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Phil standing in the corridor screaming at the top of his lungs at the sight of Dream, whose face was unknown to him in pain crouching by one of the door whilst George on the other hand stood at the entrance of the staircase not being able to see any of the scene.

At the scream George dropped his airpods and hurried ahead trying to get a glimpse of the scene and as soon as he got a view of the other two on the floor he gasped loudly gaining Phil's attention followed by a even louder screech which was surely causing Dream trouble due to his already foggy mind and weak body.

The brunette ran to the Blonde in pain and held him in his hands trying to carry him. He was constantly looking over to Phil trying to ask him for help but Phil was shock struck and was not able to move. Dream's face unknown to him and George's fins making him scared. Thankfully the screech was audible through the whole mansion which immediately alarmed the rest of the group who rushed up to see what was happening.

Wilbur was the first to arrive. He instructed the minors, Karl and bad to take Phil down and hold off the questions they might get asked while he instructed the rest to follow him to help George. All nodded and followed the instruction.

Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Karl and Bad soothed Phil by rubbing his back and assured him that they will explain everything and took the old man down into the living room whilst Wilbur, Techno, Sapnap and Skeppy helped George with Dream who did not look in a good condition at all. The wounds they had fixed a few hours ago were worse and everyone had the same question in their mind....How did this man manage to fuck it up so bad?

George sweated as he spent another hour fixing dreams wounds which were out of his hands to look after. They all knew that they needed a professional but they just simply couldn't so they waited for Dream to gain his consciousness back so that he could help us heal his wounds better. While  that one hour Phil was making everyone anxious from the number of questions he had.

Tommy constantly suggested him to just stay quiet and wait for a bit and hear it from the man himself, the one Phil saw but Phil was a little skeptical about it. He wanted instant answers to avoid overthinking which mostly leads to negative outcomes.

After George did all that he could, they all headed down while Sapnap stayed to keep an eye on Dream instead of George. Everyone downstairs were sitting in a weird silence for the longest time. A few of them excused themselves from the awkward silence to make dinner whilst the others who stayed pretended to scroll on their phones secretly texting each other for solutions.

Phil had to call Kristen to inform her that he will be late and also to have a word with her parents. He ended up staying on the call for almost 45 minutes trying to avoid the group as it got more and more weird with every single of his unanswered question.

The long call ended with Tommy calling Phil for the dinner. An extremely awkward dinner. Just the sound of the plates, spoons and forks audible. No one daring to speak. Once the plates were empty and in the sink they all settled down whilst Sapnap excused himself saying he would look after Dream and send George down for dinner.

All simply nodded and maintained the thick silence in the air till a certain person entered after some awkward moments. George.

He stepped in with a fake smile and tried to cut through the silence which he managed to do easily like a knife.

"Tommy you hit 10 MILLION ON YOUR MAIN ACCOUNT!! CONGRATULATIONS!!" George had a nervous cheer which was followed by everyone who just were now used to the fake atmospheres of happiness and knew very well how to fake it and get out of some situations to allow real happiness to come by and say hello for at least a while later on but Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and Phil were the only ones who did not fake it like nothing had happened. Phil didn't move at all whilst Tommy smiled at the cheering group hugging his two bestfriends who knew very well how he felt about achieving it in this situation. 

"I think we all deserve some muffins for this event!" Bad smiled and was going to walk to the kitchen but a firm voice stopped him along with the chatter in the house. It was Phil. He had enough and wanted answers, not some fake scenarios.

"You cant escape from everything by faking it mates...You sometimes do need to face it and deal with it in a better way and I expect you all to do the same and face my questions about the incidents which occurred earlier." He make his point clear and broadened his shoulders to show confidence. Everyone sighed, George having the loudest one, and with that they all settled down on the couch.

"Phil er- listen, the one who you saw today morning was Dream and er- " Before George could continue a gasp and a quick question interrupted him.

"Dream! How the hell did he get in that condition? Why do you have scales and fins? Why were you hiding all this? Wh-" The flood of unsolved questions in Phil's mind was now coming out of his mouth like a waterfall which was interrupted by Techno who urged him to be patient.

"Sorry, continue George" Phil apologized and let George continue.

"So all this, dream's condition, my scales and every other strange thing you might find in here is a huge part of Dream's...Family secret and I really don't want to be the one to reveal it without Dream's consent....I know that all we both put you all through is a valid reason for you all to know the complete truth but....Its not just a secret, it is dream's responsibility, past, guilt, regret, the weight Dream had to carry on his shoulders for years and.....he did nothing wrong but has to live with the guilt of not being able to save many of the people he used to call his. I already fucked up a lot of shit for him and I don't want to do it anymore. I know it all feels unfair for you all but....world is unfair to everyone and it will be unfair of me to answer your questions instead of Dream, who can choose how much weight of the secret he is ready to share....Sorry for now but I promise that nothing is illegal or wrong, what happened to him was wrong and he still has scars from the past incidents so I feel he shoul-" It was George's perhaps 10th complete breakdown through the complete trip, counting the ones he had in the bathrooms alone. But he still had arms wrapping around him in comfort to assure him that some bonds are unbreakable no matter the situation or the surrounding.

"It must be hard right? The wound tells me that it is an extremely huge secret" Phil chuckled allowing the atmosphere to change. He had come upon such a moment before in his life where carrying someone else's secret became extremely heavy with the questions you got around the topic you tried to avoid. He hated keeping huge secrets unless they were Merch drops or videos of his own or his mates.

George wiped his tears as the multiple arms around him started to pull back.

"Yes, god even I don't know the whole secret and it has been barely a week since I found out and it is already heavy on me, I am just tired of thinking how heavy it must have been for Dream to maintain it from years without letting anything slip out....Anyways I think we should completely change topic and TALK ABOUT 10 MILLION TOMMYINNIT!!!" George ended up jumping on the couch along with Tommy and Tubbo (Man ranboo was too tall for it)

"10 MILLION BABY!!!!!! WOMEN BE AWARE, THIS HANDSOME MAN IS COMING TO GET YA!" Tommy roared like a Rockstar does in his concerts and the other roared back louder like the crazed audience full of stans and fans.

"BIG MAN TOMMY HAS 10 MILLION FELLOWS NOW GUYS!" Tubbo locked his hands in tommy's shoulders in a side hug.

"10 MILLION BABY!!!!!" Everyone roared and went into a party mood. Phil silently chuckled to himself and texted Christen informing her about his extended stay.

The party went on for another hour till Sapnap came rushing down with a news.

"Dream is awake and he wants you George."


1458 words

Okay so thanks for 9k reads

sorry for late updates

But I am in trouble rn 


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