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George provided Dream with care and comfort till Dream calmed down. The brunette slowly muttered number patterns to stabilize Dream's breathing which got faster with the increasing pain. He gently brushed Dream's hair which helped dream a lot.

He patiently waited for Dream and started whistling heatwav-

I- I mean he started whispering comforting shushing sounds which helped dream calm down and dissolve into George's comforting embrace.

"Dream!" George whispered slowly letting sweet memories he created with the dirty blond through their years old friendship.

"Do you remember all the moments we had with each other? All of our manhunts? All of our streams? All of our late-night calls where we would just talk and talk till we fell asleep? All of our Dnf jokes?" He tried to distract Dream but got distracted himself at the last thought. A red hue spread across his cheeks making him smile.

George quickly shaked his head and started narrating all of his favorite core memories to Dream whilst gently brushing his fingers through his hair in a soothing voice.

Dream just melted into the memories reliving each of them, slowly forgetting about the pain which was still there but being overpowered by another feeling which was more important and distracting. A bubbly feeling in the blond's stomach as he re-imagined each and every memory George narrated just as it was being told to him. But the bubbly feeling in his stomach just made him feel uneasy in a perhaps... weird way which somehow felt good. 

For some reason in all of these memories his brain highlighted one thing in gold as if it was something heavenly....George!! 

It made him kind of nervous whenever George was in his full glory under the little golden light his brain always put George in, so nervous that another feeling or some kind of a pull towards the little brit developed in and so Dream's instincts made the blond wrap his arms around George in a needy manner but none of that George minded and just hugged Dream still mindful of the Floridan's injuries which he himself had patched up and wanted to avoid looking at the horrid damage that was caused to the person's body who he cared about a lot.

George made Dream feel loved and valued more than he ever was by any other person except his sister but their absence for such a long time made him lonely that even the simple embrace felt like heaven to Dream.

Dream felt like he was melting into a bed of clouds in which all of his worries and problems dissolved away for a moment. An angelic voice narrating a few of his best memories to him. The environment was so peaceful and calming that it all felt unreal without any tension in the air. 

Everything felt perfect but accidentally Dream had brushed his torso off on George's torso which shot a pain through his body cutting him off.

He moved his hand to his wounds but immediately regretted it as soon as a flashback started.


500 words

Sorry for short chapter AGAIN

But I am just kind of bored and busy to write ig? :/

Sorry but dont worry!! I have kind of figured out how to write this so I guess this will go on but please wait for the other book cause I might take it down to fix it....I am kind of in a writer's block so it might take some time 


this just has an artistic up in my lift tbh cause now i spend time doing art and err I improved ig?? but now I have coloured 2 cupboards XD

love yourself :)

Wish me luck for Saturday (parents teachers meeting)

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