Chapter eight

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Measi had left the inside of the prison and had traded it for the watchtower. She was peacefully sleeping with her sniper next to her when she was woken up by a loud blast, her first instinct was to cover her head as she rushed downstairs, grabbing her sniper in the process and swinging it around her shoulder, the watchtower she had been in seconds ago going up in flames after another loud bang. Smoke filled her lungs as she coughed loudly, meeting up with Maggie, Beth, Carl, Rick, Bob, Sasha, Tyreese, Nathan and Daryl, Daryl quickly pulling her towards them as she was still coughing up. 

Her eyes focused on the field outside of the fences, the governor stood with a lot of people and the loud bang had been a tank firing. ''Rick! Come down here. We need to talk.'' Measi glanced at Rick as he doubted himself for a moment before yelling back.

''It's not up to me. There's a council now. They run this place.'' 

''Is Hershel on the council?'' Measi quickly placed her hand on Beth's shoulder as they watched Hershel being taken out of a car, his hands tied behind his back.'' What about Michonne? She on the council, too?'' Michonne as well was brought out, being in the same state as Hershel, except she had a cut on her forehead, indicating she had been knocked out. 

''I don't make decisions anymore.'' Rick called back at him, Measi seeing the desperate look in his eyes as he eyes the two group members. 

''You're making the decisions today, Rick.'' The governor called back again, his voice calm and steady. ''Come down here. Let's... Let's have that talk.'' Rick walked over to Carl, the two speaking in low voices, before Rick went down to the gate. 

''We can't take 'em all on.'' Measi turned to Daryl as she listened closely. ''We'll go through the admin building, through the woods like we planned.'' Measi nodded at his words as she turned to Nathan, his hand resting on her shoulder, rubbing it softly in a comforting matter. ''We ain't got the numbers no more.''

''When's the last time someone checked the stash on the bus?''

''Day before we hit the Big Spot.'' Sasha told them, Measi cursing herself at the words. ''We were running low on rations then. We're lower now.''

''Yeah, we'll manage. Things go south, everyone heads for that bus. Let everybody know.''

''What if everybody doesn't know when things go bad? How long do we wait?''

''As long as we can.''

Measi had rushed inside, running into her room as she gathered as many bullets for her sniper as she could. Loading it fully before stuffing the rest of them into her pockets. She looked at the picture of Nathan as she folded it double, pushing it into the inside pocket of her jacket, sighing softly. 

She got down to the field again, finding Daryl who was handing out guns. She walked up next to him as he handed her a handgun, the look in his eyes said enough. 'Stay safe.'

Measi rested her sniper on the fence, one eye closed as the other looked through the scope. Her gun fixated on the governor as he talked to Rick. She turned to Nathan and Beth for a moment, trying to oversee their chances of winning. 

They had less people, less firepower, two members stuck on the other side, no tank and part of their home already blown up, chances weren't looking good for them. Seconds seemed like minutes and minutes seemed like hours as she sat still in one place, waiting for an outcome. 

Without a second to breath, the governor jumped from the tank and took Michonne's sword, holding it up against Hershel's throat. Beth and Maggie let out a sob as Beth softy called for her father. 

Measi put her eye back to the scope, trying to get a clear shot, that's when she noticed her shaking hands. Hershel had become a father figure and seeing him close to death made her anxious. Because of her shaking hands and her unsteady hand she couldn't get a clear shot on the governor. And even if she did, someone else would pick up the battle, kill Hershel and Michonne and take or destroy the prison. Neither seemed like a good fit on their side. 

Without a second to think, the governor took the sword and swung it into Hershel's neck. Measi's breathing stopped as she heard his daughters cry out. Measi was the first to shoot, grazing the governor's head, not enough to kill him. Others followed her lead as she took another shot, the sniper on the car quickly noticing her and focusing on her instead of the others. Her right hand slipped as sweat coated her left over fingers. She couldn't stay where she was, as she was in the open, ready to get killed. 

Daryl glanced at her, nodding to the side, covering her as she rushed to the other watchtower, running upstairs as she took her position, focusing on the people hiding behind the tank. Adrenaline had taken over, stopping her shaking hand as she shot a man with a shaved head before aiming at the tires of the cars, shooting at them so they wouldn't come closer. 

The tank aimed at her tower, the girl quickly hiding her head in her arms as the roof flew of, a piece of glass hitting her cheek as she rushed out. She couldn't see anyone anymore, wherever she looked were either walkers or people who were trying to kill her. 

Her sniper had run out of ammo and reloading would take too much time. Throwing it over her back with a swift movement as she took out her handgun, covering herself from the shots as the fired her gun, killing a walker that was in her way.  

From the corner of her eye she could see the grey school bus leaving. She cursed at herself as she could see others run from danger while she stood in the middle of it. She had rushed to one of the gates, trying to close it before a walker tried to bite at her left hand, she quickly removed it from the gate. She analysed her options, running or staying. Neither seemed right, everyone had left the prison, Daryl, Nathan, Beth and the others were nowhere in sight. She knew that if she stayed, she'd end up dead. Putting the handgun back into it her belt she rushed to the nearest exit, getting out of the mess that had been created in front of her eyes. 

She stumbled over a rock, or what she though had been a rock. Her eyes fixated on Herhsel's head that had been taken of his body. She couldn't let him turn, she just couldn't. In a swift movement, she had taken a hunting knife out of her boot and into his head, saying a quiet goodbye before she ran away from the prison, knowing she'd never return. 

so, so, so sorry for being so inactive, not uploading an entire month. A lot has happened in my personal life and I needed a break from everything. Happy late new year and I hope this year will bring good to all of you! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did, please leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated. See you soon!

-X Violet's-library 

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