Chapter eleven

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''So, what you gonna do? We'd all feel better if we knew the plan.'' Lori started as she looked at her husband and his best friend, who looked at the group. 

''Is there a plan?''

''We gonna keep him here?'' Glenn asked as he cooked a piece of chicken meat, stirring it in the small pan above a bonfire that they had started. 

All camp members were waiting for Daryl to come out of the barn after a talk with Randall. Measi was leaning against Nathan's side as she waited for her brother to walk out again. 

''We'll know soon enough.''

When Daryl approached them Measi pushed herself out of Nathan's embrace, looking at her brother to start talking. . 

''Boy there's got a gang, 30 men. They have heavy artillery and they ain't looking to make friends. They roll through here, our boys are dead. And our women, they're gonna -- They're gonna wish they were.'' He spoke as he looked at his sister, who pressed her lips together. 

''What did you do?'' Maggie asked, nodding to his bloody knuckles. Measi shook her head at him, already knowing the answer. 

''Had a little chat.''

''No one goes near this guy.'' Rick called out to the group, Nathan pushing his arm back around Measi's shoulders, looking worried. 

''Rick, what are you gonna do?''

''We have no choice. He's a threat. We have to eliminate the threat.''

''You're just gonna kill him?'' Dale questioned. 

''It's settled. I'll do it today.'' Rick walked away, Dale walking behind him at a rapid speed as he followed him. Measi and Daryl glanced at each other, they knew where they stood. 

Measi was sharpening her knife when she heard footsteps behind her, she turned her head to see Dale walking up to her. She got up from her spot and put the knife into her boot, waiting for him to start talking.

''They listen to you.'' He started, playing with his hands. ''You must have an opinion about all of this, about what to do with him.''

''I really don't care what happens to him, Dale.'' When he didn't speak, she continued. ''Either he lives or dies. If he dies, we get rid of him, get him 18 miles out, we get rid of him.'' She raised her shoulders. ''As long as he isn't living next door, I'm fine with whatever happens.''

''So if I'll ask?''

''I'll vote for him to live.'' He smiled at her as he nodded before walking away, Measi sitting down and sighing and muttering under her breath.

''He's gonna die anyway...'' 

Measi leaned against one of the walls when they were going to talk about Randall, Natahn standing next to her as Glenn took the lead.

''So how do we do this? Just take a vote?''

''Does it have to be unanimous?''

''How about majority rules?''

''Well, let's-- let's just see where everybody stands, then we can talk through the options.'' Rick looked around the room, Shane being the first one to speak up.

''Well, where I sit, there's only one way to move forward.''

''Killing him, right? I mean, why even bother to even take a vote? It's clear which way the wind's blowing.'' Dale spoke up

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