Ch. 3

197 4 1

-Steph's POV-

Hayley smacks me as we get in the car, making me yelp.

"What the hell was that for?" I yell.

"You bloody wanker! Already trying to get into his pants!" She yells, making me laugh.

"No, Hayley, I'm really not. Sure maybe one day but I'm not like that and you know it. He's hot, sure, but after Chase... I'm not looking for something." I explain.

"I know babes, I just had to give you shit. He was staring at you all night. And when did you give him your number?" She asks.

"While I was looking at the suits on his phone. Figured he'd ask, so I made it easier." She smirks.

"You so want to get in his pants." She laughs.

"One day, yes. Right now, friends."

We pull into my drive about 20 minutes later. I do badly want to go to sleep, having been up since 5am. I'm working on so many things at once that it's hard to catch a break. I have a new line I'm starting. It's formal gowns, something I rarely do simply because it's so much work. But I figured it was time to try something new.

"Goodnight Hayls." I wave. She also has to be early in the morning and zombies walks off to her room. I let Blue out once more before we retire to my room. Right as I put my phone down, it goes off. Ugh! Why can't people leave me alone.

351-786-3982: It was nice meeting you, Miss St James :)


I smile, deciding to wait a minute before responding. I change out of my tight clothes and throw on an old shirt before climbing in bed.

Steph: It was nice meeting you, Captain. You're quite entertaining ;)

He almost immediately responds,

351-786-3982: Speak for yourself. I haven't laughed that hard in a while. And I wanted to ask, how did you end up in Georgia?

I smile and decide to add him to my contacts.

Steph: Well I moved here when I was 18 and met Chelsea, who is my mentor as well as my best friend. Ive always wanted to be in the fashion industry and I couldn't do that in New Orleans so I wound up here

Cap: Ahh makes sense. You're damn good at it too. Absolutely love my suits. And maybe I'll take up your offer on modeling ;)

I laugh, secretly hoping he's serious.

Steph: You make my suits look good. The blue one is my favorite

Cap: Mine too and thank you babe. Did you make it home ok?

I can't help but smile when he calls me babe. Little names like that have always been a weakness for me.

Steph: I did. All cuddled in bed now, with Blue. Do you have a house here or are you in a hotel?

Cap: Blue? And I'm in a hotel :(

I smile and take a picture of me and my husky, who's passed out next to me.

Steph: This is Blue

Cap: Damn you're beautiful!! Absolutely stunning! And I can't wait to meet Blue, he looks so soft

Steph: I have no makeup on and I'm exhausted, so I know you're lying. And she is. Dramatic as hell though. Will probably scream at you this weekend 😂

Cap: Oh no, I'm not lying. I thought that the minute I met you. You're gorgeous and those tight jeans do wonders for your ass ;) and she's so cute! I can handle the screaming

I blush while reading his message. I knew he was checking out my ass when I went to get drinks. I could feel his eyes on me the entire time.

Steph: I knew I felt someone's eyes on me, should've known it was you. I don't think you looked anywhere else for the rest of the night. Not that I'm complaining, but you clearly won the staring contest

Cap: lol! I'm sorry if I freaked you out. I couldn't help myself

Steph: Not complaining. I did give you my number, didn't I?

Cap; Yea you sneaky little shit! I was not expecting that at all but it was a nice surprise. So when do you want us over?

Steph: Excited to see me already Mr Evans? Mm I'm thinking Saturday around 5. Gotta let the beans soak

Cap: Maybe ;) and what do you mean you have to let the beans soak?

Steph: The red beans have to soak in water for a few hours then cook in the crockpot. Don't worry, you'll love it. I'm an excellent cook, mama taught me well

I don't want to admit that I kind of want to see him again too... we got along really well tonight. It felt like we've known each other for years. He's easy to talk to and I had to literally tare my eyes off him and pay attention to the others.

I find myself smiling every time my phone dings. It's nice having someone new to talk to. He's a nice guy, from what I've gathered and down to earth sweet. We end up talking about my family, which always makes me happy.

Cap: So you mentioned 4 older brothers? That has to be fun lol

Steph: I consider Mackie my brother so I basically have 5 older brothers and they're all annoying as hell. Every time I had a boyfriend, they literally grilled me with questions and don't even get me started on if I bring one home. It's a nightmare but I know they love me

Cap: haha! I bet so! You mentioned an ex tonight?

Smooth Chris... real smooth.

Steph: Chase... yea he was my fiancé. We started dating when I was 20 and he proposed 4 years later. He started hitting me but I always chopping it up to being my fault. It was about a week before the wedding when I found him in bed with my assistant. Nearly shot both of them

Cap: Stephanie... I am so sorry you went through that. No one deserves that. And it wasn't your fault.

Steph: It's ok, I'm over it. It's been 3 years and I know it wasn't, now

Cap: Just because it was 3 years ago doesn't mean it should've happened. No man should treat a woman like that

Steph: Yea well it did but I'll admit, he left a hole in my heart the size of the moon. Haven't trusted anyone since

Why am I telling him this? I mean I don't care if he knows the reason but the whole trusting issue just kind of came out. He's easy to talk to, even though I've known him for 3 hours.

Cap: I understand, it's happened to me a few times. Shall we change the subject? I don't like when people are upset

Steph: Yes please. Tell me about your family

By the time I look up from my phone, it's 2am and I literally cannot keep my eyes open any longer but I don't want stop talking to him. He's made me laugh and I've had to bite my lip so I don't wake Hayley up. I feel like a teenager, all giddy.

Steph: As much as I'd like to keep talking to you, I am falling asleep and have to be awake in 3 hours

Cap: I'm sorry I kept you up so late, talk tomorrow?

Steph: Bullshit, no you're not! But I'm not mad about it. And maybe so :) Goodnight Cap

Cap: Ok ok I lied, I like talking to you, is that a bad thing? Goodnight babe :)

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