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Spectator mode

George made his way to Dream's room ignoring the group who were watching Tommy's vlog and recording some stuff for him as a distraction from the commotion which was caused in the house sometime ago.

Once he reached the room he took a deep breathe and then turned the knob walking in to be greeted by a cat curled against the dirty blonde's side with a cat teasing rod toy sitting by the blond's nightstand which he assumed was a gift from patches who was purring gently getting the unconscious one at ease by the positive sound she produced.

George silently giggled and moved ahead to gently pet the cat but as soon as Patches was aware of the brunette's presence she snarled at him baring her fangs at him protectively wrapping her tail around Dream's arm mindful of the gauze around the torso making the brunette who just wanted to appreciate her frown.

"Now you hate me" George sighed as he let his body loose and sat on the floor tugging his leg to his chest hugging them. He gently stroked his own leg to calm himself as he tried to make his sobs inaudible forgetting cats have better hearing than humans.

The human's actions confused Patches. She saw him hurt her owner who was always nice to her. She saw him be aggressive to herself. 

Why was the same human now expressing sad expressions?

Did he regret his past actions? Did he even mean to cause them?

That night he looks more ferocious and dangerous than he did now.

 She thought to herself as she tilted her head to examine the brunette who's sobs were easily audible to her sensitive cat ears. Still in a defensive position she slightly moved ahead to examine the brunette better who looked at her when he realized the cat meowed at him in a not so threatening way.

He somewhat looked like the boy who lived in her owner's boxes, the one who shoved many white human snacks in his mouth, the one who wore too many t-shirts, the one who made a cake with fire on top of it, the one who had a bath with cold cube thingies, the one who made her owner smile in a way she had never seen him smile, the one who her owner spent hours watching.

He looked too much like the boy but the problem was that he even looked like the creature who nearly tore apart her owner and scared the living shit out of her because of which she was hiding in the wrecked bathroom for hours.

It horrified her. She did not know what to believe to be his true form, his true intention. He looked like the boy who hurt her owner and like the boy who made her owner happy. What was she expected to consider to be the human's true intentions? To give her owner happiness or pain?

She did not know what to trust but she knew her owner trusted him. His voice always put her owner into ease just like her purrs and meows did. The soft expressions on the boy's face made her try and trust the boy. 

She flinched back slightly when George held his hand out asking for permission to pet her. She was hesitant at first but the soft glow in the human's eye made her trust him, she trusted his soft moves enough to not hurt her or her owner.

She gave in and moved her head ahead meowed softly to gain the human's attention who's ears perked up when he realized that the cat allowed him to let him pet her. He gently pet the top of her forehead making the cat melt in his touch.

When Patches was sure that the human didn't mean to hurt them last night, guessing that from his gentle gestures she jumped down completely letting her guard down and snuggling into the human who was really good at petting her.

George folded his legs and allowed the cat to snuggle in there as he scratched the back of her ears which resulted in being her soft spot making her purr which made the brunette smile brightly as he continued to give the cat a massage which the little queen accepted without any second thoughts. George giggled at Patches and continued to work his magic.

After sometime Patches fell asleep and George gently placed her in her bed which was thankfully not ripped. He gave her one last head scratch before looking over to Dream who looked peaceful from the purrs the cat was producing the whole time. George smiled at the relaxed expressions but he knew damn well that the man is still not awake.

He sighed and sat by his bed and held the blond's hand gently rubbing it with his thumb waiting for an miracle to happen and Dream waking up right now, just by sensing his hands. He knew it was a little selfish of him to expect the blonde to wake up before getting some well deserved rest but he wanted to make sure Dream was okay.

He spent what felt like an hour there caressing the blonde's hand but then he heard his phone ding.

He had totally forgotten about it and wondered who it was as his phone is always on priority notifications( a term made up by me) 

It was a feature he coded in which only allowed important notifications to make sound to alert him. Before leaving he had set the social media notifications off only letting Bad's Sap's and Dream's text and call notification on.

He quickly searched the room to find out where the noise cam from, being able to find it in no time. He opened the text which was from Sap.

'We got a little problem here'

He read it in his mind mentally sighing.

'Now what'

He asked back to which he got an reply.

'You come down and hear it yourself'

He sighed loudly now and rolled his eyes before giving Dream an apologetic look before leaving the room taking the stairs to go downstairs.

Loud arguing was audible when George was not even halfway down there. He sighed yet again trying to think of everything that could go wrong and the worst was about the group finding the basement but if they did they would write hear it yourself and would instead demand an explanation.

When he was down he saw everyone panicking at his sight, especially Tommy who was trying to hide behind Techno who just held his collar and pulled him into clear sight.

"What happened now?" George asked in an annoyed tone glaring at everyone.

"Erm- do you remember about Tommy's vlog?" Wilbur started because Tommy the one who was actually supposed to speak was not speaking, terrified of George who seemed to impersonate Dream unknowingly who is a person with really bad anger issues.

"Erm- Phil was traveling to America at the same time with Kristen to give her parents a visit so Tommy offered him to come here for a day to shoot a vlog and...." Wilbur went silent not wanting to finish the sentence he started as he looked at George in fear noticing the same thing because of which Tommy was avoiding to speak to the brunette.

"And what?" George glared at everyone as Bad tried to come closer to calm him down but stopped as he realized it is not worth . Wilbur too afraid to speak any further pushed Tommy ahead making it impossible for the teenager to get out of this question.

"He-he will be here....in an hour" Tommy mumbled as his head hung low ready to accept what will happen next.


1264 words

Okay, What do you all think will happen? Will dream wake up by then? Or will Phil fall in the secret too?

Okay, so we got a mail from school saying that our school is suddenly starting and the exams will also be offline so....yeah I will completely run out of reasons to open my laptop to type for you all so updates for the next 3 weeks mostly wont be there due to school and after that my mom is planning to take me to our village which has no Wi-Fi so I cant guarantee updates after that too.

I will try and get some reasons to log in and type a few chapters for you all

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