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Author POV

After the talk Dream carried George to his room and insisted him to take rest for the rest of the day not letting anyone else even step in the room.

George was tired from the staircase workout so he slept for the next 14 hours without even waking up for food.

Dream was still pissed at everyone else for Tubbo's stunt. He did not talk to any of them and would growl every time they tried to apologize. Sapnap was the only who was calm about the blonde's behavior and was joking about giving him some tampons.

It was currently 4am. Dream was petting patches scrolling through twitter.

George was woken up by a stinging pain in his leg. He tried to brush it off and go to sleep again but the pain just started spreading through the whole body. Now the pain was getting unbearable and George was shifting uncomfortably under the covers.

He felt like someone was tearing off the flesh on his legs and his head started aching badly.

"Ughh" He mumbled trying to stay quiet because he though dream was asleep and was afraid of waking him up.

"George?" He heard the familiar voice speak in a concerned tone from the tail of the bed. The brunette was in so much pain that he was not even able to respond, he just continued to shuffle under the covers and moan in pain.

"What happened?" The blonde spoke in a concerned tone into the brunette's ears pulling him into a hug. George was now not able to bear the pain and just started crying into the taller's shoulder.

Dream shushed him as he rubbed circle behind his back and decided to flip off the covers. He was astounded to see what was under the sheets.

George's wound had started bleeding out pure black blood and the scales around the wound were slowly spreading.

As the covers now off the wounds were in more contact with air and started spreading slower than before.

'Wa-water' Was all George mumbled. His instincts made him ask for water and he did not know why.

Dream's face went pale and his whole body froze. The brunette's eyes were pitch black which reminded the blonde of his family members who's eye went the similar shade of black due to the creature's poison.

 George's vison was blurry so he was not able to see his face properly. He just wanted to scratch something to reduce the pain and he actually did scratch Dream drawing blood out of his torso.

Little did the struggling brunette know that he did not ask for water in english. He was speaking mermish.

George's desire for water took over him as the pain started stinging more and more instead of spreading all over the body. He was hearing voices demanding him to get water

'Water' 'Water' 'water' 'the voice' George mumbled pointing to his head. He was so close to pass out but some weird force was keeping him awake, wide awake through the pain.

When the pain had reduced George stopped moaning and laid down on the bloody bed trying to ignore the pain still in his legs.

Dream got up and went to the bathroom to get what George assumed was water. George did not even know why he craved for water so much. He just hugged himself trying to ignore the pain waiting for dream to get water but that was when his eyes shot open and scanned the room.

It hurts, Crying without any tears hurts so much.

As George's eyes scanned the whole room they landed on the cat feeding bowl. Patches was wiping it clean by sipping every last drop of it but there was some water left in it.

George's mind forced him towards the bowl. It was hella painful for the poor boy who's wounds had stopped bleeding but were still paining a lot.

He looked like a monster approaching it's prey in patches's point of view. The poor cat got scared by the faint scales on his body and his black eyes approaching her.

She backed up from George and let him have her bowl as she realized it was better to call Dream for help.

The cat speed up to the bathroom and clawed Dream's legs gaining his attention.

"Not now patche- GEORGE!" Dream looked at the door to spot George approaching the cat bowl like a hunter.

"NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO" Dream mumbled to himself as he sped up out of the bathroom grabbing a ......hair dryer?

George was moving really slowly bcz of the pain so Dream was able to catch up with him before he flipped the bowl over him.

Dream held George's hands  and forced the brunette to look into his eyes.

"George George, look in my eyes. This is not you, this is the poison...plz snap out of it" Dream begged trying to stop George. 

George calmed down for a moment at the sight of dream. His eyes came back to normal as he wept, still no tears came out which made his head hurt more and more by every passing second. He wanted all the pain to go away, he wanted the voices to go away, he just wanted to enjoy his life with Dream. 

He broke down into Dream's lap from exhaustion.

Dream noticed the his eyes go back to normal and pulled the shorter brunette's complete body into his lap as he let him cry. 

"It's ok, I am here don't worry, It all will be over soon I promise you." He started whispering sweet compliments in the brunette's ears.

George calmed down as he melted into Dream's protective, comfortable and loving touch completely ignoring the fading pain.

His head was still aching due to crying without tears.

Suddenly his head started pounding again but this was worse than before. But that was when a small tear formed in his eyes.

'water' The voice in his head spoke as the pain in his body started multiplying again. The pain took over George as he was again in control of the poison.

'yes' He whispered soft enough for Dream to not hear it.


1010 words

I had no idea what will happen now that dream revealed his true self to gogy and was waiting for a idea to stick up in my brain to continue the actual plot but then this happened.

I honestly did not expect this myself.

Ik this chapter was shit but please bare with me. I wrote this during school

plz comment cause i am serious about the goal, that book will atleast have 80 chapters so I won't be able to upload it anytime now if i decide to complete it before uploading it.

That book is made to join hearts and shatter em and is mafia

and plz really comment on this book and express your thoughts here.

enjoy and gather a few drin- I mean snacks for the which do not have liquid for the next chap or else gogy will steal em.

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