Chapter four

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Measi stood with an ax in her hands as she smashed the wooden benches into planks to barricade the doors and windows. She turned to Daryl who walked past her as she smashed the ax down again, her ponytail falling into her face as she turned to Noah. Apparently Daryl and Carol had been trying to find Beth when they so called 'walked of' according to Gareth, instead they found Noah. 

Beth was held up in a hospital where Noah escaped from before finding Daryl and Carol. But now, the hospital had Carol as they drove her over and she needed medical attention. She wiped the sweat of her forehead as she inspected the blisters forming on her hands. 

The plan was worked out and Noah, Tyreese, Sasha, Measi, Daryl and Rick went towards Atlanta while Carl, Michonne, Gabriel and Judith stayed at the church.  Measi sat next to Noah as she turned towards him. ''Was Beth alright?'' It was the first thing she said since getting in the car, or meeting the boy for that matter. He turned to her as he nodded. ''Yeah, she's a fighter.'' He sighed as he looked at his leg, a small limp in it as he shook it awake. 

''At sundown we fire a shot into the air.'' The group stood in an abandoned building, debating their plan as Rick sat on the floor and the others watched him. '' Get two of them out on patrol. Then once it's dark enough that the rooftop spotter won't see us, we go. We cut the locks on one of the stairways, take it to the fifth floor. I open the door, Daryl takes the guard out.'' He pointed at Daryl as Tyreese questioned it.


''He slits his throat.'' Rick spoke up, a natural look on his face as he looked at the group of five. ''This is all about us doing this quiet, keeping the upper hand. They're not expecting us. From there, we fan out. Knives and silenced weapons. We need to be fast.'' He drew multiple ''X'' s on the ground as he looked at the floor plan made out of dust.  ''Tyreese, Sasha, take them.''

Sasha nodded as Tyreese stood still. ''Daryl, you take care of whoever is in the kitchen. I got Dawn.'' He pointed to Measi. ''You're going to keep watch as our sniper, we need someone to cover us if it goes down.'' She nodded as she shifted her weight onto one leg, her hand tightly wrapped around her sniper. ''If they're smart, the rest of them will give up. Then it'll be six on three. Seven on three once we get a weapon to Beth.'' 

''12 on three.'' Measi turned to Noah with a questionable look, until he smirked. ''The ward's a hub.''

''That's best case.'' Tyreese spoke as he turned to Noah and Rick. ''What's worst case? All it takes is one of those cops going down the hall at the wrong time. Then it's not quiet. All hands on deck. We're talking about a lot of bullets flying around.''

''If that's what it takes.'' Sasha answered, her arms folded over each other as she didn't even look up to her brother. ''t's not. If we get a couple of her cops alive out here, we do an even trade. Theirs for ours. Everybody goes home.''

''Yeah, I get it.'' Rick stood up as he paced for a moment, stopping in front of Tyreese. ''And it might work. This will work.''

''Nah, that'll work, too.'' Daryl spoke, earning a frown from Measi. In the time she had seen Rick and Daryl together, they almost never went against each others plans. ''You say this Dawn, she's just trying to keep it together, right?'' Noah shook his head. ''Trying and doing are two different things.''

''You take two of her cops away, what choices does she have?'' Daryl spoke as he turned to his sister before turning to Rick. ''Everybody goes home. Like he said.'' He pointed at Tyreese as Rick stared at Daryl, making the choice in his head. 

Measi sat on top of a rooftop with her sniper in hands, one eye closed as she looked through the scope. They went with Tyreese's plan. So, Noah had fired a fake shot and faked running away from a cop car with two polices in it. Measi watched as he led them into an alley and set the plan in motion. 

''Put it down, Noah.''

''Put the gun down. Hands up. Turn around.'' She couldn't hear much afterwards, their voices becoming hushed, until Rick whistled, letting the police turn around to him, Daryl, Sasha and Tyreese holding them at gunpoint. ''What do you want?''

''Whatever this is, we can help.''

''You do what we say, we don't hurt you.'' The male held out his hands first, the female following as Rick stepped into his old role as policeman. Tyreese went to untie Noah and Sasha and Daryl took the police guns as Measi smirked, pulling the scope from her eye as she stood up, but she quickly pulled herself down as she heard tires squealing, she had to readjust herself as she ran to the other side of the roof, looking for the car that just picked up the two policeman. 

The car came into view as she took a shot at the front tire, than another one at the back tire, popping it and putting the car to a halt. She saw her group entering the field of burned walkers lying on the ground, the rest of the group running ahead as Daryl checked a car and than an rv. She kept her eye on him as another policeman jumped out, getting Daryl's head close to the walker. She gave a soft gasp as she took her shot, one into the walker that was currently trying to bite Daryl. Than another into the man's shoulder as he fell to the side, trying to get up but Rick stood there, gun in his hand as Measi killed another walker coming close. She kept her eye on Daryl as he tied up the policeman, taking him with them as well. 

They met up in another building. Measi entered it as she held a smirk on her face, her sniper in hands as the three policeman turned to look at the nineteen year old, a shocked look on their faces. 

''Your friend, what's his name? I need to talk to him. Your plan is going to get me and my friends killed.''

''We're gonna make it work.''

''It would work if you had different cops to trade. Dawn's running Grady into the ground. A bunch of us want her out and she knows it. Pretty sure she knows we want Lamson to replace her, too.''

''Dawn doesn't know that.''

''She might. And she's smart. So there's a good chance you can't make this deal work and that'll leave us all dead.'' Measi scoffed as she turned to Daryl, shaking her head. ''But if you let us go, we'll take care of Dawn ourselves and then we'll let your friends go and this is over.''

''No, we're not gonna do that.'' The male cop who Measi shot spoke up, the famle turning to him again. 

''Do you want to die?''

''No.'' He turned to the floor. ''I just need you to shut up right now. You can make this work. But you've got to be able to talk to her.''

''Noah told us all about her.''

''I've known her for eight years, ma'am. I know this woman. And my only interest is peaceful resolution, not dying, and sleeping in my bed tonight.'' He turned to the teenager with a pleading look. ''So, please, let me help you. Please.''

''Hey, Rick.'' Daryl called him over as she turned his head. ''You're gonna want to hear this.'' 

So, they are going to get Beth back! And I really don't want to write the next chapter to be honest, as we all know what happens. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did, leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated of when I post. See you in the next chapter!

-X Violet's-library 

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