Chapter Seven

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Nathan was sitting tied up to a chair in an empty room, Maggie and Glenn had been taken somewhere else by Merle. He thought back to the words of Measi. ''he could be the best- or the worst brother ever. It was always either one, never in between.''

He feared that Merle would this time be the worst. The room was fully silent as he rubbed his wrists against the robes, it burned, it burned a lot, but maybe that way he could get free. It was a long shot, but it was worth a try. He stopped when the door opened, coming face to face with Merle Dixon. 

Measi ran outside of her cell, hearing all the commotion around her. A dark skinned woman with a sword was brought in by Carl and Rick, but her Measi's eyes fell onto the backpack that the woman was carrying. 

''Who are you?'' When she tried to reach for her sword, Rick kicked it away from her. ''Hey, it's all right. Hey. Hey. No. We're not going to hurt you unless you try something stupid first, all right?''

Measi softly picked up the bag as she stared at it, to her, it was obvious that it was Nathan's. ''How did you -- '' 

''Rick.'' Daryl called out from behind them, their heads turned to Daryl, who pointed at the woman. ''Who the hell is this?''

''You wanna tell us your name? You wanna tell us your name?'' When she didn't answer, Measi put the bag around her shoulder, Daryl calling for their attention.

''Y'all come on in here. -- You're gonna wanna see this.'' She followed her brother inside, the bag heavy on her shoulder. When they arrived in the cell where Daryl had led them, Measi her mouth dropped, staring at Carol.

''Oh, God.'' After she had hugged the others, Measi took her into her arms, almost crying as Hershel spoke up.



''Poor thing fought her way into a cell. Must have passed out. Dehydrated.'' Daryl spoke up, his smile breaking onto his lips as he placed a hand on Measi's shoulder.

''We can tend to that wound for you, give you a little food and water, and then send you on your way.'' Measi looked at the woman as she held Nathan's bag close to her chest, Beth putting a hand on her lower back to comfort her, earning a smile from the brunette. ''But you're gonna have to tell us how you found us and why you were carrying formula,'' Rick than looked at Measi as he pointed at her. ''and the bag.''

''The supplies were dropped by a young Asian guy with a pretty girl.'' The woman turned to Measi as she nodded at her. ''A teenage boy dropped that.''

''What happened?'' Rick questioned as Hershel took the lead, his eyes set in a desperate matter, worried for his eldest daughter as he leaned on his crutches. 

''Were they attacked?'' 

''They were taken.''

''Taken?'' Measi looked at the woman, softly speaking up again. ''By who?'' 

''By the same son of a bitch who shot me.''

''Hey, these are our people. You tell us what happened now!'' Rick put his hand on the woman's knee rather rudely, so Measi could understand when she snapped up and pointed her finger at him.

''Don't you ever touch me again!''

''You'd better start talking. You're gonna have a much bigger problem than a gunshot wound.''

''Find 'em yourself.''

''Daryl.'' His head turned to Measi, who shook her head at him as she pushed his crossbow down, the woman had all the rights to be afraid and she was right, without her, they'd never be able to find the three group members. ''You came here for a reason.'' Measi reasoned with her. As the woman looked at her, she could see that she had a change of heart. 

''There's a town. Woodbury. About 75 survivors. I think they were taken there.''

''A whole town?''

''It's run by this guy who calls himself the Governor-- pretty boy, charming, Jim Jones type.''

''He got muscle?'' Daryl questioned her as she leaned against one of the inside fences, trying to keep the weight of of her bad leg. 

''Paramilitary wannabes. They have armed sentries on every wall.''

''You know a way in?''

''The place is secure from walkers, but we could slip our way through.''

''How'd you know how to get here?''

''They mentioned a prison, said which direction it was in, that it was a straight shot.''

''This is Hershel, the father of the girl who was taken.'' Rick pointed at her leg, Measi getting up from her seat. ''He'll take care of that.'' Measi, Beth, Daryl and Rick left the room, a lump in Measi's throat as she thought of Nathan being taken. Beth gave her a sad smile as she threw her arm over the younger teenagers shoulders, Measi quickly taken a step away to lose the fysical contact.

Merle took a seat in front of Nathan, looking for any cracks in his face, anything to give away his fear. ''You new huh?'' Nathan didn't answer, he knew better than to do that. If the stories that Measi had told him about her eldest brother were even somewhat true, he had to keep his guard up around him, not showing emotion. 

''Lost your tongue?'' He slapped on the table as loud as he could, staring at the teenage boy who flinched slightly. ''Speak up!'' 


''What was that?''

''Yes.'' He lifted his head up, Merle didn't play a game that Nathan could win, he was never even a player in Merle'book. ''Yes, I'm new.'' Merle chuckled at him, looking at his features as he started to crack. 

''You know my sister?'' Nathan looked up, debating between himself, maybe if Merle knew who he was, he could be that good brother, but maybe he was too protective of his sister. 

''Yeah ... I know Measi.'' 

After a long debating between Measi and Daryl, they decided for her to stay at the prison. She was the best line of defense and they needed the power to protect their home as well. Daryl promised her to get back with Nathan, hugging his sister as she held him tightly. 

''Come back.'' she spoke into his chest, pulling her head back as she stared at him. ''Safely.''

''I will. And I'll take Nathan and the others too, I promise.'' She smiled at him as he pulled her in another hug, sensing her distress before letting go again, kissing the top of her head as he rubbed her hair, taking of to Woodbury alongside Rick, Oscar and Michonne. 

Leaving Beth, Hershel, Carol, Axel, Carl and Measi in charge of the prison as they waved them off. 

When Merle had finally left, Nathan waved the blood of of his face. When he had told Merle that he was Measi's boyfriend, Merle had beaten him up so badly had a bloody nose and his lip was busted. Next to that his head had started pounding. 

Hours later of just sitting in the dark, without a single noise, Merle and some other guy who called himself the governor had ditched him in the same room as Glenn and Maggie. Maggie seemed unharmed, but Glenn had it worse than Nathan. His face was messed up and he could barely stand up. 

Maggie and Glenn had been forced to give up the location of the prison and now they were just all sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall as they waited. 

Thank you for joining me on yet another chapter. I hope all of you are safe! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did, please leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated. I'll see you soon!

-X Violet's-library 

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