lilies shining in the delicate moonlight. Even though he was colourblind the Garden's look was breath taking.

"It looks better in the day. The vibrant colours glow better ohh wait..... sorry I forgot you were colour blind. Well if I remember the time we used the colour blind filter the garden would look better in the moonlight to you." Dream said entering behind him.

George smiled at him. But his smile soon faded away into a frown. He wished he wasn't colour blind.

He sighed, " I am so messed up."

"Oh honey come here" Dream said pulling George into a hug.

" It's not your fault that you are colour blind, and we all love you no matter how messed up you are." (I don't remember what he said exactly) Dream said in a comforting tone.

George smiled and broke the hug to roam around in the Garden. Dream smiled and followed him.

For the next half an hour George just roamed through the Garden asking Dream about almost every flower in the Garden.

"Oo you even have mini roses, which color are they?" George said pointing at the small rose bush.

Dream giggled at his reaction and answered, "Most of them are red, some are baby pink and white"

"Ohh.....they look so adorable." George said examining a rose.

Dream plucked the very rose George was examining and tucked in behind George's hair.

"Just like you" Dream whispered in his ear. George was now blushing like a dork.

After some more time of admiring the mini roses George moved over to the pond.

"The water lilies look so cool, and some of them are blue...Right?" George looked at Dream with a cute puzzled reaction. Dream nodded trying his best not to wheeze.

George and Dream took a seat At the edge of the pond. George was playing with the water admiring the lilies not noticing dream staring at him.

After sometime George got tired and walked up to the swings and sat in the black weaver swing. Dream followed him and sat beside him.

They talked about the garden for some more time untill George fell asleep on Dream's shoulder.

Dream smiled and played with George's hair. After some time he fell asleep with George nuzzled in his chest.

Time skip

Karl POV

Last night I purposely said that to see their reactions. They said they went for a walk but where? And George didn't return in the room last night.

I searched him all over the first two floors. But he was nowhere to be found. I went up to the second floor and checked the whole floor except Dream's room and the off limits room.

I decided to look into Dream's room first. I knocked on the door before opening in just in case. You can never know what can happen.


No response. So now Either Dream and George are just sleeping deeply or they are not in the room.

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