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Author POV

On went the web of thoughts in his head. The webs which the poison had started to tangle George into it, but this time it was George's mind and insecurities playing tricks with him and not the poison.

The more George thought the more he got stuck in his head in the web of thoughts.

As the blonde was done wiping his wounds George immediately took back the lead and started to disinfect the wounds with the disinfectant in the first aid kit and frowned as he realized how much damage had been caused to the blonde due to him. 

After the disinfecting the wounds he started to stitch the wounds. He had learned to do it in his collage. Negative thoughts fogging his mind making him feel guilty about everything.

The brunette got so lost in his guilt trip that he did not notice how harsh he was going on the wounds. The blonde was just hissing in pain the whole time trying to get used to the pain but George was too harsh for it.

"George!" Dream flinched snapping the brunette out of his thoughts.

"HUh?" George just looked confused at the blonde who took away the gauze from his hands and finished wrapping around his torso in a hurry.

As the blonde was done he let out a sigh escape his mouth while the brunette just stared at him puzzled.

"You were distracted" Dream muttered trying not to make the brunette feel bad. But George just frowned and looked down.

Dream hated to see a frown on the Brit's face. He loved the smiling face and the weird happy noises he made. He liked it when they would just goof around in the minecraft world and in their discord VCs and chats with their friends like there was no tomorrow.

He liked those good old days when the they would joke around without any worry. He loved it.

Without realizing he held his hand out and cupped the brunette's cheek in a affectionate way and gave him a heart warming look which brought back a smile on the brunette's face.

The difference? Before his smiles used to stretch across his face and used to be goofy and filled with sweetness and not even a single hint of worry and guilt, but now his smile was soft and small, filled with guilt and worry. So soft that the blonde was afraid that it would break.

Dream just wished to get back the brunette's carefree self back. He leaned in and placed a kiss on the back of his hand and stood up with the support of the sink.

George's smile grew bigger at the little affectionate move and he followed him and tried to help Dream walk but he was also too exhausted to help dream so instead he just handed Dream the crutches the blonde gave him before.

Dream just scoffed looking at how the tables turned but refused the crutches.

"Forget about your big ass ego and take em you dimwit, they will help." George scolded knowing that it was coming from the blonde's ginormous ego.

"I wont be needing it George, I feel better now and can walk, it just hurts a bit in the chest while doing so and crutches might make it worse." The blonde half lied. He didn't feel better, he had just forced his body to adjust to the pain but the last bit was true. Crutches would make it worse as he needed his hand to carefully grab his wounds while walking so they would hurt less.

George simply nodded with guilt and wrapped a arm around dream and helped him. The blonde giggled at the unnecessary yet caring efforts of the brunette to help him but decided not to say anything as he knew how much guilt the brunette was feeling currently.

He knew how painful it was to see your loved one go through immense amount of pain and be the reason of it. He knew perfectly well how it felt. The best he could do for George is assure him that he is fine and it was not his fault.

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