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Author POV

Sorry I forgot to mention trigger warnings but plz expect gore, blood etc. from this chapter

A tear formed in George's eyes. He just wanted Dream's shirt to soak it but the poison in his body sent a sharp pain through his mind which made him flinch and the tear dropped on his leg.

No no no no no no no.

George regretted everything. But it was too late. He felt the pain rise up from his legs to his head and his eyes blacked out as he lost control of himself.

Dream was whispering sweet things in George's ears (of which the brunette took no notice of) the whole time trying to calm him sensing the discomfort and pain radiating off from the way he was clinging onto dream.

The blonde never expected any of that to happen. George getting bitten by the very creature that became the reason of the downfall of his whole kingdom. The poison acting on the brunette.

He never expected that. His brain was now racing to the time the creatures took over his underwater world.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt something sharp dig deep into his chest. He looked down to see the brunette break the hug.

George's eyes were pitch black with a few black scales above it just like a eyeshadow, he had huge scaly claws which were soaked in Dream's blood, the seaweed scales on his legs had spreaded more than they were before and the tip of his legs were webbed just like a scuba diving suit.

Dream was taken aback from his view. The poison was turning his boyfriend into a dark merman, they called the poisoned merman dark merman. He was shocked. He did not know that this was something that could happen.

Dream clutched his chest trying to stop the bleeding. George stood up with his emotionless eyes staring into Dream's soul, preparing to attack him anytime soon.

Dream dragged himself to the door and tore his shirt off and tied it around his wounds as he watched the brunette from the other corner of the room screech a demonic chant which was spoken in mermish.

'You will die Prince Dream'

Uh oh. George screamed that too loud. Now everyone in the house were alert and were heading to Dream's room.

"DREAM!" The blonde was able to hear from the other side of the door. Dream was not even able to move because of his wounds and when he opened his mouth to respond blood oozed out of his mouth. 

'Shit' Dream thought. How was he gonna deal with everyone else?

Blood was dripping down his mouth and every movement he made just made his own wound hurt. George the only other person in the room was not in the state of speaking. How the hell was he gonna handle them?

His thoughts were cut short by the banging on the door. Now everyone else on the other side of the door were concerned by no response.


Dream needed a moment to let his body get used to the pain. He just started breathing heavily as he tried to make it quick. 

"If I get no response now I am gonna break this door." Wilbur yelled banging his whole body against the door.


Dream looked in the room to see blood all over, a scared cat hiding in her cat bed, blood drenched ripped sheets and his bestfriend/crush gripping his head tightly while screaming 'no' in mermish.

Dream smiled. George was still in there. The brunette was trying to fight the poison.

His train of thoughts was crashed again by another bang on the door which indicated that the door would break down in a few more hits.

"shit" Dream mouthed wiping off the blood dripping off his lips. He tried to get up but the wounds started stinging more and more.

He hissed in pain as he forced his body by the door to prevent it from breaking down but turns out that the whole group was now banging the door.

'I need to think of a solution quick.' Dream thought. He let his eyes wander the room to find any possible thing he could use to stop the group outside the door from breaking in.

What he didn't notice was George plunging at him baring his newly formed fangs.

'shit! how did he grow fangs so fast?' Dream thought. 

George had basically now tackled dream to the ground into a fight giving the group outside the door a good chance to break the door with a few hits.

'think think think think' Dream said to himself as he continued to defend himself without hurting the brunette who was approaching him violently.

Dream smirked as a plan appeared in his mind. It was super risky but the only way to handle the situation. He ran to the bathroom and closed the door behind me leaving George outside.

George started scratching the door trying to get if asap. Thanks to Dream that the bathroom doors were more durable than the normal room doors because, you know...he's a merman.

But now as George had claws he needed a few hits to break in. If dream's calculation was correct he has 5 mins before the group outside his room breaks in.

He hastily opened the tap and let the water pour over his hands. It was hard for him to even walk but he didn't care about it and successfully ignored the pain knowing that the consequences would be worse later.

He let a good amount of water fill in the sink before cupping his hands and taking some water in them.

Bang! Ok Dream really underestimated the power of George. 

The blonde hurried up and let his mind focus on what he wanted the water to do.

"come one" He prayed as it was getting harder and harder to focus with the pain in his chest.

"Ugh this won't work with this pain!" Dream huffed dropping the water from his hands.

Bang! George now needed only 2 hits to break in and so did the group outside the room.

"Shit! OK I HAVE NO CHOICE" Dream yelled before taking another cup of water in his cupped hands and forgetting about all oh the pain and thinking of the necessary words he needs to focus on for his plan to work.

"For George" He mumbled and suddenly he felt a tingle in his hands

He whispered a small cheer.

In his hands laid a beautiful trident. It did had a few seaweeds and moss attached to it but who said that they don't make things beautiful? It was white and purple just like the ones in Minecraft.


1116 words

hope yall enjoyed and whenever this whole book hits 300 comments I will publish the mafia book i was talking abt in the last chap and i set the goal to 101 comments cause ik a person who will comment alot once they get time to read this so playing safe.

Comment ppl okz

it makes my day

<3 :)

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