Chapter five

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''He wouldn't stop.'' Measi sighed as she turned to Rick, that meant they had one less cop to trade. ''This change things?''

''It has to.'' Measi answered for him, anxious to get her best friend back. ''Maybe not.'' Daryl spoke as Rick shook his head. ''She said the plan won't work. The guy who did is dead. Maybe we gotta rethink this.''

''They also said the cop in charge didn't have any love for him.'' Measi started to rethink after Daryl spoke up. ''Maybe you did her a favor.''

''I don't know if they'll play ball.'' 

''Let's find out.'' Measi spoke as she walked towards the tied up cops, Rick and Daryl behind her. ''He was a good man.'' The female spoke up, lifting her head ''He was attacked by rotters. Saw it go down.''

''Huh. You're a damn good liar.'' Measi spoke as she crossed her arms over her chest, tilting her head at her. ''We're hanging by a thread here. He was attacked by rotters. That's the story.''

''You said the trade was a bad idea. What changed?'' Daryl questioned. 

''Lamson was our shot. So it's this or you go in guns blazing, right?'' Measi gave a soft nod. ''You don't want that.''

'' If this is some bullshit you're spinning and things go south...'' Daryl started to threathen, but she shot back. ''I know. I know the good ones from the bad. Let us help you.''

''What about you?'' Rick pointed at the male who was left. ''You wanna live? How much?''

''Dawn's afraid she'll look weak in front of us. Thinks it'll tip things against her. Hell, it will. She'll see this trade as a rip-off if she thinks you took out one of our guys.'' He smirked. ''So it's a good thing Lamson got aced by rotters.'' Measi nodded at Rick, ''They'll play.'' 

Measi left the sniper position up to Sasha for a while, letting the older woman practice. She stood pacing around, looking at the sky as she tried to clear her head from Beth. This wasn't just about Beth, this was about her best friend. She needed her back, she needed her period. A police car came from around the corner, right to where Rick stood with his hands up, making the deal. Daryl and Sasha had taken the sniper positions so she kept pacing around, trying to get the image of Beth out of her head. She needed to focus right now. 

Minutes later, she was walking in the line of people into the hospital with their guns ready to attack. Her breathing had become shallow as she tried to relax against the nerves fighting their way up. When they finally reached the top, they holstered their weapons as she threw her sniper onto her back. Beth and Carol came into view and Measi couldn't help but smile at the blond before setting her face into natural. 

''They haven't been harmed.''

''Where's Lamson?''

''Rotters got him.'' The female cop spoke up, playing the ball just right. ''We saw it go down.'' The other cop continued. ''Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. He was one of the good guys.''

''One of yours for one of mine.'' Dawn spoke as Rick nodded to Daryl and Dawn nodded to Carol, beginning the trade as Daryl took Carol's stuff and helped her out of the wheelchair.  Rick went to Beth with the female officer, a smile on his face as he kissed her hair, bringing her to their side. 

Measi smiled as she rushed forward, hugging her best friend as she hid her blush into her shoulder, Dawn turning to Rick as Daryl took Beth under his arm, a hand on her back as he pushed her forward. 

''Glad we could work things out.'' The group started to walk away, Measi between Daryl and Beth as Dawn suddenly called out again. ''Now I just need Noah.'' They turned around as she spoke again. ''And then you can leave.''

''That wasn't part of the deal.'' Rick spoke as he walked towards her. ''Noah was my ward. Beth took his place and I'm losing her, so I need him back.''

'' Ma'am, please, it's not...''


''My officers put their lives on the line to find him. One of them died.''

''So did we.'' Measi spoke up as she glared at the woman. ''No, he ain't staying.'' Daryl spoke as he pushed Noah back, walking up to Rick and Dawn. ''He's one of mine. You have no claim on him.''

''The boy wants to go home, so you have no claim on him.''

''Well, then we don't have a deal.''

''The deal is done.'' Measi spoke as she gestured to the two copes they just traded. ''It's okay.'' Noah spoke but Rick held out his hand. ''No. No.''

''I got to do it.'' He passed his gun to Rick as Beth walked up, shaking her head at him. ''It's not okay.''

''It's settled.''

''Wait!'' Beth called out and pulled him into a hug, holding him as they whispered. 

''I knew you'd be back.'' Dawn spoke, which seemed to make Beth snap. Measi frowned as she looked at the blond as she stepped in front of Dawn. 

''I get it now.'' She spoke, and before Measi could call out, Beth had pulled a pair of scissors from the cast around her arm and tried to stab Dawn. Instead, a gunshot ran out and blood covered Beth's blond hair. She fell limp to the ground as Measi had pulled out her gun, staring at the woman who just killed Beth with tears in her eyes. She stood frozen as Daryl too pulled out his gun and shot her. 

''No! Hold your fire!'' The female cop spread her arms. ''It's over. It was just about her. Stand down.'' Measi fell to the ground as she sobbed into her hands, the blood on the ground softly dripping towards her as she stared at her best friend. 

''You can stay. We're surviving here. It's better than out there.''

''No. And I'm taking anyone back there who wants to leave. If you want to come with us... just step forward now.''  Someone had pulled Measi to her feet, she guessed Noah as Daryl held Beth's body as they walked outside. 

Measi still sobbed as she walked outside, suddenly hearing a scream and another girl calling out Beth's name between sobs. She lifted her head to see Maggie sitting on the ground, being comforted by Glenn as Noah pulled Measi into his chest, letting the girl sob into his chest as he sobbed into her hair. 

Okay ... it's done ... I cried while writing this. Lauren/Maggie killed me at the end with that scream and I always found it so annoying that she finally had hope again and than it is all snatched away within moments. So, I hope I did it justice and if you enjoyed reading this, please leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated! See you soon

-X Violet's-library 

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