Ch. 23

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So we're leaving for Sudbury today. We decided it would be easier to fly. Scott is going to pick us up and I am so nervous. Chris and I also haven't discussed what we are, relationship wise, so I have no idea what he's going to tell them. I'm scared they won't like me and I don't know what he's told them about me, if he's told anyone other than his mom.

"Why are you so quiet?" He asks. We just took off and I haven't said a word since we boarded.

"I'm nervous." I admit.

"About?" He grabs my hand, lacing our fingers together.

"Meeting your family. We haven't even discussed what we are and I don't want them to think I'm just some girl looking for fame. I know I've spoken to your mom before but that was over a month ago. Also I'm scared they aren't going to like me." I sigh. He has this amused look on his face and it's pissing me off.

"Chris, please don't look at me like that." I say but he only smiles.

"You're cute when you're all nervous." He goes to kiss me but I slap his shoulder.

"I'm serious, you asshole."

"They already love you, mom included. She always asks me about you when we speak, and we talk almost every day. My brother and sisters know about you, and they're excited to meet you. I don't bring just any girl home, ok? And by now I figured you were my girlfriend seeing as I cooked for you while in my boxers. Not everyone gets that luxurious view." I laugh. He always knows how to cheer me up.

"Oh so that's what made me your girlfriend? Not you asking me?"

"Do you want me to ask you?" He smiles.

"No shit sherlock." He laughs and kisses me.

"Stephanie St James, will you please be my girlfriend?"

"Well now I'm going to say no because now you're just asking because I said something!" I scoff.

"I was asking because I want you to be my girlfriend!" He exclaims.

"Mmmm I don't believe you now. Try again another time." He scoffs.

"You're a pain in my ass, you know that?" I smile.

"Right back at ya baby." I kiss him then lay my head on his shoulder.


We just landed and are now going to get our suitcases. I'm only staying a week whereas he'll stay another week. It'll suck because I won't see him until Thanksgiving. I did ask him and he'll be coming with me to Louisiana the week before Thanksgiving.

We grab our suitcases and start walking to the exit. I'm still so nervous. I mean, what if they really do think I'm with him for fame? I'm not, I don't even seen his as a celebrity, but I would hate it if they did. He means so much to me in such a little amount of time.

"Hey, they're going to love you. I promise." He squeezes my hand as we head down the escalator. I give him a small smile, not fully believing him. As I look out into the crowd of people, I see a sign that says 'Meatball and friend'. I start laughing, which makes Chris look and also laugh.

"Yea that's my brother." I shake my head as we walk over.

"Hey Scott." Chris embraces his brother.

"Hey big bro." Scott smiles. When they pull apart, Chris turns to me, a giant smile on his face.

"Scott this is my pain in the ass girlfriend -yes I'm calling you my girlfriend, get over it- Stephanie. Steph, this is my baby brother." I punch Chris in the shoulder before I shake Scott's hand.

"Nice to finally meet you. He hasn't shut up about you since he told us. And you're even more beautiful than the pictures!" I laugh, now wondering what pictures he sent them.

"It's nice to meet you too." We start walking towards his car. I stay a few feet behind them so they can catch up a little. They seem really close and that makes me happy. I smile when Chris looks back at me. He stops walking and grabs my hand, pulling me next to him.

"Don't walk behind me." He whispers. I simply roll my eyes but end up smiling. We walk to his brothers car and thankfully, Chris sits in the back with me. I would've felt so awkward with him upfront.

"Wow I feel like a chauffeur. Where to Mr Evans?" I giggle as Chris slaps his brother on the back of his head.

"Shut up."

"So Stephanie, Chris told me you design clothes?" I smile, grateful Scott is starting the conversation.

"I do. I own The St James Company. I have a new line of suits coming out in February and some new dresses coming out probably next October or November." I tell him.

"That's pretty cool. Forgive me, I don't know many brand names."

"It's ok." I smile.

"How's Zach?" Chris asks. I remember him telling me how he accidentally outed his brother. I nearly slapped him for it.

"Great! He's still at work but he'll be by the house later today."

"How long have y'all been together?" I ask him.

"About 6 months. And you really are southern. I can hear the accent." I laugh.

"See I don't think I have an accent. You two do though." I admit.

"She thinks I say Boston weird."

"You do!" I exclaim and they both laugh.

"She's also an amazing cook. It's very spicy though." I roll my eyes.

"It is not spicy you big baby. Damn Yankee." He tickles me, making me shriek.

"Stop it you dick!" I slap his shoulder.

"You two are cute." I smile as Chris kisses the side of my head. Soon we're pulling into a drive and now I'm pretty sure my stomach is on the ground.

"She already loves you, Steph." Scott says as we get out of his car.

"It's still terrifying."

"Zach was the same way. Just be yourself." I smile and nod to thank him. Chris grabs our suitcases, making Scott carry mine in. I try to grab it but he refuses, running away like a little kid. So they're both like that, good to know.


Here we go.

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