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Spectator Mode (Lmao I forget to add this at the start)

The door was slowly opening. All of the people outside were waiting for the suspense to end and George to finally reveal himself.

"Wait let me get the first aid kit" George's nervous voice was heard as the door was closed again. Everyone's raised shoulder and face dropped. They knew George was just trying to avoiding to let them see him but everyone knew that it was inevitable because of what was on the line.

Everyone's dearest friend, Dream and George's own crush.

George now finally came back with the first aid kit and inhaled deeply before opening the door slowly.

"Oh come on now" Sapnap snapped and opened the door quickly. Sapnap was shocked to see George covered in scales. The brunette who was standing in the door was looking at the floor little embarrassed. But then he felt Tommy touch the fins he had beside his eyes.

"Oww, Tommy" George flinched back when he felt the blonde tug on it harshly to test if it is real or not.

"You were doing makeup this whole time?" Tubbo asked moving ahead and holding George's hand and examining it.

"Which cosplay is it?" Ranboo asked taking another step closer. Overwhelming George who was just not ready to let anyone touch him yet. He flinched back moving out of the teenager's grasp looking to Sapnap who seemed to be the only one who knew it was all real.

"Guys, it is not a cosplay......I think Dream was not lying about George getting an infection from the seaweed." Sapnap broke it for the teens who immediately jumped 2 feet away from George making the adults laugh.

"Dont worry it is not infectious" George laughed it off as he saw the teens com close again slowly and carefully. He still did not know how much Dream would like all the group to know after all it was his secret not George's giving the brunette no rights to share it.

He looked at Sapnap and offered a sad smile before asking him to lead the way.

"Ohh yeah, down to the bean bag area." Sapnap told him and pointed down. A nod was received as a response and everyone were now hurrying back down.

George was not really ready to speak to others and get the reaction now but he had to go down to rescue Dream. Once they reached the last flight of stairs George inhaled deeply and ran straight to the bean bag area not letting anyone get a good look at him.

Sapnap understood why he did that and asked Bad and Karl to relax and give the brunette some time.

When the brunette reached the bean bag area he was filled with pure shock. He was seeing Dream's bloody torso and multiple pieces of clothes which were soaked in blood. Techno and Wilbur were constantly cleaning the wound trying to stop the blood from flowing out whilst Skeppy provided them with cloth.

George embraced himself quicker this time as he had seen that twice and if he was being honest he did not expect to find himeself shocked at looking at the wound again but the unhealthy amount of blood the unconscious blonde was loosing shocked him. He knew that the blonde had different body tolerance levels as he was not a human but still loosing that much blood is not healthy for anyone.

He quickly sat down beside Dream and started to fish our tweezers, needle and the thread used for stitching wounds ignoring surprised gasps coming from Skeppy, Techno and Wilbur who seemed to back away from the two thinking the same as the teenagers did when they found out the scales on George were real.

Sapnap soon entered and assured them that it was not infectious and started to ask George if he needs any help. George gladly accepted the offer and started giving out instructions which not only Sapnap but Skeppy, Wilbur and Techno obeyed. The bean bag area was now a surgery area where George carefully stitched back the wound whilst the living room became a theatre streaming the teenager's dramatic description of George.

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