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Author POV

Tubbo was now on the land wandering through the bushes. 

"Beeees~" He hummed looking around trying to catch a glimpse of some bees. He wandered around for alot of time until he heard something move in the bush.

"Let's check this out." He muttered and moved closer to bush.

Ranboo POV(cause I haven't switched from author POV from ages)

They all had dragged me into water forcibly......I feel like Wilbur in the water course video.

But to be fair I enjoyed it and was in the water even after what happened because I just didn't wanted to go back to the mansion with drenched clothes.

We played around and continued vloging. Bad, Sapnap, Skeppy and Karl were having chicken fight. George went to swim somewhere else and Dream followed him on a boat without letting Tommy notice it.

Tubbo got up and decided to wander around in the woods.

We soon started trolling eachother and the video turned into a you laugh you loose.

We were trying to make Wilbur laugh now and that's when Tubbo walked out of the woods and shouted.

"Guys I found a snake what should I name him?" He asked gripping the snake.

"Wh-what?" I started at him with shock. How did he do that?

Author POV

Ranboo was in utter shock and was trying to process the information.

Tommy was completely focused on making Wilbur laugh. Wilbur almost let out a laugh when he heard Tubbo say that and Tommy took the chance without taking a glance at Tubbo and spoke,

"William Snakespeare"

That's it. Wilbur lost and looked over to Tubbo and his laugh died down and face dropped. He thought it was a planned joke.

"TUBBO?" Now everyone yelled as their eyes were fixed on the brunette holding a huge ropelike moving figure.

"What? He is cute. And Ranboo you said u once had a pet snake didn't u?" Ranboo gulped.

"Y-yes but this looks poisonous by the fangs.....mine one was also poisonous so I know how to handle it....hold him like that and wait for me." He yelled as he gulped down his panic attack and hurried to the spot Tubbo was standing at.

Tubbo just smiled as the snake tightened it's tail on Tubbo's hands and tried to squirm out and bite him. Tubbo just took it as a affection.

Ranboo moved over to Tubbo with a towel in his hand. Tubbo moved his hand behind to let Ranboo get hold of the snake.

They successfully swapped the snake but the snake got disturbed my the movement and started to move violently trying to choke or bite Ranboo.

That's when they saw a figure in the water.

Dream. He was dragging someone.

"That man refused to swim with us and now he is dragging someone.....did he just kill someone... just saying cause he is secretive and spooky af" Wilbur spoke going near to the bank to get a glimpse of who the mysterious figure was.

Ranboo somehow had managed to shove the snake into a huge plastic box and now they all were taping it with the duct tape Wilbur brought. The snake was still moving quiet violently to make it easy.

(I watch snakes in the city and someone had shoved a snake into a plastic bottle in our society so it is possible for normal humans with no professional snake catching experience)

As Dream was finally by the bank everyone surrounded him and asked him questions as they finally saw who the figure was.

"What happened? How did he get hurt?" This was asked the most.

Dream got annoyed and growled shushing everyone.

"Something got caught in his leg which was not allowing him to move and was pulling him deeper so he almost drowned and I saved him, now if you all move I have to take him home." He was technically not lying but not speaking the complete truth either.

Everyone nodded at Dream's serious tone and moved away. As Dream started walking forward holding George in his arms in bridal style, he noticed the taped box which was shaking.

He turned and gave everyone, 'now what is this?' look.

Ranboo looked down in slight embarrassment but Tubbo

He bursted out, "I found a cute snake but here our Mr. Snake expert thought it was poisonous and he trapped him in this." He pouted and gave Ranboo a angry look.

Everyone just bursted out again and started pointing out how what they did was good which was starting to annoy the blonde who was holding George.

"Stop!" Dream shouted which silenced everyone.

"Just call the snake catcher and solve it on your own, I don't want to see another scene while I am away. Do You Understand?" He spoke in a stern voice which sent chills down everyone's spines. Everyone just nodded silently and Dream left.

While he was almost at the entrance George grumbled in his unconscious state as he shifted into a better position.

Dream chuckled, " Hang in there, we will be in the house on the soft bed in just a few mins." He planted a kiss on the shorter brunette's forehead to which he responded with a smile. 

840 words
Sorry for short chap but I will deffo increase the length

My problem is that I can't describe shit properly and I decide what should happen in a specific chapter to try cliffhangers so they become short.

I will try and make em 2k words from now on...which do you prefer? 1k or 2k?
Tell me in comments

And yeah don't forget to drop irons/comments like good iron golems and tridents/votes as you like just like drowned.

Hope you all enjoyed
Ily and stay happy

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