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George froze in his tracks as he heard those words escape Sapnap's mouth.

"Dream" A whisper left his lips as he left the little party and rushed up without having another word with anyone. Each step getting heavier with every moment, heartbeat running faster than an athlete racing for the gold.

Before entering the room George stopped for a second and took a deep breath before twisting the knob and placing his foot inside the room and allowing his eyes to explore which landed on the uneasy dirty blond on the bed moving too hastily for his condition at the very edge of the bed which indicated that he tried to move alot.

"Whoa whoa whoa dream, stop moving. sh shhhh shhhh its okay, its okay, You are safe. Its alright, just breath on my count" George started counting to calm down the uneasy blonde who was shuffling and trying to calm his hyperventilated breathing.

The brunette mumbled comforting words whilst rubbing the blonde's palm in a rhythm calming the blond slowly until he finally had the strength to open his eyes. 

"Ge-george" A weak delighted sound low as a whisper was heard from the blonde's mouth making the brunette smile like an simp.

"Wh-what happened-" The blonde was interrupted by a loud and and extremely harsh fit of coughs which put the already struggling blonde into more struggle with every single cough as he tried to ignore. George's both eyebrows joint together in curiosity along with his arms which moved ahead to provide the blond some support and help by rubbing comforting patterns on his back but nothing worked and the coughs grew louder and louder confusing the brunette .

"Dream?" Concern painted all over the brunette's face as he looked back and forth trying to find anything that might help Dream but all the efforts in vain. By god's grace a chatter was audible coming from the door which meant that the group was here.

"Quick! Water!" George burst through the door and spat that command out on Sapnap's face. It took the ravenette a few seconds to process the information along with the coughing sound which was now audible to the whole group.

"Wh-Oh shit....You mean drinking water? Now?" Sapnap bounced his feet as he got ready to run in the direction of his room which was the closest water source which he knew about. Without wasting anytime George nodded aggressively allowing the rest of the group enter the room to take his place and provide support to dream who was not really stable to even sit straight up with his body making him cough. Sapnap didn't take long enough to disappear and reappear with a paper cup filled with water but Thanks to George who held the glass before Sapnap could spill any while gasping for air. 

The paper cup was the one George recognized to be from the last facetime George had with Sapnap when he was there last. "How ancient is this?" George scrunched his face remember how many weeks old the paper cup was as he held it up just to get an unimpressed look from Sapnap.

"Hey! Hey! The cup might be old but the water is fresh water I brought up yesterday." Sapnap crossed his hands with this reply which was enough for George to hustle through the crowd to Dream and offer him the water, slowly helping him take small sips. Till there was water in the cup, the cough took a break but as soon as every single one of the water droplets were slurped by the blond the coughs returned, this time louder and stronger reaching a point  which George never imagined one could ever get to. All frozen in their tracks afraid to do anything in the fear of making more trouble for Dream who looked like would cough out his insides. They just watched and followed his signs which were just some hand moments reaching out for an hand to help him shift to an side.

They followed the signs and tried to ask Dream what they could do to help and at this point Techno, Sapnap and George realized it was best for the teens, Karl and bad to go outside as they were not really comfortable with watching such types of scenes.

Skeppy gladly took the little single through eyes and pushed the ones out and was trying to push Phil out too but Phil was not ready to leave because of the desire to find out the truth.

Skeppy rubbed bad's back who looked extremely sick and worried for his friend. He whispered a comforting phrase in the older brunette's ear and dismissed them to the stair asking them to go downstairs and not come up till they are called.

The minors hugged each other in fear and nodded slightly and started walking down the stairs slowly in the uncomfortable quiet environment which was extremely weird because of Tommy's personality to light up any environment and add a little spice to it erasing most negative emotions temporarily but the environment right now was like a bland porridge served in the hospitals which was something no one is fond of, something everyone would like to get rid of but had no choice to live with it till they are there.

Karl felt bad for everyone and offered to paint all of their nails to distract them for a bit, after all it was supposed to be a fun, relaxing trip....the relaxing part was obviously not an option now so he did all he could.

With a heavy heart Skeppy left his crush in the same state and left to help the others. As soon as he entered the room he was able to sense terror and concern in the tense environment from all the chaotic noises. 

The coughing was now more and more painful like some torture from the inside and everyone around crowded around Dream who was the source of the sound. 

When a few of them stepped away from Dream sound of some liquid splashing was heard.


1000 words

This chapter was written by me in school during chemistry period XD

What do you think the liquid was? Patches? Mrs. Dream? Mr. Poison? Dream's guts?

Whelp the options XD

Anyways ya'll were gonna get a longer chapter but the number satisfied me

I will be going out for vacation from 30th april to 8th may so no uploads will be there in between that time

I will try and upload the next chapter tomorow or day after tomorow but no promises

(I got a free period tomorow so ill try it then)

and I am aware of the typos I made in this bold section and i wont correct it cause me is the cat typo queen

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