Ch. 32

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We pull into some random restaurant, one I've never heard of. I'm kind of craving shrimp... I hope they have some. Ooh and cheesecake. That sounds so good right now. My phone starts blaring before I can get out of the car.

'Hey Chels.' I smile.

'I know I didn't call earlier, I figured you be on the plane. Have you landed yet?'

'Uhhh so I'm still in Boston... I'm staying until Wednesday and we're both flying back.' I admit.

'Seriously? Ok well that's fine I love you two together.' I laugh, shaking my head.

'Did you find out what you're having?' I ask.

'Oh right! So I'm 3 months pregnant and it's a girl!' I literally shriek.

'OMG SERIOUSLY!!! Oh I can't wait! Did you get me a picture?' I ask. Chris is giving me weird looks.

'Yes I did, let me text it to you!' A few seconds later, my phone dings. I check my messages and see the picture.

'Ohhh I can't wait to meet her. Have you told anyone else?' I ask.

'I was going to text the girls tomorrow. We're going to my moms tonight and are telling them.'

'That's great! Im so happy for you both. And I hate to cut this short but Chris and I are kind of on a date.'

'Oh I'm sorry! Have fun and wrap it up!' I laugh.

'Shut up. Bye, love you.'

'Love you!' I hang up and look at Chris.

"Good news?" He asks.

"Chelsea is having a girl." I can't contain my smile.

"Oh that's great!" I show him the ultrasound picture and his smile only grows. He really loves children.

"I can't wait to meet her." I sigh. He smiles and gets out of the car then comes around on my side and helps me out.

"Thank you." He leans down and kisses me then loops my arm through his. We walk into the restaurant and he tells the host his name. It's pretty in here and there isn't a lot of people but we still get a table towards the back. Chris pulls out my chair for me then sits across from me. I listen as he orders a beer and a cocktail for me. He really knows me.

"Have you ever been here?" I ask him as I look at the menu.

"Ha no, it just looked nice and my sister said they have good food." I shake my head. They have some shrimp meal that I'm thinking about getting. I lay the menu down and just stare at him. His grown a beard and honestly, I like it better than clean shaven Chris. It makes him look hotter, if that's even possible. He's gonna have to shave it once his break is over, which makes me sad. But then he can grow it after so that's a plus.

"Why are you staring?" He smirks, looking up at me.

"Just admiring the view." He chuckles and shakes his head. "I like you better with a beard." I admit.

"Yea? I usually grow one when I have breaks. It feels weird without one." He reaches out and grabs my hand right before our drinks come. The waiter takes our orders. He order some kind of pasta, I think. This feels like a first date but we're way more comfortable with each other.

"Um I wanted to ask about Christmas. I know it's a month off but I only have three weeks off before I have to start filming again." He says. I'm kind of shocked he wants to spend Christmas together but it also makes my heart flutter. He's thinking of our future and he wants me.

"Ok, well we usually do this party with Mackie and his family a few days before Christmas. We can do Christmas in Louisiana first then fly up here on the 24th?" I ask.

"Are you ok not being home during Christmas?"

"We'll do everything we usually do. I'm honestly just happy you're including me in your future." He gives me a confused look.

"Why wouldn't I?" I shrug, unsure what to say.

"You mean a lot to me so I'm going fo include you in my future for as long as you want to be in my life." He admits. He's really making it hard not to tell him I love him.

"And I want to be in your life for however long you'll have me." He smiles and kisses my hand. Our food comes a few minutes later. Perfect timing because I'm starving.

"You wanna try some? It's really good." He comments.

"Sure." He feeds me some and my eyes nearly roll back in my head.

"Oh yea that's good." I feed him some of mine.

"Ooh yours is good too." Why does this feel awkward? It's like neither of us really belong at a fancy place like this. Sure I like dressing up but it's hard for us to be ourselves.

"Does this feel weird?" I randomly ask.


"This. The place. I like dressing up, don't get me wrong, but we can't be ourselves." I admit. He sighs in relief.

"I was honestly thinking the same thing. You wanna get outta here?"

"Please." We finish eating and he pays, even though I fight him on it. He uses my look I give him against me so I back off. As we walk outside, I actually notice we're by the water. Also, it's really cold. He grabs my hand and tugs me to the water. I kick my heels off as we walk through the sand. Gosh it's really cold out here. I think he notices me shivering and slips his jacket around me then pulls me in front of him and wraps his arms around me as we stare out to the water. Now I'm content.

"This feels better." He admits.

"Mhm." I sigh.

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