Chapter eight

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Nathan was sitting across from Glenn and Maggie, not wanting to interfere in their conversation. He heard that Maggie had come inside with a bare chest, so he knew something had gone wrong. He watched as they embraced each other before Glenn got up. Nathan frowned as Glenn walked to a dead walker in the room, pulling it's arm apart as he took out some bones. 

Nathan rushed up to him, helping him pick out the bones of the walker, making their own weapons with the bones. 

Measi sat with Beth, Axel and Carol. Measi was holding baby Judith as Beth prepared her bottle. Measi adjusted Judith so she was more comfortable when Axel spoke up. 

''You are good with her. You got little sisters?'' Measi frowned at him for a moment, lifting up one eyebrow as she spoke up.


''How old are you anyway?''

''I'd say around sixteen ..? '' She looked at him before adding. ''Just like my boyfriend.'' 

''May I speak with you?'' Measi sighed in relief when Carol said that, glaring at Axel as Carl took a few steps closer to them as well. 

''Me?'' He questioned, Carol nodding at him. ''I'll be right back.'' He placed a hand on her leg as she flinched away from him. Carl walked up to the front, making sure he couldn't get in again, Measi giving him a grateful smile. 

When the door opened, Nathan, Glenn and Maggie attacked them, Maggie getting a hold of one of the guards, pushing the bone into his neck. Nathan got another guard in his chest, Glenn however wasn't so lucky, he got grabbed by Merle, overpowering the rest of them. 

A sack was placed on their heads as they knelled on the floor, knowing begging wasn't going to help a thing. 

''Glad we could catch up.''

''Just keep looking at me.'' Glenn grabbed Maggie's hand, Nathan muttering under his breath.

''I love you, Measi.'' When he was on his feet again, a loud bang was heard and the sack was pulled of his head. ''Daryl?'' 

''Move!'' Daryl pushed Nathan to the others as they took cover in the town, Maggie and Rick making sure they kept Glenn in sight. 

''Ain't no way out back here.''

Shouts went back and forth, Nathan glancing at Daryl before calling his attention.

''Daryl, this was Merle.'' 

''It was. He did this.'' Glenn added to the words 

''You saw him?'' Daryl questioned, sounding like he didn't believe them. 

''Face to face. Did this to me and that to Glenn, he was gonna execute us.'' Nathan spoke again, his hand gripping a knife that Rick had passed him. 

''S-So my brother's this governor?''

''No, it's somebody else. Your brother's his lieutenant or something.'' Maggie told him, getting a shirt around Glenn's bare chest as Nathan leaned against a table to keep himself standing. 

''Does he know I'm still with you?''

''He sure does. When he found out I'm with Measi he started beating me up.'' Daryl looked at the teenager with disbelief, he knew Merle was capable of a lot of things, but beating up his sister's boyfriend? That was another story. 

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