Chapter six

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Measi was picking her food with the plastic fork just like Beth was doing next to her when she heard the cell door close, she frowned at Rick as he walked in, Daryl glancing at his sister. 

''Everybody okay?''

''Yeah, we are.'' Carl answered his father as he laid a hand on Carl's shoulder. Measi frowned for a moment. before she looked at him. 

''What about you?'' Messi questioned as Beth kicked her under the table, scared to bring an emotion out of Rick.

''I cleared out the boiler block.''

''How many were there?'' Daryl questioned. 

''I don't know. A dozen, two dozen.'' He looked around the room, his eyes resting on Carl. ''I have to get back. Just wanted to check on Carl.''

''Rick, we can handle taking out the bodies. You don't have to.'' Glenn tried, somewhat knowing it wasn't going to do much good.

''No, I do.'' His eyes turned to Measi as her sniper was resting on her back, nodding to her. ''Everyone have a gun and a knife?''

''Yeah. We're running low on ammo, though.'' Daryl answered for his sister as she pulled the strap closer to herself, feeling uncomfortable with the stare.

''Maggie, Nathan and me were planning on making a run this afternoon. Found a phone book with some places we can hit, look for bullets and formula.'' Glenn spoke up, his head turning between Maggie, Nathan and Rick. 

''We cleared out the generator room. Axel's there trying to fix it in case of emergency. We're gonna sweep the lower levels as well.'' Daryl spoke up again. 

''Good, good.''

''Rick.'' Hershel called after him, but he only slammed the door as he ignored the older man. 

Measi had decided to take a break from all the commotion around them, simply sitting in the cell as she stared at the ceiling, humming a song she had heard on the radio a few months before the outbreak. It was surreal to take a moment to herself, let herself feel safe. She was halfway through the song when her head turned to the doorway, feeling that somebody was watching her. 

She smiled at Daryl as she sat herself up, letting her legs swing from the bunk bed. ''Hey.'' 

''Hey.'' He looked around for a moment, he never liked to be in a cell, it reminded him too much of what could have become of them if the apocalypse didn't break out. ''We're going in in a few minutes, want to come?'' When she didn't answer for a moment, he pushed her leg slightly. ''Could use your eyes.''  After a moment of consideration she nodded at him, pushing herself of the bed as she landed with a small thud, gathering her knife, handgun and obviously, her sniper on her back. 

''Check it out, man.'' Oscar shone his light on a door that was opening very slightly. 

''Must have missed it last night. It's probably just one or two of 'em. Don't look they got much fight.'' When Daryl closed the door with just his index finger, he chuckled lightly. ''They ain't going nowhere. We'll take care of it on the way back.''

Measi, Oscar, Daryl and Carl kept walking in the dark tunnel, Measi walking in front of Daryl and Carl while Oscar was behind them. ''You know, my mom, she liked her wine.'' Measi frowned for a small moment, Daryl had never let anyone hear that story, she never even heard the full story. ''She liked to smoke in bed. Virginia Slims. I was playing out with the kids in the neighborhood. I could do that with Merle gone. They had bikes, I didn't. We heard sirens getting louder. They jumped on their bikes, ran after it, you know, hoping to see something worth seeing.'' He opened another door, checking the inside as Measi was watching his face, no emotion whatsoever. ''I ran after them, but I couldn't keep up. I ran around a corner and saw my friends looking at me. Hell, I saw everybody looking at me. Fire trucks everywhere. People from the neighborhood. It was my house they were there for.'' Measi her eyes drowned down to the floor, she knew it hurt him more than he showed. ''It was my mom in bed burnt down to nothing. That was the hard part. You know, she was just gone. Erased. Nothing left of her. People said it was better that way. I don't know. Just made it seem like it wasn't real, you know?''

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