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Maroon red color which would probably look better on a delicate little flower and not petrify anyone splattered over the floor frightening everyone around. Eyeballs threatening to drop out at the sight of it. No one could comprehend the situation and were in a state of shock, completely frozen on their places waiting for their brain to function the scene and dream to stop coughing which was happening slowly but the blood was still dripping from his mouth as if his salivary glands started secreting blood all of a sudden.

"D-dream?" A shaky sentence broken left George's lips as he held Dream close in his grasp trying to find words to express his emotions which were all tangled like the wire earphones.

After a while and some blood the cough finally stopped and dream spoke up.

"Sorry, had that stuck in my throat" He gave a weak smile before trying to get out of George's grasp and trying to stand, wearing out his body against it's wishes like he did every single day but boy he underestimated George who's mind was making him fall for him so hard. George had trapped him in a powerful bond which was not only physical but also emotional, every action of care make Dream slip out of his shell towards the brunette but his responsibilities and past stopped him from admitting him.

"YOU JUST COUGHED ALOT OF BLOOD AND SIMPLY RESPOND WITH THAT?!!" Everyone muttered angrily as George helped Dream take support of the bed.

"I-I am sorry for all th-" Dream was about to use his formality card over George who had a unreadable look on his face but was stopped by a gentle finger being pressed on his lips.

"Please don't do this to me. Tell my why this happened? Is something wrong? Did we patch up your wounds wrong? What is it? Is it...er-" A drop of tear ran down George's cheek as the words left his mouth almost like a whisper.

At that moment Wilbur and Techno realized that George was longing to speaking about something that was like a heavy burden on his shoulder and hence their eyes and hands quietly signaled the others to leave the room. Everyone got the signal pretty quickly and started acting in it's favor.

"George.....I- Wait! -" Dream raised his hand towards the leaving members before being interrupted by a cough instead of George which made everyone freeze in their tracks. Eyes fixed at only and only one person filled with curiosity.

"I- Listen to me completely before interrupting please. I know what I am doing" His frail voice warned George who he knew was obviously going to interrupt him when he apologized. The brunette who had locked him in his own grasp finally let go of the dirty blonde, hands warning to hold him again tighter if he did tried anything which his body would not approve and wiped his own tears before nodding.

"Thank you, and er- I need you all-.. to keep this secret sealed with yourself...and err can you maybe call everyone else upstairs? I don't have enough energy to explain it all twice." The words fragile as a snowflake left the dirty blonde's shaky lips. First Everyone hesitated but nodded and headed downstairs to collect everyone except Sapnap who stayed behind to convey a message.

"Err- the rest of the group will be....disturbed by the sight of your wound so we kept them away as much as possible so can you maybe err- cover it up........." Sapnap rubbed the back of his neck whilst the other hand offered a light blanket making the conversation extremely awkward making Dream uncomfortable. Their years worth of friendship in which they never had time to make things awkward now suffering because of the situation, putting a fear of separation into Sapnap which had proved to be his biggest fear....loosing his friends.

Dream weakly nodded as he tried to reach out for the blanket but was stopped by George who was first to do so and place it gently on his torso. Once the blanket was covering the wound Sapnap nodded and gave a small awkward smile for gratitude and left leaving Dream weakly smiling like an insane person and a George who was nearing an mental breakdown.

As soon as Sapnap disappeared dream turned to George with his same weak smile making George's heart ache even more.

"Dont cry, it's alright. Sorry for all the trouble I put you through, it would have been hard to control so many people who want answer.... I-I should have not fainted infront of everyone or else-" A powerful voice with many emotions which were restrained spoke up cutting Dream.

"NO! Please don't try and take all the burden on yourself. It was not your fault. You were protecting your kind from the humans, keeping the secret safe with yourself, taking the burden all on yourself all alone for now to carry. There is now an option to share it, get some help. I can help and now you decided to tell others too right, they can help. You were so used to sacrificing shit just for the sake of your kind that expressing pain feels like a crime to you. Please don't fake it.. please it hurts to watch you smile even when your breaking down inside, it hurts to watch you ignore all the pain and just work because you were alone." His speech was cut short due to lack of air which was making George pant for as much air as possible to be able to motivate Dream to loosen up. 

"Bu- But I cant George" the blonde's head hung low in disappointment.

"I cant, I cant just share my grief or my guilt or my pain nor my anger. The only option is left to wear a smiling mask forever isn't it? And what will happen if I express it all? It will just upset people around me and I don't want that....My mom always taught me to not let my own emotions control me...she always taught me to think from my mind, to put my responsibilities before my emotions...mom is never wrong right?" Dream finally let down his smile and spoke up openly.

"Mom?" George repeated it.


1029 words

yes I did it

I procrastinated again and pushed the explanation to the group one more chapter ahead

And yeah pleaseeeee comment

I am officially back from my village holiday and WE ARE BACK IN BUSSINESS BABY


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