Ch. 41

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We end up leaving after third quarter. Well Daisy, Chris, and I. Kaleb and Jane stay so they can bring the twins home. Daisy's been quiet since we left. I'm honestly worried about her. She hasn't mentioned Josh since she left so I have no idea if he's bothering her. If he is, he's a dead man. I may be small but I was raised with 4 older brothers who like to fight. I can handle a scrawny 20 year old.

We pull into the drive and I kiss Chris before he gets out. Daisy jumps in the front and I back out of the drive.

"Alright, you've been quiet since we left. Talk."

"It's Josh... he's still messing with me. I blocked his number but we still have classes together. He sits by me and even if I move, he'll just follow me. He won't leave me alone. No one will talk to me. I just feel alone, Steph. I hate my life so much." She sobs. When I pull into the daiquiri shop, I park so I can face her.

"Hey, you are not alone. I know life sucks right now but you are almost done with LSU and then you will never see him again." I hug her as best as I can. If I see this punk tomorrow at the game, I'm kicking his ass.

"I'm just so exhausted." She sniffles.

"I know sweetie but you have a week off. Also, we don't have to go to the game tomorrow night." I say.

"I really don't want to. I'd rather spend time with y'all."

"Then we won't go. Now let's get a drink and go roast some marshmallows."

-Chris' POV-

When I walk inside, I immediately smell cooking. I guess Leah is baking. I walk in the kitchen after taking my jacket off.

"Hi Leah, Nick." I smile when I see them.

"Chris! Nice to see you again! Where's Steph?" Nick asks.

"She and Daisy went out for a drink. Daisy's still having a rough time in school." I tell him.

"Rough time? What's going on?" Leah asks, clearly worried.

"Uh some guy has been bothering her at school... I don't know the full story, I'm sorry." I don't think it's my place to tell them what he did to Daisy. If she wants them to know, she can tell them.

"Goodness... I knew she hated that school. Kaleb should've never forced her to go there." Leah sighs. I decide not to respond because I honestly don't know what to say. She and Nick continue talking while I listen, chiming in when needed. They're really nice. Leah reminds me of my mom. Nick is sarcastic and hilarious, just like Steph.

"Um could you help me start a fire for the girls? Steph just messaged me saying they're on the way back." I ask Nick.

"Sure. Do you need anything before I go, mon Cher?" He asks Leah.

"Nope, je t'aime." He kisses her cheek. Wait, I've heard that before... Steph said it. Nick says it back to her before we walk out of the kitchen.

"Um... could you tell me what you just said? Steph is still teaching me French." I chuckle, trying to play it off.

"Oh it means I love you. I know I'm just going outside but we say it every chance we get." I stop walking, shocked at what he just said. Has she loved me all this time? Why didn't she say anything? I mean, I feel the same way but knowing she's already admitted it and didn't even tell me... I don't know, it's weird.

"You ok?" Nick asks.

"Uh y-yea." I nod and grab some wood. Thankfully he doesn't push it and just helps me build a fire. Once we get it going, I hear the front door shut. Should I talk to her about it now? I'm not mad at her, I just wish she would've talked to me. No, I need to talk to her. Delaying it won't do anything. I walk inside and hear them going upstairs. Sighing, I follow and knock on the door before entering.

"Uh can I come in?" I ask.

"Yea!" I walk in right as she's putting on my sweatshirt.

"Where's Daisy?" The bathroom door opens.

"Right here." She slightly smiles.

"Uh why don't you go grab us some blankets and get the s'mores." Steph says. She can read me like a book so I know she knows I need to talk.

"Sure." Daisy shrugs and leaves. I face Steph, who looks worried.

"What's wrong? I can tell somethings bothering you." She walks closer to me.

"Why didnt you tell me?" I ask and get a confused look.

"Tell you what?"

"That you've loved me for a month."

-Steph's POV-

Shit... shit shit shit shit. How the hell did he find out?! This wasn't how I was supposed to tell him. I sigh and look away from him, now embarrassed. He cups my face, making me look at him.

"Hey, I'm not mad. I just wished you would've talked to me. I heard your parents say it in French, and since you said it, I asked Nick what it meant." He says.

"I'm sorry... I-I just thought it was too early and when I said it, it just kind of slipped out. I meant it, but it just surprised me so I clammed up. And I got scared you might not feel the same plus timing was never right. I'm sorry..." I sigh.

"Don't be. I know it's scary but you don't have to be scared with me. Tell me what you're feeling." He says.

"It's hard since I've never felt this before. I'm overly comfortable around you. I love being in your arms, honestly I love just being around you. You keep me calm, even though you drive me insane sometimes." I admit. He smiles and pulls me closer to him.

"I love you too." He admits.

"Seriously?" I'm genuinely shocked.

"Mhm... I don't think I've ever fallen for someone this quickly. You're just... different. A good different." I lean up and kiss him. Fuck I love him... so much.

"I love you." I say.

"Third time is in English... finally." Huh? Third time?

"I heard you say it after we had sex." I blush, honestly forgetting I said it.

"Shut up." I roll my eyes.

"I would say make me but if I kiss you again, I'm not going to stop and I don't want to keep you from Daisy." He admits. Shit, I forgot.

"Right... I'll be back up in a little while." I reluctantly pull away from him. As I go to walk out of the room, his voice stops me.

"Hey." I turn around to face him.

"I love you." I smile, my heart skipping a beat as I look at him.

"I love you."

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