Chapter eight

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After the fiasco of the barn, Measi was still hanging her head low as she sobbed in Nathan's chest. Beth had run over to her mom, who wasn't dead -- dead and the others had to pull her off the walker. 

The Greene family than all walked inside, Glenn, Rick and Shane following them, Shane trying to pick a fight with them. Measi had stopped crying by now, but she was still closely holding onto Nathan as she just listened to his heartbeat. 

After all of the group had calmed down, they were working on getting all of the bodies, Measi softly pulling a blanket over Sophia's body, moving her hand under it as she whispered. ''I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I cared, I just hope you knew that ... '' She sighed as she got up again. 

''You want us to start burying?''

''We need a service. Carol would want that.''

''Yeah, we all want that.''

''Let's-- let's dig a grave for Sophia, and Annette and Shawn, uh, over by those trees. And we'll need a truck to move the bodies.'' Lori reasoned, pointing over to the trees as she did so, Measi looking over to the trees. It was a nice spot, a restful spot. 

''I'll get the keys.'' Jimmy spoke up. But Shane shook his head at him. 

''No no. I got the truck.''

''And the others? That's a lot of digging.'' Jimmy questioned again, as Measi softly spoke up, seeing the morbid glance he gave her. 

''We bury the ones we love and burn the rest.''

''Let's get to work.'' Andrea called out as Nathan and Measi glanced at each other, Measi feeling a blush creep onto her face. 

They had been digging three graves as the bodies laid next to the holes in the ground, Measi getting the last piece of dirt out as she nodded at Lori. ''That's it.'' 

Carol hadn't shown up to the ceremony for the three loved ones. Measi stood next to Nathan who had his arm around her shoulders as she had her head on his shoulder, trying to make sense of what had happened. Children weren't supposed to die, it had seemed impossible before this happened. 

She watched as all of them left the graves, Andrea and T-Dog going to burn the other bodies and the others going off somewhere else. Measi didn't have the guts to walk away for another few minutes, she lost track eventually. But when she heard Maggie yell from the top of her lungs, Measi ran over to the house.

''Sweetie, can you hear me?'' Maggie questioned Beth as she laid on her bed, no response or any indication she was living, except for her breathing and the open eyes. Measi leaned against the wall as she looked at the teenager. 

''What's wrong with her?'' Lori questioned as Measi spoke up.

''She might be in shock.''

''Where's Hershel?''

''We can't find him anywhere.'' Glenn responded back, Measi glancing at him before she took a seat next to Beth. 

''Hey, kiddo.''

''Your stepmother's things?'' Shane questioned as he held up some stuff, Maggie nodding as Glenn put a comforting hand on her shoulder. 

''He was so sure she'd recover. They'd just pick up where they left off.''

''Looks like he found an old friend.'' Shane held up a flask, throwing it to Rick who passed it to Measi, who sniffed and pulled it away from her nose, there had defiantly been alcohol in that thing.

''That belonged to my grandfather, gave it to dad when he died.'' Maggie took the flask from the teenager, frowning at it. 

''I didn't take Hershel for a drinker.'' 

''No, he gave it up on the day I was born. He didn't even allow liquor in the house.''

''What's the bar in town?'' Measi questioned as Maggie looked at her, she didn't understand how the teenager knew what kind of questions to ask, but she had other things on her mind at the moment. 

''Hatlin's. He practically lived there in his drinking days.''

''Betting that's where I'll find him.'' Rick answered.

''Yeah, I've seen the place. I'll take you.'' Glenn spoke up, being stopped by Maggie as the two argued a bit more, Measi walking back to Beth's room. 

Jimmy and Patricia had joined Measi, Lori, Andrea and Maggie in Beth's room as she was still laying on the bed. Measi sat on the end of the bed as she gave a exhaled a bit louder. 

''She's in shock, that's for sure. She's going to need to get out by herself, can't wake someone from it. The only thing you can do is keep her warm, doing CPR if necessary.'' Patricia frowned at the teenager.

''How do you know?'' 

Measi didn't speak for a while before she spoke up again. ''Been there.''

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-X Violet's-library

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