Season 5, chapter one

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The container had filled with chatter, trying to figure out where the rest of their group had been. Tyreese had been nowhere to be found, Beth was alive but in some hospital and they found out Eugene Porter, who was new to the group, had a cure waiting in DC. The only upsetting news to the group had been Nathan's passing. When Glenn and Tara had told her, she collapsed into Glenn's chest as he tried to calm the girl down. He had waved his hand through her hair as she cried for a few minutes, than, she wiped away her tears and nodded. ''Thank you for telling me, I had prepared myself for it but ... '' She sighed as she shook her head. ''We'll talk more about it later, alright? We have to get out of here first.'' Glenn nodded as he walked over to Maggie, making a make-shift weapon for themselves. 

The group had decided that when someone tried to open the container, they would attack with make-shift weapons. Measi still had Merle's knife so she used it to cut wood off the inside and sharpen it enough to stab people with it. 

''All right, got four of them pricks coming our way.'' Daryl spoke as he looked through a crack in the container. Everyone readied themselves as they took their spots. 

''Y'all know what to do.'' Rick spoke as he made eye contact with the others, squinting his eyes in the dark. ''Go for their eyes first. Then their throats.'' Measi gripped the knife tighter with her fingers,standing behind Daryl. ''Put your backs to the walls on either side of the car now.'' Of course, no one reacted to the demand, standing at the door, ready to attack. Measi frowned as she heard footsteps on the roof and a hatched opened. She pulled Glenn out of the way from a smoke bomb, but felt someone tugging at him. The door had opened and Measi could see through the smoke that Rick, Glenn, Daryl and Bob had been pulled away from the group. 

Measi pounded on the wall, the hard metal making her pounds echo through the container. ''Shit!'' She kicked against the side harshly as Maggie pulled her away. ''This isn't helping, you need your strength.'' Measi stared at the older woman as she tried her best to calm down. ''Hey, you know I'm right.'' Measi sighed as she kicked the side one more time before moving to the middle to pace around. 

Not long after, the container shook as everyone tried to grab onto something, a loud explosion followed as Measi stared through the crack of the container, eyes widening at the sight of fire, smoke and walkers. ''Jesus.'' Rosita, another new member had pushed her aside, looking through the crack as well. ''What the hell is going on out there?'' Abraham asked as the two girls backed away.

''Someone hit them.'' Rosita answered for them as Sasha perked up. ''Maybe our people got free.'' Than Eugune pushed everyone aside, sitting down on the floor. ''Excuse me.''

''What the hell are you doing?'' Rosita asked as Measi turned to him, realizing he was trying to open the door. ''I might be able to use this shell to compromise the door. From the sound of things, there may not be anybody left to open it.''

''Eugene, I'm sorry, but shut up.'' Measi knelled down next to him, trying to help the man as Michonne nodded at her. ''Okay.''

''Hey.'' Carl's voice cut through the container. ''My dad's gonna be back. They all are.'' Maggie nodded as she held the wood in her hand. ''They are. And we need to get ready to fight our way out with them when they do.'' Measi nodded as she jammed her knife into the door, trying to pry it open. 

Opening the door was unsuccessful so Measi was sitting against the wall of the container, hearing the screaming and snarling out there made her uncomfortable, playing with the knife in her hands. She could hear gunshots being fired from multiple directions. Carl sat opposite of her as he looked at the girl, remembering how closed off she used to be. ''What's the cure, Eugene?'' Sasha asked as Eugene didn't even look up from the door, which he was still trying to open. ''It's classified.''

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