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"Bu- But I cant George" the blonde's head hung low in disappointment.

"I cant, I cant just share my grief or my guilt or my pain nor my anger. The only option is left to wear a smiling mask forever isn't it? And what will happen if I express it all? It will just upset people around me and I don't want that....My mom always taught me to not let my own emotions control me...she always taught me to think from my mind, to put my responsibilities before my emotions...mom is never wrong right?" Dream finally let down his smile and spoke up openly.

"Mom?" George repeated it.

"Idk, is she always right? She is a human right? Humans do make mistakes-...even mermaids do"

"No George, a mother is never wrong. " Dream avoided facing George as he spat the words which were fed into him as he was a prince and his mother being a queen was never called wrong. Being an royal always came with the burden of doing the right thing for your kingdom, no space for wrong being given.

"Let me tell you Dream, she is a mother not a goddess. She can't see in future and has the right to make mistakes, everyone has because that is how we learn and now don't ask me how I can be so sure not all mothers are not correct." George held Dream's hand in his own wiping his own tears which were formed in his eyes at the thought of mother. Dream refused to look George in the eyes which made George sigh in response and continue perusing the dirty blonde to loosen up.

"...My mom used to always says she will be with me forever.....she was proved wrong on xx/xx/xxx when her car crashed down a cliff....nor her body was there with me later.....She promised me but she can't see in the future now can she?" George spoke in a sarcastic tone as he looked away this time trying to hold his tear avoiding Dream's stare which had diverted towards him after hearing the above words.

"I-I am sorry you had to bring it up.....But I just cant express all of my emotions now can I? My anger issues do exist and are the worst" He sniffled as he half heartedly laughed looking at George's face which was turned to him with a soft scoff.

"Well then at least don't fake a smile.... If yo-" George stopped midway as he heard a few footsteps come closer. 

"Dont fake happiness and let it be real whenever it comes to fully enjoy it" He whispered and rubbed Dream's back lightly to which the dirty blond mouthed a thanks and started adjusting the blanket.

In no time the room was crowded by everyone who were living in the house for the time being except Patches who was most likely roaming somewhere unknown of the little meeting.

Everyone standing around the bed as if a little show was hosted and Dream was the anchor.

"I-I honestly don-t know where to start from...." Dream tried to think of a point from where he could start but a wave of relief went down his spine as he noticed everyone were standing quietly letting him take as much time he needed to be ready to reveal it all to them so dream tried to waste no time and took a deep breath before nodding to the group to give a heads up to their questions.

Everyone shook their heads here and there looking at each other trying to figure out who will ask the first question except the teens who thought that dream would narrate it to them like a story tale which was why Wilbur and Techno had to nudge them in the side and whisper in their ears what was happening which made them nod in understandment.

"Sooo...." Phil stretched the word as long as he could looking face to face trying to figure out if he could go first or not but as he say other's face urge him to go first he nodded and looked at Dream continuing.

"-oooo.... What. The. Fuck. Is. Happening. And please tell us the whole truth and not excuse it saying it is a long story because we have enough time to listen to the truth behind the events we witnessed." Phil stated what he wanted to hear from Dream earning several nods from the other group.

(Lmao I just thought of where George is standing in my imagination of this scene and I legit thought of him as a body guard XD)

Dream chuckled before taking a deep breathe, "This all might sound like I am trying kidding but I shit you not, this all is real and I think I will start from the very beginning from where it all started..."  

The first few words made the Teens hug each other tightly thinking of the craziest, stuff that could have happened whilst the adults tried to think of the most realistic stuff that could have happened which sounds unrealistic but they all were proved wrong as Dream started to narrate.

"W- well it all started from...my birth actually, m-my father was a human and my mother was a....mermai-" But before Dream could finish his sentence he heard a few audible sighs from the adults and awes of surprise from the youngsters who had not even thought of letting any sea creature cross their mind while letting their imagination on loose trying to make up the weirdest stuff that could have happened....even if it was pretty much obvious from George's fins.

"Come on Dream!" Techno crossed his hands with a look of disappointment on his face as he shook his head.

"We don't have time for fairytales, we want the truth!" Phil trying to stay as calm as possible throughout this situation snapped when he heard the mention of a creature they had only heard in fairytales.

"Guy why don't we first listen to hi-" Bad trying to calm the others who had lost their patience.

"No! Dream please speak the truth! We wont even judge you! Even if you turn out to be form some mafia! Nor if you turn out to be a mad scientist! All we care about for now is the Truth!" Sapnap held Dream's shoulders as he 'tried' to comfort his friend who apparently thought that they all will judge him if he tells them the truth in which he might be perhaps bad.

Karl was the one to pull Sapnap away form Dream and try to get him to calm down and allow Dream to continue but little did he know that Dream was extremely hurt by this reaction to the start.


1103 words

I honestly had no idea how I was going to do this so I just decided to do this

I remember someone recommending this in the comments so I will just find them and dedicate this chapter to them


Check it out as it is getting more frequent updates and longer chapters, It is just around 20 chapters, all planned out!!

And if you already read that book and are wondering when the next update is, I have 389 words in and this is an important point of the story were I say the main plot starts so I am trying ot make it as sensible and emotional as possible so this will take a bit....Yeah this was why I gave a double upload on sunday

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