Season 6, chapter one

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Measi passed a bowl towards Daryl, looking at him before giving another to Morgan. ''You were right.'' He spoke as he looked at Rick. ''It wasn't over.''

''We should talk more tomorrow.'' He walked up to him, blood still covering his face. ''Listen ... I don't take chances anymore.''

''And you shouldn't.'' Morgan nodded, as Daryl and Measi looked at one another, ignoring the awkwardness in the room. 

Measi helped Daryl with his motorbike, the two of them in front of the porch as Rick walked out. ''So, is he okay with it?'' Daryl asked as he passed the tool to Measi, who pushed it back into the toolbox. 

''It was pretty much his idea. He gets it.'' Rick had got all patched up, band aids and stitches covering his face and hand. ''It's got a bed and a bath, but it's still a cage, you know?'' 

''He gets it.'' Rick repeated, looking at the two siblings who sat next to one another. ''He told me what happened out there with the trucks.'' Daryl stood up, helping Measi up as well. ''Did he tell you about those guys he met? The W's?'' 

''Like that walker we saw, yeah.'' He pointed at the watchtowers. ''We need more watch points. And I'm gonna tell Deanna we don't need to go looking for people anymore.'' Daryl looked him up and down. ''You feel different about it?''

''Yeah. I do.'' 

''Well, people out there they got to take care of themselves, just like us.'' 

''We used to be people out there.'' Measi spoke for the first time, looking at the two. ''More people could be valuable.''

''I'm gonna get him out. Shouldn't leave him in there any longer then we have to.'' Measi turned to Daryl, a snarky look on her face. ''Did he even listen to me?'' 

''My team... we saw it early on, back when we were on one of those first scouts, finding out what was around here. There was a camp at the bottom. The people, they must have blocked the exits with one of those trucks back when everything started to go bad. They didn't make it. They were all roamers. Maybe a dozen of them.''

''No one's been back since?'' Maggie asked as he shook his head. ''DC, every town worth scavenging are all in the other direction. And I never really felt like having a picnic next to the camp that ate itself.''

''So all the while the walkers have been drawn by the sound and they're making more sound and they're drawing more in.'' Michonne answered as Rick nodded. ''And here we are.'' He looked around before speaking up. ''Now what I'm proposing, I know it sounds risky, but walkers are already slipping through the exits. One of the trucks keeping the walkers in could go off the edge any day now. Maybe after one more hard rain. That exit sends them east. All of them. Right at us. This isn't about if it gives, it's when. It's gonna happen. That's why we have to do this soon.''

''This is-- I don't even have another word for it. This is terrifying.'' Carol looked around, Measi having to stop herself from rolling her eyes. ''All of it. But it doesn't sound like there's any other way.''

''Maybe there is.'' Carter spoke up, looking away before turning to Rick. ''I mean, couldn't we just build up the weak spots? I could draw up plans. I worked on the wall with Reg. Construction crew-- we can try and make it safe.''

''Even if we could, the sound of those walkers is drawing more and more every day. Building up the exits won't change that.''

''We're gonna do what Rick says,'' Deanna spoke for the first time since Reg's death, ''the plan he's laid out.''

''I told you all, we're gonna have Daryl leading them away.''

''Me, too.'' Sasha spoke up. ''I'll take a car, ride next to him. Can't just be him. I'll keep 'em coming, Daryl keeps 'em from getting sloppy.''

''I'll go with her.'' Abraham spoke, sitting next to Rosita as he rested one of his hands on his knee, ''It's a long way to white-knuckle it solo.''

''We'll have two teams. One on each side of the forest helping manage this thing.'' He looked at some of his people. ''We're gonna have a few people on watch from now on. Measi, Rosita, Spencer, and Holly. So they're out. So who's in?''

''Me.'' Michonne answered right away. ''I'm in.''  Glenn spoke a bit later, Gabriel broke the silence again. ''I'd like to help as well.''

''No. Who else? We need more.''

''There's got to be another play.'' Carter spoke, looking around again, as if to avoid Rick's gaze. ''We can't just control that many.''

''I said it before, walkers herd up. They'll follow a path if something's drawing them. That's how we can get 'em all at once.''

''So, what? We're supposed to just take your word for it? We're all supposed to just fall in line behind you after...'' He didn't dare to speak up as Measi did for him. ''After what?''

''After you wave a gun around screaming, pointing it at people. After you shoot a man in the face. After you--''

''Enough!'' Deanna spoke as the room filled with silence once more. ''I'll do it.'' Heath spoke as another woman continued. ''Me, too.'' Tobin nodded too. ''Whatever you need, I'm in.''

''Now who else?'' Deanna asked as Nicholas glanced around, ignoring Glenn's face. ''I'll go. We have to do this. I need to help.'' Rick looked at him  ''You sure you can handle it?'' Nicholas raised a shoulder. ''You need people.''

''We'll make this work. We'll keep this place safe. Keep our families safe. We will.''

''The plan. Go through it again.'' Carter spoke as Daryl spoke up for Rick. ''Man, he just said it.'' Carter just held his hand up, silencing Daryl. ''Every part again. The exact plan.''

Measi was up in the watchtower for the most part, her sniper with her as she shot walkers around the walls of Alexandria. It reminded her of the prison, sitting in the watchtower with Nathan, learning him how to snipe. She rubbed her hands over her face as she sat there, stopping with shooting as she remembered those times. 

The more she though about it, the more she though about the boy. She knew now she never really loved him, she never knew a loving home or love at all. She just imagined what it would have felt like. He was there for her and filled a void, but love? She didn't think that was the thing, she never really loved anyone. 

The day of the plan came sooner than expected, the day was supposed to be a dry-run, but she heard the radio giving the signal. ''It broke, they're getting through!'' It became silent for a moment. ''We're doing this now.'' 

First chapter? Done! I hope you enjoyed this small filler chapter and if you did, please leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated of when I post. See you soon!

-X Violet's-library

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